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Results matching “freemasonry”


Was Surveillance the Purpose of the Internet?

left, the all seeing eye David Livingstone implies that all-pervasivesurveillance was the intention, and not an accidental byproduct of the invention of the personal computer & Internet. (Editor's Note: David Livingstone is a friend, and a brilliant researcher with an encyclopedic mind. However, we have a longstanding disagreement over style.

Noah - Cabalist Jewish Blasphemy

Cabalist, Global Warming, NephilimPropaganda, With No Mention Of "God"Cabalist Jewish Hollywood brazenly continuesthe sin God punished with the Great Flood. Cabalist Judaism/ Freemasonry is a satanic cult which controls the world and uses Hollywood to spread its Satanism. by Another Voice Blogspot(Edited by"Noah" the movie is being released Friday.

Corruption in Ukraine Amazes American Contractor

(Left, cops routinely bribed ) Ranked 144 of 176 in a worldwide index, "Ukraine corruption" even has a Wikipedia entry. Brian Anderson describes reasons Ukraine is bankrupt and Ukrainians are in revolt. by Brian Anderson( of my Ukrainian colleagues asked me if I was informing my friends back home about the

Colonial Elite Rules China for the Illuminati

Left, David Rockefeller and Zhou Enlai and chamber pot in 1973.The Chinese people would revolt against overt foreign domination, but embrace the NWO because they think they are in control. "By studying the triumvirate Chinese elite and their intimate ties to the Illuminati, it is clear that modern China is

A Prescient 1909 Vision of the NWO (Encore)

"There is in existence a plan of world organization about which much has been said for several years past, in favour of which determined propaganda has been made among the masses, and toward which our present rulers are causing us to slide gradually and unconsciously.""The people will not cease to

Political Ponerology - A False Explanation for Evil

I'm posting this review even though I disagree with the premisethat our political leaders are psychopaths, and the way to save the worldis to diagnose and prevent psychopaths from holding power. Author Andrew Lobaczewski completely overlooks the obvious, that our "leaders" belong to a satanic cult, the Illuminati (Cabalist Judaism/ Freemasonry) and are dedicated

House of Cards: Politics in a Time Warp

(Kevin Spacey as Majority Whip Frank Underwood and Kate Mara as reporter Zoe Barnes) For an $100 million series, could Netflix hire writers capable of reflecting what actually goes on  in Washington? Of course not. "We have already contrived to possess the minds of the goy communities...[they are] looking through

An Invisible Cancer Gnaws at Society

left. Hiding in plain sight. Monument of police woman putting capstone on a pyramidin front of Toronto police HQ on College Ave. Bill's account of sexual abuse as a child is another sobering reminder of our satanic possession.Satanism is the secret religion of the modern world. Satanism hides behind the

René Guénon: Good Guy or Bad Guy?

(left, Rene Guenon, 1886-1951)  Rene Guenon provided us with one of the deepest  metaphysical analyses of the End Times ever produced.(See David Livingstone's and Marcos' rebuttal below. as well as my comment.) by Charles Upton( Henry suggested this title--and I wish it were that simple.René Guénon [1886-1951] started a movement to return the western

Gnosticism is Satan's Tool

Left.   Like the sportsmen wearing typical national outfits at the Olympics...religious leaders are all one, but with a regional flavor.  The Illuminati goal is to establish a gnostic world religion. One can stay a "Muslim", a "Christian", a "Buddhist" in external appearance, culturally, and still be a gnostic member of

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