Insider Says We're Entering "the Age of Satan"
September 9, 2010

From Aloysius Foszdyke
The sheeple now have the truth and we know that they'll do nothing. In any event it is far too late. There is no escape.
Told you that the Mad Monk (Tony Abbott) wouldn't get in. That said, we had to do a lot of back room work. The arrangements may prove more stable than many believe, although I wouldn't hold my breath.
We got Julia in (as I said we would) despite the incontestable facts that the Mad Monk won both the primary vote and the most parliamentary seats. Not bad, but we didn't have the ease of the American voting system that got GWB in the first time.
I guess George was meant to win because he's a Xtian.[Christian] Economically the world is in for a very rough time, Australia included. Not long to go now. Fortunately Bob Katter et al [Oz Finance Minister] will push for tariffs, which is just what the doctor ordered and the sheeple want. The same will happen throughout the world. Mark my words, there'll be 'tariff reform' in America before the end of this year. And we will give the sheeple what they want: good and hard.
The Kenyan (Obama) and his Mossad bank Chairman (Bernanke) are following orders and debasing the American currency. We've got gold and silver so as soon as US Treasury bonds collapse we'll be buying what we can't take. In either case it'll be a steal. Shouldn't be too long to wait. All the big investment firms engage in programmed computer trades. It'll be over in less than a second. Who cares? Is anyone going to stop us? I know that they can't, poor prayerful little dears.
As for Julia Gillard, Tim Mathieson's [Gillard's beard] daughter Staci has contacts in entertainment and she's such an interesting woman in her own right, if you know what I mean (nice tattoos and piercings).
Malcolm 'Turncoat' Turnbull (former Goldman Sachs partner and opposition leader prior to the Mad Monk) has sold out on the republican cause. I'd like to hint at how we organized that but I'm afraid I can't. Suffice to say that it didn't involve money. I think you'll all be seeing a lot more of Turncoat. And Ken never got his website up. We even know where he lives.
Truth is that from the moment the sheeple are born we feed them lies: maggot-ridden philosophies as damaging as a paedophile Father Christmas or Father Somebody. 'I worship my God. I serve My Queen. I salute my flag. I play with myself'.
God created everything but He's always just a little short of cash. Ask Brian Houston, Jim Bakker or Jimmy Swaggart. (By the way, Brian's dad liked little boys whereas Brian likes girls. As Petor used to joke, 'Suffer the little children, my word they do'.)

Every night the same tawdry televised crap so thick and quick it makes you sick. Are you well informed or is your News Limited? Baby doll, cock-breath reporters fashionably tease out the pre-paid tears and scripted recriminations. There's a street chase, an intellectual prostitute and the very best of Funniest Home Bloopers.
High-gloss, full-colour teen magazines with cuts so low you can almost see pin-feathers. Adult mags devoted to vomit sex, farmyard gagging, peep-hole toilet friends and the new necrophilic sub-cultures. Will you take the money, the box or your life?
So don't blame the Alpha Lodge and our affiliates, because it's what the sheeple want. We just throw false pearls before real swine. Debasement is our business whether in currency, morality, schooling, politics, media or souls. We and ours have prepared the way.
We are entering the Age of Satan, the Age of Fire and We look forward to His reign and the pleasures which are to come! Generations of us have come and gone with this aim and our plans are coming to fruition. Indeed, we can almost be as open as we like because there's no turning back and every day we grow stronger. The sheeple need shepherds and we'll keep providing them.
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It is based on his sexual trysts with Barack Obama and describes all of Obama's shenanigans. Your purchase will support Larry who is fighting a nuisance lawsuit for defamation and needs our solidarity. Larry stood up courageously for us all and outed the impostor President.
How much easier his life had he remained silent. He is a genuine hero.
Larry writes:
Aloysius said (September 10, 2010):
Herewith a response to your readers. Why are they so nasty? I told them about the economic collapse that's coming and given some of the reasons why; I told them Julia would win the Australian federal election and against all odds, she did; I mentioned Alex Lebed and now I've told them that 'tariff reform' is coming to America before the end of this year. Why the viciousness? I can't give timetables with exact dates because the Alpha Lodge works in the real world and things happen and individuals falter but I've given as much as I'm allowed and able. We know that the sheeple won't do anything, except pray. The date without a year was a watershed for us. I even pointed out the glaringly obvious that the Pentagon (probably the most secure building on Earth with cameras and radars capturing 360 degrees) never released video or radar of that 'plane' coming in to hit it! Who ever mentioned that before me?
Then I'm accused of being a libertarian! Satanism gave up Libertarianism long before I was born. We give the sheeple what they want. The sheeple want security so we are constructing nationwide open air prisons. They want someone to tell them what to do and we're on hand to cater for their needs. They want Xtianity and we help make it user friendly. They want entertainment and we give them colour and movement. For half a century we've been designing inclusive education systems where no one fails any more. Hell! we even helped to give them small “Change†and “Yes We Canâ€.
“...the entire Federal Reserve are about to come crashing down on THEIR heads.†Not at all. The US Federal Reserve is about to come crashing down next year, but it'll be on your heads.
“...all we have to do is move our money AWAY from the big banks, and when the trouble eventually starts, we can use our own created paper money or vegetables to trade amongst ourselves...†Now why didn't we think of that? The sheeple aren't stupid at all! Dear Reader33, have you worked out how many tomatoes it'll take to have the pharmaceutical companies provide their medications or will you work out some home remedies in your kitchen? “They would LOVE to take our guns...†We took the Australian peoples' guns. It's not that hard, but Americans will not have their firearms taken. I've hinted at the reasons in an earlier post.
“Please, bring on the tariffs – let's start with 10% across the board on all goods and labor! If it's satan's will for refrigerators to be built at union wages in Indiana instead of by $70/week slaves in Mexico, then hail satan!â€
Dick, we hear you brother. Tariffs are coming to America (before the end of this year), to Europe and the rest of the world. We hear you. 'Tough economic times call for bold, tried and true economic initiatives...' We'll ensure that the people get what you want.
Ian, we know many gods exist, one of whom is yours. “They don't have a clue how to run anything...†Come, come have a look around. “..."insiders" come forward is actually a symptom.†There are reasons why I came forward and provided truth; truth derided as lies or misapprehended. The Alpha Lodge knows what its doing and that our plans are secure. Have no fear!