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Results matching “freemasonry”


An Appeal to the Illuminati

  By Henry Makow Ph.D. God is trying to realize Himself through mankind. This is the essence of all true religion. The Creator has infused human life with snowflake perfection. Man need only discern this design to discover indescribable beauty, peace and happiness. A loving bliss is at the heart

Preview of World War Three

  By Henry Makow Ph.D. In coming days and weeks, sock-puppets like George Bush will jawbone about stopping Iran's "nuclear enrichment program." If you understand the big picture you can tune all that out. If it weren't nuclear enrichment, he'd find some another excuse to menace Iran. Here's why:  The London-based Illuminati

The Root Problem: Jews or Illuminati?

  By Henry Makow Ph.D. Israel's demonic assault on innocent Lebanese civilians naturally has increased anti-Jewish feeling. There have been sporadic attacks on Jewish institutions and the usual voices again have denounced "the Jews." "There is coming a time soon in which we shall have to fight Jews because they

Bankers Bash Bush, Pump Global War

 By Henry Makow Ph.D. [Note:  I now believe I was mislead by Neo Con attacks on Bush, and believe he was/is on board with the attack-Iran plan. ]   Israel's demented assault on Lebanon might be explained in terms of the frustration of London-based Illuminati bankers with America's failure to attack Iran.

Why Do the Illuminati Hate Jews?

By Henry Makow, Ph.D. "Where the rubber meets the road, the Illuminati have an absolutely satanic hatred for Jews," a contact that did business with a prominent Illuminati family notified me. "Jew-hatred spiritually energizes them," he continued. "I read too much out there that falls for the lie that the

Lester Pearson, Illuminati Tool

WORLD GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY "Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason." No one likes to bring bad tidings or to disturb fellow citizens sleeping soundly. So, with a heavy heart, I report that Lester Pearson (Canadian Prime Minister 1963-1968) provided confidential

New Orleans: The Strategy for World Government

By Henry Makow Ph.D. Three of the worst catastrophes in American history have taken place during George W. Bush's watch. Is this a coincidence? They are Sept. 11, the Iraq War and the devastation of New Orleans. The purpose is to shock, degrade and demoralize Americans so they will accept

Winston Churchill, Illuminati

By Henry Makow, Ph.D. If the 1940-41 London Blitz is any indication, the recent terror bombings are contrived. The first air raid on London by the Nazis took place Sept. 7, 1940 and killed 306 people. After touring the ruins, Winston Churchill remarked, "They cheered me as if I'd

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