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Results matching “Smolensk”


Smolensk Crash Site Was Staged (Part Two)

The wreckage  does not belong to the Polish President's Tupolev 154M 101. It is likely, that the expert who discovered this deception (Eugeniusz Wróbel M.Sc. Ph.D.), was murdered due to this fact.Part One Hereby epitwo I do not know where they died, but certainly not in Smolensk:11. Several television

Poles Dispute Smolensk Crash Story

 l. Polish President Lech Kaczyinski, his wife and some of the 96 senior government officials and crew assassinated April 10, 2010. Add to this list a dozen Polish investigators who have died under suspicious circumstances since the "accident." "Shortly after the crash of TU 154M, the bishop received a text

Ten Lies about the Smolensk Crash

 (Update! - the crucial video with translation) The plane managed to make an emergency landing in the mud. The strength of the bomb explosion tore it into pieces and killed some passengers. The ones who survived were murdered with firearms.Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of

Polish Crash Cover-Up Continues

(See this video of Putin visiting faux crash scene. That's not sorrow he's feeling. It's boredom.)"This coup d'etat leaves no doubt that, despite cosmetic differences, Vladimir Putin is an Illuminati agent. The operation could not have taken place without his collaboration."by Henry Makow Ph.D. The elimination of the Polish nationalist

How Russians Staged Polish "Regime Change" (UPDATED)

Info below is from a reader. His analysis seems plausible:This is in relationship to the gunshots fired as the pilots who flew the ghost plane might have survived the bellyflop type of landing; the wings and fuel were off the plane as well. I checked the cockpit contours with

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