The Conspiracy Above Communism: Method Behind the Madness
November 1, 2020

|from September 18, 1995 |
by William F. Jasper
by William F. Jasper
"It has been sad," writes Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn in the foreword to his new book, "The Perestroika Deception," to observe the jubilation of American and West European conservatives who have been cheering 'perestroika' without realizing that it is intended to bring about their own political and physical demise. Liberal support for 'perestroika' is understandable, but conservative support came as a surprise to me."
For one who studied and worked within the inner sanctum of Soviet intelligence and who risked his life to warn the West about the Kremlin's program of strategic deception, it must be sad indeed, and maddening, to witness the rush to destruction. "I was appalled," he says, "that 'perestroika' was embraced and supported by the United States without any serious debate on the subject."
In his groundbreaking 1984 book, New Lies for Old, Golitsyn laid out, in meticulous detail and with devastating clarity, the diabolical nature of the coming perestroika offensive -- which he had learned about in his capacity as an elite KGB officer 25 years earlier! The strategy called for ongoing deception operations of a fantastic scope which would so gull and disarm the West that it would eventually "converge" with the "reformed" Communist regimes in a world government.
"In 1984 I thought that, in the event of Western resistance to Soviet strategy, the scenario of convergence between the two systems might take the next half-century to unroll," he says in his new work. "Now, however, because the West has committed itself to the support of 'perestroika' and because of the impact of the misguided and euphoric support for it in the Western media, convergence might take less than a decade. The sword of Damocles is hanging over the Western democracies, yet they are oblivious to it."
"I believe in truth and the power of ideas to convey the truth," says Golitsyn, and he expresses the hope that his book will help the people of the West to see the dangers before them "and to recover from their blindness." If it is within the power of a book to do that, then there is certainly none better than his for that daunting task.
"It has been sad," writes Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn in the foreword to his new book, "The Perestroika Deception," to observe the jubilation of American and West European conservatives who have been cheering 'perestroika' without realizing that it is intended to bring about their own political and physical demise. Liberal support for 'perestroika' is understandable, but conservative support came as a surprise to me."
For one who studied and worked within the inner sanctum of Soviet intelligence and who risked his life to warn the West about the Kremlin's program of strategic deception, it must be sad indeed, and maddening, to witness the rush to destruction. "I was appalled," he says, "that 'perestroika' was embraced and supported by the United States without any serious debate on the subject."
In his groundbreaking 1984 book, New Lies for Old, Golitsyn laid out, in meticulous detail and with devastating clarity, the diabolical nature of the coming perestroika offensive -- which he had learned about in his capacity as an elite KGB officer 25 years earlier! The strategy called for ongoing deception operations of a fantastic scope which would so gull and disarm the West that it would eventually "converge" with the "reformed" Communist regimes in a world government.
"In 1984 I thought that, in the event of Western resistance to Soviet strategy, the scenario of convergence between the two systems might take the next half-century to unroll," he says in his new work. "Now, however, because the West has committed itself to the support of 'perestroika' and because of the impact of the misguided and euphoric support for it in the Western media, convergence might take less than a decade. The sword of Damocles is hanging over the Western democracies, yet they are oblivious to it."
"I believe in truth and the power of ideas to convey the truth," says Golitsyn, and he expresses the hope that his book will help the people of the West to see the dangers before them "and to recover from their blindness." If it is within the power of a book to do that, then there is certainly none better than his for that daunting task.
No one better apprehends or more clearly explains the dialectic, the planning framework, and the operational methods of the Communist deception strategy than Golitsyn. We emphasize Communist because there apparently is a vital dimension of the deception strategy which has eluded his otherwise excellent grasp of this entire subject.
An example of this gap in understanding we are referring to can be found in Golitsyn's secret memorandum to the CIA of January 4, 1988, which comprises one of the chapters in The Perestroika Deception. After brilliantly exposing the treachery and disinformation involved in Gorbachev's visit to the United States, Golitsyn suggested eight actions the CIA should take to counteract the perestroika offensive. Number eight reads: "Invite the National Security Council to consider having this assessment published in Foreign Affairs through its editor, Mr. William Hyland, under the anonymous cover of 'a KGB defector' along the same lines as the article by Ambassador Kennan which was published in 1947 and attributed to 'X.'" It is a suggestion he made again the following year in his lengthy analysis memorandum of March 1989.
To those familiar with Foreign Affairs, it is not surprising that the defector's innocent request went unrequited. As the flagship journal of the world-government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), it has been the leading promoter of perestroika, glasnost, and convergence in the West for decades. Time magazine has called Foreign Affairs "the most influential periodical in print." Unfortunately, that is an apt description. As the mouthpiece of the powerful CFR, it not only speaks to and for America's "ruling establishment," but, to an incredibly shameful degree, frames the issues and dictates the bounds of acceptable debate on economic and foreign policy matters in this supposedly free republic.
Five of the six members of the Reagan Administration's National Security Council to which Golitsyn referred were (or had been) CFR members -- George Bush, Alexander Haig, Caspar Weinberger, David Jones, and William Casey -- as was Foreign Affairs editor William Hyland, a former aide to Henry Kissinger (CFR), another leading perestroika apostle. So was George F. Kennan, author of the celebrated "X" article which launched Truman's phony "containment" policy. As were some 200 additional key members of the Reagan Administration, including virtually all of his top State Department officials.
Invisible Government
Indeed, CFR members have so dominated every Administration -- whether Democrat or Republican -- from FDR up to the present that the CFR has often justly been called our "invisible government." The CFR has played a central role in some of the most disastrous decisions and policies that have aided totalitarian Communism and threatened the Free World's security. A short list of some of the most significant of those policies and decisions would include:
• President Roosevelt's diplomatic recognition of the Soviet Union in 1933.
• Launching of the U.S. Export-Import Bank in 1934 to help facilitate trade with the USSR.
• U.S. Lend-Lease aid to save the USSR from the Nazis and make her a world power.
• "Losing" China to the Communists by our support for Mao and our undermining of Chiang Kai-shek.
• President Eisenhower's "bridge-building" aid to the Soviets in the 1950s.
• President Johnson's "peaceful coexistence" in the '60s.
• President Nixon's "detente" and Jimmy Carter's "human rights" in the 1970s.
• The Reagan-Bush concepts of "linkage" and "engagement" in the 1980s.
Decade after decade, as Communist regimes were racking up a body count of over 100 million and enslaving billions more, the CFR policy makers devised one excuse after another to justify the suicidal and unconscionable transfers of credit, technology, and other assistance which allowed these bankrupt regimes to continue their tyrannical oppression. And Foreign Affairs has been the leading organ that has "sold" these treacheries to Congress and the American public.
A recent case in point was an article by Paul D. Wolfowitz (CFR), former ambassador and Defense Undersecretary, and now dean of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, in the January/February 1994 Foreign Affairs entitled "Clinton's First Year." "President Clinton was right, of course, to back President Yeltsin strongly in last fall's crisis," wrote Wolfowitz. "There was no alternative to Yeltsin at the time that offered any hope for the success of democracy in Russia. The United States has a huge stake in that success and in the continuation of Russia's generally moderate foreign policy." Moreover, said Wolfowitz, "The end of the Cold War has made cooperative action through the United Nations newly feasible in many cases by eliminating the threat of a Soviet veto...."
The message is clear: Keep the aid spigot flowing to our comrades in Moscow and step up the program to "empower" the UN and further entangle U.S. forces in its global "peacekeeping" operations.
......A Convinced Communist
Consider, for example, Gorbachev's "Churchill" speech of May 6, 1992 in Fulton, Missouri, wherein he called for "global government" under the United Nations; it reads as if it were lifted from the pages of Foreign Affairs (which it probably was). Consider also the following statements of Mikhail Gorbachev, former General Secretary of the Communist Party and "President" of the Soviet Union, taken from his speeches and his book, Perestroika. These certainly are well known to the "best and the brightest," the CFR "wise men"; yet they have either hidden them or have explained them away because they do not comport with the false images of Gorbachev, Russia, and "perestroika" now being foisted on the American public:
• "In October 1917, we parted with the Old World, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road."
• "We will proceed toward better socialism rather than away from it."
• "I am now [June 1990], just as I've always been, a convinced communist. It's useless to deny the enormous and unique contribution of Marx, Engels and Lenin to the history of social thought and to modern civilization as a whole."
• "The concept, the main idea, lies in the fact that we want to give a new lease on life to socialism through perestroika and to reveal the potential of the socialist system...."
• "I am a communist, a convinced communist. For some that may be a fantasy. But for me it is my main goal."
• "Today we have perestroika, the salvation of socialism, giving it a second breath, revealing everything good which is in this system."
• "We are carrying forth a Marxism-Leninism freed from layers of dogmatism, staleness and short-sighted considerations."
Gorbachev's own words and deeds abundantly confirm to any sentient being exactly what Anatoliy Golitsyn has said: Gorbachev is no "liberal," no reformer. He is a dedicated Marxist-Leninist carrying out the Communist long-range strategy of convergence. In his recent essay, "New Priorities for the World," he declares "it is increasingly clear that the ideological foundations of the Western world are becoming outdated." Note that it is the ideological foundations of the Western world -- not the Marxist world -- which are "becoming outdated."
"Global Brain Trust"
Odd, it might seem then, that this unreconstructed Communist with oily charm would be anointed by the CFR Establishment to lead a "global brain trust" in a spectacular star-studded summit with eminent capitalists to shape the "common future" of the planet. But only odd to those unfamiliar with the convergence game plan.
"The State of the World Forum," says the propaganda release for the Gorbachev Foundation extravaganza set for September 27 - October 1, 1995 in San Francisco, "is the launching of a multi-year initiative -- a citizen's global brain trust." This gathering of the august will launch "a multi-year process, culminating in the year 2000, to articulate the fundamental priorities, values and actions necessary to constructively shape our common future." This humble and unprepossessing convocation, entitled "Toward a New Civilization: Launching a Global Initiative," will utilize the "consensus-building process" to address the "major themes of today's complex and interdependent world."
Stripped of its Aesopian dialectic, the conference is a thinly veiled call for convergence and world government. But don't take our word on that; take the word of Jim Garrison, the Gorbachev Foundation's executive director. In a lengthy and highly illuminating cover article ("One World Under Gorby") in the May 31st - June 6th issue of SF Weekly, a liberal-left San Francisco newspaper, Garrison spills the beans. "Over the next 20 to 30 years, we are going to end up with world government," he says. "It's inevitable." He expands: "What's happening right now as you break down the Cold War, what is emerging now is ethnic identities. You are going to see more Yugoslavias, more Somalias, more Rwandas, more [Timothy] McVeighs and more nerve-gas attacks. But in and through this turbulence is the recognition that we have to empower the United Nations and that we have to govern and regulate human interaction...." (Emphasis added.)
Of course, the invitees to this "five days of round tables and global mind-meld" are the types who wield sufficient power and influence to cause or exaggerate the "turbulence" necessary to justify "world government" through an "empowered" United Nations.
Co-chairing this forum with Gorbachev are: Askar Akayev, president of Kyrgyzstan and "former" Communist Party leader; Oscar Arias, president of Costa Rica; Tansu Ciller, prime minister of Turkey; former U.S. Secretaries of State James A. Baker and George Shultz; Maurice Strong, billionaire industrialist and chairman of the Earth Council; media mega-magnate Ted Turner; and Desmond Tutu, every terrorist's favorite archbishop.
Among the 350 luminaries from 48 countries expected to grace this rarefied firmament are: George Bush and Margaret Thatcher; Worldwatch president Lester Brown; New Age gurus Fritjof Capra, Willis Harman, Deepak Chopra, Robert Muller, and Matthew Fox; ANC terrorist Thabo Mbeki; Microsoft wizard Bill Gates; media mogul Rupert Murdoch; futurists Alvin Toffler and John Naisbitt; Archer Daniels Midland CEO Dwayne Andreas; Esalen founder Michael Murphy; motivation superstar Tony Robbins; Al Gore, Ralph Nader, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carl Sagan, John Denver, Vaclav Havel, Theodore Hesburgh, Timothy Wirth, Max Kampelman, and Alan Cranston.
Heady atmosphere; one could get dizzy. But why waste time with riffraff, right? "I have always enjoyed people who are influential leaders as opposed to people who are followers," Garrison candidly confided to SF Weekly, "I naturally gravitate towards higher parts of the pyramid rather than the lower parts." Naturally. Which is why the globalist, draft-dodging, radical anti-nuke activist Garrison is probably the perfect pick to direct the Gorbachev Foundation/USA. Directing the Moscow headquarters of the foundation is Georgiy Shakhnazarov, who played an important role in the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and is president of the Russian Association of Political Sciences.
So what does Gorby envision? A top priority, he says, is "the adoption by the United Nations and the national governments of a Code of International Environmental Law." "Creating non-governmental commissions of 'wise men' to consider the role of mass media" and "developing a global consciousness" are also important priorities. To this end, "World politics should embrace the task of spiritual renewal." How? Comrade Gorbachev would "set up a kind of United Nations Council of Elders, comprising the most highly respected scholars and public leaders." And like his "wise men" commissions, this "Council of Elders" would, no doubt, closely resemble the globalist ideological complexion represented at his San Francisco Summit.
Foundation Funding
And how does a poor, unemployed Soviet apparatchik like Gorbachev come up with the wherewithal to run a transcontinental foundation and throw a confabulation of such magnitude? The first step involved a visit to some other foundations. The New York Times reported on May 13, 1992: "Mikhail S. Gorbachev met yesterday in Manhattan with leaders of some of the nation's most richly endowed private foundations, enlisting their support in setting up his own American-style presidential library with a goal of $74 million in donations."
"'I found him to be exuberant and highly animated, just brimming with ideas,' said David Rockefeller, Jr., chairman of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, after the hour-long meeting which was held at the Waldorf Astoria. The foundations included those established by the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Mellon, Ford and Pew families...."
Which brings us to a very important part of the perestroika/convergence story first revealed nearly 45 years ago. In 1952, the U.S. House of Representatives established a formal committee to investigate the activities of several of the large tax-exempt foundations which had become notorious for providing funds to individuals and organizations identified with Communism and socialism. It may be recalled that Alger Hiss, the notorious Soviet spy, had been given a plush job as president of the powerful Carnegie Endowment in 1948. He had been chosen for that position by the Endowment's chairman John Foster Dulles, a founder of the CFR and protégé of the Marxist Colonel House. Like many others in the CFR cabal, Dulles cultivated an anti-Communist reputation with cheap rhetoric that completely belied his actions.
In 1953, the committee's top investigator, Norman Dodd, was invited to the New York City headquarters of the Ford Foundation by the foundation's president, H. Rowan Gaither.
At that meeting, Gaither brazenly told Norman Dodd that he and others in the philanthropic field who had worked for the State Department and other federal agencies had for years operated under a carefully thought-out plan emanating from the White House. As related by Dodd, here is how Gaither put it:
The substance of them [directives from the White House] is that we shall use our grant-making power so to alter our life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.
Dodd was understandably shocked and asked Gaither if he would repeat that statement under oath before the committee in Washington. To which Gaither replied, "This we would not think of doing." Within months the CFR "wise men" had exercised their considerable muscle within the Congress and the investigative committee was soon terminated. And the foundations have continued -- and have expanded, diversified, and accelerated -- their subversive activities to this day.
A Larger Conspiracy
In 1966 Robert Welch, the founder of the John Birch Society, published an essay entitled The Truth in Time. In it, he stated that "a Communist movement is only a tool of the total conspiracy." And he pointed to New York and Washington as the real seat of the conspiracy's power, applying a reliable rule: If you want to know who the boss is, see who signs the check. It was Western money, especially funds taken from American taxpayers, that was keeping Communism alive and enabling it to dominate scores of nations. And it was that larger conspiracy above Communism which had a death grip on our own government and on many of America's institutions (media, foundations, academia, etc.).
Others were beginning to see through the deception too. In his book, The Naked Capitalist, former FBI official and police chief W. Cleon Skousen recounted a conversation he had with Dr. Bella Dodd, who had been a high-level member of the U.S. Communist Party. "I think the Communist. conspiracy is merely a branch of a much bigger conspiracy!" she told him. Dr. Dodd explained that she first became aware of some mysterious super leadership right after World War II when the U.S. Communist Party had difficulty getting instructions from Moscow on several vital matters requiring immediate attention. The American Communist hierarchy was told that any time they had an emergency of this kind they should contact any one of three designated persons at the Waldorf Towers. According to Dr. Dodd, whenever the Party obtained instructions from any of these three men, Moscow always ratified them.
"What puzzled Dr. Dodd," Skousen records, "was that not one of these three contacts was a Russian. Nor were any of them Communists. In fact, all three were extremely wealthy American capitalists." "I would certainly like to find out who is really running things," said Dr. Dodd. Many others would like to know also. But the concept of super-rich capitalists and Communist dictators and revolutionaries -- supposed arch-enemies -- collaborating in schemes for global conquest seems to many people so totally incongruous as to defy belief. Yet the proof is overwhelming.
The Armand Hammer documents recently released from the Soviet archives, for example, confirm what this magazine [New American] had reported years ago: That the billionaire "capitalist" had been a Soviet agent for decades and had helped finance the Communist Party. But others even more wealthy and more powerful had preceded him. The late Professor Carroll Quigley, in a section of his monumental history, Tragedy and Hope, writes concerning "the links between Wall Street and the Left, especially the Communists." "Here the chief link," says Quigley, "was the Thomas W. Lamont family." Quigley calls Lamont, a partner of J.P. Morgan, "the most influential man in Wall Street," and notes that government files "show Tom Lamont, his wife Flora, and his son Corliss as sponsors and financial angels to almost a score of extreme Left organizations, including the Communist Party itself." Other examples abound.
One way to explain this apparent contradiction is to reduce the shared motivation of these seeming enemies to the simplest of terms: lust for power. We see this same motive force -- augmented with greed and political ambition -- at work in other conspiracies involving "arch-enemies." As, for example, in Colombia, Panama, Mexico -- or our own country, for that matter -- where the top law enforcement officials turn out to be co-conspirators with the Mafiosi and drug lords they are sworn to oppose. While not a completely adequate analogy, it provides a helpful frame through which to view the criminal and amoral actions of the Insider globalist elites and their Soviet collaborators.
Obviously these conspirators, like all criminals, strongly prefer that their dark deeds not be exposed to the light of public scrutiny.
Which is why Foreign Affairs will never publish Anatoliy Golitsyn's exposé; the perestroika deception is their confidence game as well as the Kremlin's. So too, it goes with the rest of the major media, which has been brought within the CFR orbit over the past few decades. In a rare example of candor, the Washington Post's Richard Harwood, in his column of October 30, 1994, entitled "Ruling Class Journalists," revealed the extent of the CFR lockup on the media. Harwood admitted that CFR members "are the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States," and that in the CFR's circles of power "journalists get cheek and jowl with the establishment."
"The president is a member," Harwood notes. "So is his secretary of state, the deputy secretary of state, all five of the undersecretaries...." And on and on he goes, through a litany of the CFR membership roster in the Clinton Administration. "What is distinctively modern about the council these days," Harwood continues, "is the considerable involvement of journalists and other media figures, who account for more than 10 percent of the membership." He mentions the CFR's new president, Leslie Gelb, who "for many years was a reporter and columnist for the New York Times," and "Strobe Talbott of Time magazine, who is now President Clinton's ambassador at large in the Slavic world."
The CFR stranglehold is astonishing: "The editorial page editor, deputy editorial page editor, executive editor, managing editor, foreign editor, national affairs editor, business and financial editor and various writers as well as Katharine Graham, the paper's principal owner, represent The Washington Post in the council's membership," observes Harwood. Ditto, he notes, for the other media giants: the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, NBC, CBS, ABC, et al. Most revealing was this admission: "They do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy for the United States; they help make it."
The CFR not only promulgates its globalist treachery through its journal, books and conferences, and its influence in the CFR-run media, but it conducts a veritable shuttle service between New York, Washington, Moscow, Beijing, and other Communist capitals to coordinate the convergence strategy.
Golitsyn noted one of these meetings in his The Perestroika Deception: "During his recent visit to Moscow, [Zbigniew] Brzezinski, the former National Security Adviser in the Carter Administration, met leading Soviet strategists, including Yakovlev, an expert on the manipulation of the Western media, and advised them on how to proceed with 'perestroika.' Furthermore, Brzezinski delivered a lecture on the same subject to the Soviet diplomats at the High Diplomatic Academy!"
But Brzezinski (CFR) is no mere "dupe." He fully understands the deception in which he is taking part. As do many of his globalist CFR collaborators. We are not confronted here with mere stupidity; we are faced with treason and conspiracy at the highest levels of our government and society.