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Results matching “freemasonry”


Catholic Church Silences Exorcist Priest

"Humanity is being modeled after a satanic cult dedicated to the worship of Lucifer. The mass media and education system are dedicated to inducting us into this cult. That's why outspoken Christians who present a positive example, like Rev. Thomas Euteneuer, are silenced. They interfere with our programming."In this case,

Ivory Coast: Freemasons Key to Imperialist Control

p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } The "International Community" has imposed sanctions on the lawfully elected President of Ivory Coast, Laurent Gbagbo. This article shows that despite pretensions to "human rights, " Freemasonry is a key element in Western imperialism, and the New World Order.  by Gary K. Bush in,

Simon Magus -- The lluminati's Jesus?

Introducing the most important person in history you never heard of.By Jack Walton(for The full life of Simon Magus is mostly unknown, just as the events of the life of the historical Jesus.  He was most likely the same age as Jesus, and died shortly before Peter, his greatest

Cognitive Dissonance Defines Our Lives

by Henry Makow Ph.D.The dictionary tells us that cognitive dissonance is "a feeling of discomfort that comes from holding two contradictory ideas at the same time."For example, in the movie "Chicago," when a wife catches her husband in bed with two women, he insists that he is alone. "What do

University of Winnipeg Stung by Its Own Viper

by Henry Makow Ph.D. For decades the University of Winnipeg has been teaching students hatred and intolerance for those who hold traditional values. On Sunday this policy stung them.Vic Toews, the Federal Minister of Public Safety, was humiliated in front of the Convocation which included many MPs and his 93-year-old

Spinoza and the Liberal Tyranny

[Editor's Note: Stephen Volk , the author of "The American Poetry Holocaust" chronicles the influence of Jewish cabalism (Illuminism) on American literature. Here he suggests that liberalism owes a debt to Spinoza's Cabalistic pantheism. Spinoza identified God with nature. Therefore people no longer had a moral absolute and basis for

Edgar Steele's Feckless Racism

By Henry Makow Ph.D. (Given the current attempt to frame Edgar Steele, a reader asked for my take on him. Here it is, in an article originally entitled "Why Jewish bankers Love Anti-Semites," written exactly five years ago. I believe Steele is sincere but misguided. I hope he gets help

Why I Didn't Join the Masons

by Roger Barbour (for henry this seventh and the final Installment, Roger answers questions from Henry about his lifelong battle with Freemasons and makes suggestions for coping.   GIVEN HOW MUCH EASIER IT WOULD HAVE MADE YOUR LIFE, WHY DIDN'T YOU BECOME A MASON AND GO THROUGH THE

Freemasonry -- Racketeering Run Amok

(left, "brothers") "Porch Masons" or third degree Masons are those on the lowest end of the food chain. They are very prevalent in areas predisposed to poverty and low educational standards. They have entered this realm because ... gainful employment is impossible without being a member of a "Blue Lodge".

Insider Says We're Entering "the Age of Satan"

 From Aloysius Foszdyke  The sheeple now have the truth and we know that they'll do nothing. In any event it is far too late. There is no escape.Told you that the Mad Monk (Tony Abbott) wouldn't get in. That said, we had to do a lot of back room work.

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