David Icke Forgot Who He Is
February 29, 2012

David Icke is so busy reminding us
who we are, ("Love, God is Love") he has forgotten who
he is. That makes him a hypocrite.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
David Icke's readers can tell the difference between right and wrong, but apparently David can't.
He has kicked me off his site for exposing the fraud and psychopath Jeff Rense. What does this say about David Icke?
First, read what David Icke's reader, Amy wrote Wednesday about the Rense controversy.
"Hi Henry, I am a big fan of your work-I have been following your site for a few months now. I found it from the Icke site, not Rense (I always thought he looked shady, and his site has too many ads jumping around on it.)
If a person with any intelligence would read through the various articles from each side (your site's vs Rense's) they would figure out that Rense makes no sense! Keep up the good work!"
Here is my email exchange with Icke:
Makow to Icke: 11:o5 am Wednesday
Rense kicked me off his site for posting an article you linked to, and now you're cutting me off for exposing Rense as a fraud? Just look at the evidence.
People have a right to know who David Icke is.
11.56 am
11.58 am
Makow - You turned on me first. We'll let our readers decide.
1.07 pm
Icke - You turned on yourself you deeply sad man, Henry
David Icke has always been very supportive of my work. I did nothing to alienate him except expose his buddy Jeff Rense. If I ignore the ET's and the reptilians, I admire Icke's work and like his website. I still do.
I do not intend to impugn his character. He seems to have ex-wife trouble. He identifies with Jeffry in that respect.
It's sad that David Icke thinks Jeffry's years of service at about $450K per annum excuses him for being a fraud and a psychopath.
David says I would not have exposed Jeffry had he not stopped linking to my site!
Well honey, that's how I first realized there was something very wrong with Jeffry's personality. He cut off my website because of one article I posted on it! I could have kissed his ring and made up. But it was more important to expose this fraud than get his hits.

To comment on Icke's email today:
1. Where's Icke's concern for the "big picture?" I have written ground breaking articles for his site for many years and suddenly now I have herpes?
2. Since when is Rense a "researcher"? What has he written? His role is to bring cohesion and credibility to the movement. As such, he is a massive failure and a liability.
3. What is "New Age" David Icke's problem with Christianity? Hasn't he noticed that Freemasonry hates Christianity too? Didn't Jesus also teach that God is Love?
4. God is more than "Love" David. He is the difference between Good and Evil, and Right and Wrong. Isn't it wrong to ask poor readers for donations when Jeffry earns big money? Over the years he probably netted more than $100K in donations. (He admits to $10K a year.)

Isn't it farcical that Jeffry has been married seven plus* times yet pretends to be traditional? Isn't it disturbing that many ex-wives and girlfriends say he is a congenital liar? (I see, apparently Icke was a polygamist.)
Then Icke wouldn't care if Rense divorced and evicted his seventh wife* after seven weeks of marriage and left her destitute? (She quit her job to marry him.)
Doesn't David care that Jeffry had $8K for a sprinkler system but wouldn't take her to the MD? Boasts he is "loyal and kind." That he displayed every symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder in his response to his being exposed?
David: Why can your readers see the difference between right and wrong, and you can't? Have you forgotten who you are?
Finally, I hate this infighting more than my readers. But Jeff Rense has become a litmus test for the "truth" movement.
I regret that David Icke has failed the test.
Related - I had no idea Icke was such a colorful character.
Remind David Icke who he is : bookres@aol.com
** Rense was legally married seven times, and had one legally binding common law marriage and at least one fiancee, all of whom confirm the same story.

Marcos said (April 4, 2012):
See how he goes to psychics to receive guidance. He also said that he was visited by spirits since he was a child. His "workshops" are heavily occultist, something he doesn't really show in his articles.
This means that he is dominated by spirits and basically is a puppet for Satan. Satan knows many people are finding out about the new world order and he has a plan to neutralize these people. From the frying pan into the fire.
I am sure their goal is to promote a situation where the malignant Illuminati will be dethroned by friendly spirits, white brotherhood, galactic federation aliens or the dragon society (sigh). Just join us ! Embrace your spirit guide. Follow the man of peace, get his mark. The Illuminati are gone. A new bright future awaits for us.