David Icke - Messiah or Mason?
May 1, 2012

New Age = New World Order.
David Icke = New Age
by John Kimber
Perhaps the only "truth teller/freedom fighter" with greater worldwide fame than Alex Jones and Ron Paul, is David Icke.
Evidence that Jones and Paul are Masons, is discussed in this article, but can we "connect the dots" for Mr Icke?
Icke's first two books were based on Theosophy/satanism. Discussion of this, and the documentary "David Icke Debunked", is banned in Icke's "truth" forum.
His later book covers are full of masonic/satanic icons. All-Seeing Eyes abound, as does the sun, plus many more cryptic images.

On the same cover, Icke is shown receiving energy from, and being illuminated by, the sun, with the energy flowing out through his hands.
Masons believe that an Initiate receives knowledge/illumination from the sun god Lucifer, until finally, "the seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands".
Look more closely, and you will notice three stylized/hidden sixes, and two balls with a cane, on Icke's left. The former produces 666, and Masons use the latter as a cryptic reference to Tubal Cain/Vulcan, another blood-thirsty sun god.
Also on this cover, Icke seems to make the Masonic m sign with his right hand. This hand sign requires conscious effort to produce. It is clearer on Icke's DVD covers:-
In the title Icke emphasizes that he is "Free". Free from the constraints of morality, like Luciferians in general?
Both of Icke's "Robot books", have a man in a pose which resembles an inverted C.N.D. symbol, on the cover. This may be yet another reference to Lucifer:-
Returning to Osiris as Lucifer, this key Egyptian/masonic deity is known as the Green Man in English. Icke appears as a green man at the top of his website.
Look closely the largest green man on top of the globe, which itself is turning green. He has lump on top of his head, like a miniature crown of Osiris.
Icke is one of many "Truth Non-Movement" leaders, who appear to be closet Freemasons.
What is the function of such characters? To drip-feed information, and provide apparent leadership, until the global control grid can be completed, I believe.
How and when will western nations be coerced into accepting a Big Brother society?
Americans are still heavily armed, so a massive false flag attack would be "useful" to reduce resistance. This may be the plan:-
Related -The Satanic Salutes of Ron Paul and Alex Jones
Simon said (May 3, 2012):
I'm glad you've fallen out with David Icke—He's bullshitter of the worst kind anyway. You're better off without him...