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Results matching “freemasonry”


France Fights Masonic Jewish Hegemony

P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } (Left. FNP Supporters. France is one of the few Western countries to have a strong nationalist party.) David Masada is a patriotic young Frenchman. We asked him to report on the Front National Party, which recently made gains in local elections. He believes the FNP

The Red Cross Scam

The Red Cross is a disaster 'racket' in the business of making money from people's misery, especially with totally engineered disasters such as 9/11.So-called 'charities'  are nothing more than a means of extracting even more money from the masses to swell the already overflowing coffers of the mega-rich.   (Editor's Note:

The Myth of Hitler as Monetary Reformer

P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } (Left: The Emperor has no mustache......) The widespread notion that Hitler created debt-free credit is erroneous. The German taxpayer continued to pay interest on the substantial national debt and commercial banking largely financed the war at interest.  "Schacht's policies did absolutely nothing to limit massive

Obama - A Jewish President Fights Israel's Wars

(Baruch Obama's grandfather, Stanley "Dunham"-  Wikipedia waxes about his grandfather's "Irish" antecedents but my Jew-dar isn't buying it.) This week Americans will tell Obamathey are fed up with waging wars of aggressionon behalf of the Illuminati &  Organized Jewry.  This 2007 article is a timely reminder of the real nature

Traditional Catholic Laments Church in Ruins

"The whole organization is so poisoned by homosexuals, pedophiles,  Freemasons, Communists to name a few  that I personally cannot see any way back." John writes: I am a 50 year old Irishman living in the north of Ireland. I have been Catholic from birth. I had been away from the Catholic

Judaism is a "Political Project"

"The "peace" which Israel intends to confer is no more and no less than "genocide," the warrant for the execution of all humanity - except for those allowed to live as culture-less slaves." - Herve RyssenAccording to Rysssen, 46, a French National Front member and former history professor, Jewish "Messianism" is

Miley Cyrus: Pedophilia-The Next Frontier

(2008 Vanity Fair Pedo Pictorial- Miley Cyrus at 15) As society is inducted into a satanic cult, people become more demonic.Witness our leaders gassing Syrian civilians and, waxing indignant, use it as a pretext for wider war. Witness our schools grooming children for homosexual pedophiles. (Friday, Obuma ok'd "sex ed"

Universities are Instruments of Masonic Subversion (My Story)

(Dalhousie University in Halifax. Far from refuges for free speech and inquiry, Western universities are active participants in the enslavement of mankind.) The re-education system is a major bulwark of the Judeo Masonic New World Order. Stately stone buildings covered with vine disguise a sinister purpose. Hamad Subani is a

Lucifer & the Occult Power - Kabbalah

André Le Sage de La Franquerie de La Tourre (1901-1992) ( pen name, Marquis de La Franquerie) was a traditional Catholic who denounced Judeo Masonic infiltration and subversion of the Catholic church.  In this excerpt from his 1984 book, Lucifer & the Occult Power, he reiterates the view that

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