Circumcision: Genital Mutilation of Males?
October 28, 2011

Clifford Shack sees a nefarious motive behind male circumcision, which has recently been protected BY LAW in California. He thinks men are being deprived of sexual satisfaction. I think that anything that diminishes the over-sized role played by the penis in a man's life is positive. In fact, the option of taking a libido inhibitor would be a blessing for youths, reversible after a young man has matured and established himself. (But that's another story.)
by Clifford Shack
Up until today, I thought that the religious circumcision that I was subjected to when I was 8 days old was but a quaint attempt at giving me a religious identity.
Cutting off my foreskin was somehow being ushered into an ancient covenant. Today, however, I realized that I had been mutilated.
Circumcision is a mind-control device. I had thought that the foreskin was just a piece of innocuous extra skin in the same category of an earlobe but even less important. Today I learned:
There is no biblical negative commandment as to the spilling of seed, if so Judaism would have lasted about two days. The authors of the Bible would have to be more subtle. It's obvious that they wanted the people to be "fruitful and multiply" as that is the Bible's first positive commandment.
They threatened the male populace with the story of Er and Onan the two sons of Judah. But to insure that masturbation and the natural pleasures of uncircumcised sex would be kept to an absolute minimum, they came up with the Covenant or the "Bris."
With the crowns of the penis exposed. sex would be over and done with in a matter of a few minutes. The pleasure of woman would also be kept to a minimum. With outrageous sex out of the way, the minds of men would be free to study the Law or learn war.
The women, never fully satisfied would be subdued and channel their energies into household matters. Circumcision is at the core of preparing a populace for a subdued existence within a structured society.
Circumcised men can only wonder as what sex is supposed to feel like. What pains me more is the thought that I foisted this evil on my own sons. I could only beg for their forgiveness and warn them against circumcising their sons but being good Jews, they'll probably ignore the crazy old man.
Joseph Campbell on Circumcision (vid)
Circumcision is Immoral and Should be Banned
Olivia said (October 30, 2011):
I have four boys all of them mutilated for life by circumcision. I did not see the first three done but saw the last one having it done, This baby jumped about a foot off the bed. There is no doubt in my mind this does have an effect long into the person's life. What that effect is it's anyone's guess. Something to think about, prison's are loaded with mostly men, more sexual violence is committed by men,and we have in America a problem with men beating their wives to pulps no matter what the class of the individual. This is a sick thing to do to a child.