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Results matching “freemasonry”


[See Also "Terminated! Freemasonry's Final

[See Also "Terminated! Freemasonry's Final Revelation"] Greetings once again Henry.. I have some pictures to share with you along with a funny story. First of all, why are these Miss America contestants all giving the skull & bones / masonic [horned goat] sign? Is / was this some sort of

Hello Henry, I agree wholeheartedly

Hello Henry, I agree wholeheartedly with your conclusion regarding the current struggle against Putin. It all started when Putin visited the Islamic conference in Malaysia last year, where a retiring Mahathir Muhammmad went public about his conclusions of "Jews" ruling the world. The better word would have been globalists, but

Dear Henry, I must congatulate

Dear Henry, I must congatulate you on another excellent short essay, How University Betrays Students. I read The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion quite some time ago and have witnessed the carrying out of this evil programme. The control of the university system and of the mass media

Countdown to World War Three

 by Henry Makow Ph.D. As fighting resumes in the holy city of Najaf, more may hinge on the outcome than we realize. In a provocative article, Joe Vialls reveals that Iran and Saddam's Iraq have a covert military alliance and began joint preparations for this war after the Gulf War ended

It would appear, from the

It would appear, from the unconditional acclaim that The Da Vinci Code is receiving in the mass media, that the Globalists are preparing for the acceptance of its agenda. While many are aware of the pernicious evolution of Globalization, corporate influence in the media, of Neo-cons in the Bush administration,

From "The Brotherhood and

From "The Brotherhood and the Manipulation of Society" by Ivan Fraser and Mark Beeston The basic recruitment of members to further the Elite's plans is through the secret society network of Freemasonry which is the latest incarnation of the Christian/military order known as the Knights Templars who gained staggering

"Fluoride" From "The Brotherhood

"Fluoride" From "The Brotherhood (Freemasonry) and the Manipulation of Society" The apathy of the public towards their manipulation has also been influenced very deliberately by the addition of chemicals to food and water supplies. For example, this happened when sodium fluoride was introduced into our water supply and the

Henry, Thanks so much for

Henry, Thanks so much for linking to my report. The hits have been streaming in. I know you receive a great deal of email, but hopefully you have the time to read this brief update on the direction I am headed. Perhaps you know that the Kabbalah is at the

Hi Henry. Well your question

Hi Henry. Well your question of three parts is interesting. In reference to the first part of your question where you ask are Jews a "means to an end for the Illuminati?", the answer is yes. In terms of planning total global economic and financial control it is consistently useful

(In answer to a reader

(In answer to a reader inquiry) Hi there Henry. The Orange Order was created on the 21st of September 1795 during the Battle of the Diamond near Loughgall in Northern Ireland. It took its name from William of Orange, the Dutch Prostestant king who fought the Roman Catholic James II

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