Communism & Nazism -- Two Wings of Same Satanic Cult
December 26, 2021

Hitler was a bulwark against Communism?
"While seemingly opposed to each other, [Communism and Nazism] represented the same group of billionaire Satanists determined to enslave humanity in a world government. While the evil twins duked it out, millions of patriotic opponents of world government would be killed in a false cause."
Updated from July 5, 2017
After Hitler took charge of the fledgling Nazi Party on July 21, 1921, he spent lavishly on propaganda and recruitment.
There was no shortage of funds during this critical stage. The Nazis obviously had wealthy friends. But who were they?
Wall Street and German industry didn't kick in until the late 1920s. The German Army was financing the Nazis but didn't account for the seemingly unlimited money at Hitler's fingertips.
In the book, "A Field of Red: The Communist International and the Coming of World War II" (1981, pp. 245-246) ) the authors, Anthony Cave Brown and Charles MacDonald report that in 1923, Hitler returned from Zurich "with a steamer trunk stuffed with Swiss Francs and American dollars." There were other mysterious sources of funds in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Latvia.

(Chancellor for two mos. in 1932-1933, Von Schleicher was Time's "Man of the Year" in 1932)
After World War II, US Army intelligence officers took an affidavit from industrialist Arnold Rechberg who maintained that General Kurt Von Schleicher told him in 1933 that Stalin had provided Hitler with "substantial funds."
Von Schleicher was head of the Black Reichswehr program. The Black Reichswehr program was dedicated to rebuilding the German army, contrary to the provisions of the Versailles Treaty.
According to Walter Schellenberg, Chief of SS Foreign Intelligence, Von Schleicher also advanced Hitler 42 million Reichsmarks during this formative period on instructions from Stalin! (Memoirs, p.43) (This probably is why the Gestapo murdered Von Schleicher and his wife in the 1934 purge.)
Supposedly Stalin hoped Hitler would cause a civil war after which the Communists would take over Germany.
The truth is that Stalin and Hitler were both Illuminati. The Illuminati created Nazism as the dialectical opposite of Communism. In other words, the Illuminati created the "Jewish Marxist" world conspiracy and then created its antithesis, its supposed arch-enemy, the Nazi movement, which was destined to be annihilated.
While seemingly opposed to each other, they represented the same group of billionaire Satanists determined to enslave humanity in a world government. While the evil twins duked it out, millions of patriotic opponents of world government would be killed in a false cause.
When the USSR signed the Treaty of Rapallo with the Weimar Republic in April 1922, a massive German military build-up in Russia designed to evade the Versailles treaty began. It included training and factories for the production of munitions, poison gas, tanks, and aircraft. In return for Communist cooperation, the Germans provided know-how and investment. Two prizefighters were training in the same gym for a future championship match. Thus the Illuminati economized.

The final example of this secret alliance was the Ribbentrop-Molotov Treaty of 1939 which paved the way for the Nazi invasion of Poland. Stalin ignored irrefutable evidence of the Nazi plan to attack Russia in June 1941 and provided the Nazis with needed raw materials right up until the eve of the invasion.
Although both Germany and Russia invaded Poland, the Illuminati-controlled West declared war only on Germany!
Why? Because the plan was to embroil Germany in a two-front war with Stalin on the side of the West. The plan was for the dialectical devils to battle it out, and for Germany to be finished off as a nationalistic force. Both Hitler and Bormann were Illuminati agents assigned to lure Germany into a fatal trap.
In 1921, Russia and Germany were presented as two pariah states. The onerous conditions of the Versailles Treaty were designed to drive Germany into Russia's arms. But, this was only in preparation for Germany's revenge, WWII and the final knock-out blow.

We live in a mental and spiritual matrix created by the Illuminati bankers and their traitorous minions. They manipulate world events and our perceptions of them. They fund the historians and own the mass media. Google "Stalin funded Hitler" and you won't find one mention of this.
But occasionally the truth slips through the net, or used to. Today, information seems more tightly controlled than ever. But "A Field of Red" was published 30 years ago when we were still basking in the twilight rays of Christian Civilization.
The take-away is that if we have another world war, it will be planned and orchestrated by the Illuminati who always control both sides.
First Posted March 16, 2012
Related- Douglas Reed- Judaism's Destructive Mission
Prem said (October 2, 2020):
Namaste greetings from India.I am from Germany living in India continuously for the last 42 years.I am a regular reader of your website. I agree on your articles 90 % ,but on Hitler you are completely wrong.I believe that you would present Hitler in a different way if the Canadian govt,would not imprison anybody who question the holohoax. There is overwhelming evidence that Hitler is the most lied man in History,and that the narratives about the first and second world war and the holocoust are totally distorted. I belief that you know this ,but you can't present the real truth about Hitler if you do, you will be in trouble.
Popular “opposition†commentators . . they all fail the Hitler test. They all fall for the Jewish propaganda that “Hitlerian†is the worst adjective you can apply to any person, any program, any social movement.In either case, they pretend not to know that Adolf Hitler has been vilified in perpetuity by Jewish media to cover up some very important facts that are critical to your continued survival. These facts have been concealed for more than a half century.
Objective facts prove that Holocaust hysteria is a cynical hoax, meant to create new ways of scamming the public ($13.5 billion in Holocaust reparations, at last count; plus laws in almost all European countries mandating jail for anybody who wishes to even discuss the matter).The two main facts that have been covered up are these.
Germany was destroyed in the 1940s because it was the most serious threat to Jewish worldwide financial hegemony the world has ever seen. While the rest of the world was mired in a Jewish-imposed worldwide depression — and people were starving in the streets everywhere, including the United States — Germany under Adolf Hitler was thriving, because it had freed itself from the shackles of the international bankers and their devastating criminal formula of fractional reserve lending, which is the exact thing that is strangling societies all over the world today.
Thanks Prem
I'm sorry but my parents were there for the holocaust. They were not delusional.
Also, do you think Hitler could have achieved power without zionist complicity?