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Results matching “Talmud”


Robert Sepehr -- How Judaism Became a Satanic Cult

Communism (which is Satanism) originated in the Sabbatean-Frankist movement.It is dedicated to robbing and exterminating non-Satanists. The Democratic Party isCommunist. It conquers by subversion.  The GOP pretend to take an opposing fascist position.They subvert by being conquered in war, e.g. Hitler. "Adam Weishaupt was the son of a Jewish Kabbalist

Masonic Jews are Their Own God ("Egregore")

         left, The Rothschild banking cartel is the sinister force behind modern dysfunction  Does the "egregore" explain the mysterious affinity shared by Illuminati (Satanist) Jews?  They are their own God or "Egregore."  They want us to worship them. This "egregore" is  Lucifer, and elite Jews have made

March 17 - Canada's Ambassador Calls Trump a "Thief"

Please send links and comment to hmakow@gmail.comBob Rae, left, says Donald Trump's goal in Canada is 'theft by force'"'Fighting back will (be) hard, but it is the fight of our lives,' 76-year-old Canadian ambassador to the United Nations writes on X Rae--"To emphasize, this is not about borders or

March 13 - Trump Belongs to Jewish Supremacist Cult

Trump signalled his membership in Chabad by visiting the grave of Chabad Rebbe Menachem Schneerson on Oct 7, 2024, to commemorate the Hamas false flag intended to kick off WW3. With Trump, Commerce Sec. Howard Lutnick and Ben Shapiro, both Chabad members.The Trumperor has no clothes! He is a crypto Jew,

March 7 - Zionism is a Conspiracy Against Jews

Oct 7 took place with Netanyahu's complicity to fulfill a longterm goal of ethnic cleansingZionism is a conspiracy against Jews, Israelis and humanity in general and Communism represent the Right and Left wing of Jewish Freemasonry. Zionism is false opposition tasked with challenging Communism in a contrived world war to

Feb 26 - Trump Suffers From Aspergers

(What's with the solid gold statue of Baal, I mean Trump?)Trump shares AI video of Gaza vision featuring golden statues, bearded belly dancers and Netanyahu on a sunbedThe footage, which the 78-year-old shared without comment, shows the war-ravaged territory transformed into a Middle Eastern paradise with exotic beaches, Dubai-style

Feb 23 - US Leaders Honor Genocidal Rabbi

(On Oct 7, 2024, Chabad-member Donald Trump commemorated the Hamas false flag attack by visiting the grave of the Chabad leader, Menachem Schneerson, who pressured Chabad member Netanyahu to start a world war to destroy Western i.e. Christian civilization. That's Commerce Sec. Horward Lutnick on the left.)"Why Eric Adams, Javier

In 2003, Wolfgang Eggert Predicted Chabad Would Start WW3

(Trump with his spiritual leader, Menachem Scheerson)Twenty-two years ago German historian Wolfgang Eggert warned us that the Rothschilds belong to a fanatical doomsday cult that is instigating a world war to cleanse the world of non-Satanists. Historian Predicted Cabalist Plot to Exterminate Goyim in 2003 is reproduced below.Lubavitcher tzaddik Menachem Schneerson (1902-1994) said Chabad Cabalists

On Dresden 80th Anniversary -- Was it Genocide of Goyim?

(left, Feb 13, 1945. looks like Gaza)THE DRESDEN HOLOCAUST, Feb. 13, 1945"The bottom line is that Dresden Holocaust was a Talmudic human-sacrifice fostered by Illuminati Jew Winston Churchill.This was merciless Talmudic Warfare (meaning Total War, Human Sacrifice, and Collective Punishment, all pursuant to the Talmud)."More than 250,000 goyim died.

Feb 11 - Trump is Playing the Same Role as Hitler

Don't get me wrong. I love everything Trump is doing domestically: expelling illegals, ending gender dystrophy in sports and the army, and stopping USAIDS etc.Don't forget, Hitler also did a lot to prepare Germany for World War Two. Trump is preparing the US for WW3 which, like WW2 is fought

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