Father John O'Connor Sounded Satanist Alarm
June 18, 2011

by Marie Henrie
from Oct 2010
(for henrymakow.com)
Born and raised in Chicago, Father O'Connor was a Military Chaplain during the Second World War. He became curious about Hitler and the "anti-Semitism" of the Nazi regime. Many soldiers asked him why, when they liberated Jews from the concentration camps, some of the Nazi guards were themselves Jewish and had even been former mayors of towns in Germany prior to the War.
Fr. O'Connor was ordered to be examined by a psychologist following a talk in which he named his Superior as a member
of the Gay Rights Movement. His Superior barred young men from joining the Dominicans
if they refused to accept sodomy and homosexuality as a viable life
style alternative. He had been informed of this by several young males who had sought ordination.
O'Connor sought the advice
of a Canon Lawyer, Fr Alfred Kunz. Fr. Kunz was brutally murdered in
a ritualistic fashion after assisting in the investigation of a satanic
pedophile cult connected to the priesthood.
In the summer of 1991, Rome informed O'Connor that he was dismissed
from the Dominicans. O'Connor packed his bags and left the River Forest
Priory forever. He lived with his widowed sister until his death of natural causes Dec.7 2006.
On Ash Wednesday, February 28, 1990, O'Connor wrote: "When I made my
vow of obedience 40 years ago, it was first and foremost to Jesus
Christ, His Mother and St. Dominic and in obedience to them only death
will silence my witnessing to the Truth."
O'Connor exemplifies the fate of the true Catholic today.
Fr. John O'Connor also appealed to the Vatican for assistance and justice. He sent dossiers to no less than ten Cardinals and received not one reply. He concluded that the work of Masonic Communism had been almost complete now in the infiltration of the Catholic Church and that these Cardinals were complicit in the project. Randy Engel devoted a chapter in her extremely well documented book, The Rite of Sodomy to the heroic and courageous preaching of Fr John O'Connor.
He quoted Rabbi M. L. Rodkinson, The Babylonian Talmud, vol. 10:
"The Talmud then is the written form of that which, in the
time of Jesus, was called,'The Traditions of the Elders" and to
which he makes frequent allusions."
Also, reference in same book to:
"In 1280 A. D. a further development of Talmudic thought, The 'Zohar'
or Book of Splendor, appeared. This was known as the Cabal, or
tradition. It was based on two things (1) generation, or fertility rites,
as the most sacred word in the new instructions, which of course also
became the "G" in Masonic symbols.
And (2) the precept that Israel
alone is to possess the future world (Vayscheih foilio 177b). The
Zohar derived from the Sefer Yetisirah, or 'Book of Creation'
which appeared in Babylon in the third century...(Mullins, 'Curse
of Canaan', p.43).
Fr. said that the religion of Masonic Communism was pagan naturalism or "Modernism"and that it will succeed in taking over all religions on earth for a One-World Religion of a One-World Order. Ultimately one man who is Biblically known as the 'Antichrist' will take seat of power as its god.
'The Antichrist' was a profound speech made in 1986. He heavily referenced Scripture, both the Old and New Testaments and the writings of the Early Church Fathers. Fr. O'Connor stated that," General Douglas MacArthur was ordered to withdraw by President Harry Truman because our government did not want us to wipe out Communism, in fact we did everything in our power to help it along." He stated also that MacArthur was, "Subsequently smeared in the Press because he got too close to exposing the men in our government who were Communists."
O'Connor cited many names such as Harry Hopkins assistant to FDR, stating he gave the Kremlin plans for the 'A' Bomb, the materials to build it and the building materials to construct the place to build it in. The latter being accomplished under the 'Lend-Lease Agreement' that was later hailed in the Press as what helped us win the war. Fr John stated "... the only real winner of WW2 was Communist Russia."
He added that the wholesale transfer
of technology from the USA to Moscow was done under the guise to,"
..make us safe and foster a World Government."
Searching for additional corroboration from WW2 military men I discovered this link which contains many excellent documents.
The content of one such document is described here briefly.
"Economic and psychological weapons
rather than the launching of a third world war comprise the current
Communist program for world conquest, General Albert C. Wedemeyer warned
in a consultation with the Committee on Un-American Activities".
Fr. John continued in this one homily
to cite the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx urging his listeners
to read a copy from their local library. He refers to the 'Planks
of Communism" listed therein, telling the listener he will see that
it was Marx who first came up with the idea of a Central Bank, a Federal
Income Tax and the substitution of paper money for gold and silver which
have intrinsic value. He adds that Franklin Roosevelt took gold from
us in 1932 and the paper note replaced silver under Richard Nixon in
The paper note being nothing more than an I. O. U. He
explainied that we are at the mercy of the Federal Reserve which is
of course not a government entity but, "a privately owned corporation
and the only corporation that does not have to publish the names of
it's principal shareholders. It is no more Federal
than Federal Express."
He affirmed that the most likely owners are the International Bankers and their families whose names he also gave. One of the names he mentioned was that of Armand Hammer whose connection to Al Gore I found startling, especially since he is so linked to the politics of climate control.
The methodology used by the Masonic Communists to implement the NWO included the destruction of morality, family and religion. O'Connor said that, 'Women's Equality' was also a 'Plank' of Marx's Communist Manifesto.
Fr John O'Connor suggested that by spreading the truth we can stave off the NWO but added that it will come about eventually via a Russian instigated attack on Israel and that the USA will counter. He surmises that both nations will be destroyed leaving Europe to rebuild and that at this time a global leader will appear on the scene and be hailed as the great peacemaker."This man will
come out of Europe and will be Jewish, very intelligent and the incarnation
of Lucifer himself. There will be one world religion and he will be
its god."
Fr. John told us that, historically speaking there were antichrists all ready in the world and names Bonaparte and Hitler as two. The final one though, will make them pale in comparison and his crimes against humanity will be incomparable because he will be in control of the world's wealth. Fr. referred to the Book of Daniel in Scripture wherein we are told that the antichrist will control all the riches of gold and silver on the earth. Fr. pointed out that this has been set in place by centralized banks and paper currency.
Fr. John O'Connor's videos may be viewed
here. He explains concisely how the Communist Manifesto has been
implemented in today's society and how the Catholic Church along with
other religions are systematically being destroyed for establishment
of a one world religion in a One World Government to be eventually ruled
by an antichrist.
Rest in Peace Fr. John. His videos contain
gems of information for Catholic and non catholic alike.
Michael said (February 21, 2010):
The homosexual and masonic problems indicated by Fr. O'Connor in what was once the Catholic Church is only a symptom of a much larger problem.
The Catholic Church cannot function for long without her Head, the Pope, who governs Christ's Kingdom on earth until His Second Coming. Antipopes have ruled Rome since 1958; and the longer such a situation continues, the worse it becomes; today it is irreparable, and the Church has to be rebuilt from the foundation - the successor to St. Peter; and this cannot begin until a new Pope is found. I think he will be elected through miraculous means, since there does not appear to be any other way.
The establishment which rules from Rome is not Catholic, but a new and false religion; in fact it is the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse (Chapter 6), whose rider is "Death", and "hell followed him", because a false religion usurping the place of the true one cannot give life and salvation.
How did this come about ? Pope Pius XII did not heed the requests of Our Lady of Fatima, which was to 'consecrate' Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; if this was done, Russia would have been converted; and the communist infiltrators (spoken of by Bella Dodd) which had gone so far as to penetrate the conclave as 'cardinals', would not have been able to interfere with the 1958 conclave.
There are some who say that Joseph Siri was actually elected Pope in 1958, but that his enemies in the conclave silenced him.