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Results matching “freemasonry”


Are Jews a Nation, Race or Religion?

None of the above.Judaism is anoccult secret society. Jews and their Gentile acolytes areunwitting members of a satanic cult. from June 12, 2009By Henry Makow Ph.D. I had an "Eureka" moment when I read an interview with Shlomo Sand, the author of "The Invention of the Jewish People."  He shows that the Jews

Freemasonry - The Elephant in the Room

Clearly Nigel Farage is also a Freemason. In Masonic grip with Doug Carswell, the only UKIP MP at Westminster.JEWS SHOULD CONCERN AMERICANS MORE THAN RUSSIAN INFLUENCE, NIGEL FARAGE SAYSJews will be guilty fall-guys for Freemasons like Nigel FarageIn Denial:Humanity is never going to address its problems, let alone save its

Election Mirrors War between Masonic Factions

Anthony Weiner's computer contains written proof that Hillary Clinton is a direct agent of George Soros and the Zionist brand of the Illuminati, and she is most definitely a traitor."Walter Benjamin" is a Freemason who claims Trump's support comes from a patriotic faction in Freemasonryopposed to Zionist world domination.  He doesn't offer much proof of

Satanism Rules the West

Ugly is beautiful. "It's all good," according to Satanic DoctrineSociety doesn't realize that it is controlled by Freemasonry, a Jewish cult based on Cabalism. Fasten your seat belts folks, because they believe they can overrule nature and common senseand redefine reality. Here are more developments that strike me as occult in nature. by Henry Makow Ph.D. Western society has become a

Is Baseball Diamond Really a Masonic Square?

Are sports like  baseball part of an elaborate Masonic Jewish plot to distract the masses? Our correspondent, "Hamish" thinks so.We knew entertainment is controlled by theIlluminati; but we didn't realize that includes Hamish( city of Toronto--and cities all across Canada-- are buzzing about the post-season playoff run for the Toronto Blue

God Was the First Anti Semite

It's time to call anti Semitism by its real name , anti SatanismMost Jews and Non-Jews don't realize that the goal of Judaismand organized Jewry is to overturn God, i.e. the natural and spiritual order,and to exploit humanity as domestic animals.This is clear from their "revolutionary" role throughout modern historyand

I'm Raising My Son as a Boy

"Are contemporary parents doing something wrong if they teach their children to identify with the gender they are given at birth?"Until recently, this question would be considered absurd.But the Masonic Jewish central banking cartel and their lackeys are erasing the gender division fundamental to the natural order.At war with God, they want to turn Reality

"The Coming Jewish Reign" - Dostoyevski 1877

(Left, Fyodor Dostoyevski, 1821-1881, is considered one of Russia's greatest novelists.)In 1877, Fyodor Dostoyevski said the goal of Judaism was "to exterminate the rest [of mankind], or make slaves of them, or exploit them." This, of course, is the real reason for antisemitism. His prophecy is coming true. The West is

Why Things Always Go Wrong

(left, the Demon) Things always go wrong because society has been inductedinto a satanic cult. Things are meant to go wrong. And they aren'tmeant to get better. by Henry Makow Ph.D. I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, and sincerely hope I am incorrect. Things are not going to get better. When you have the

The Jewish Messiah is the Antichrist (i.e. Satan)

Increasingly, the behavior of Western leaders strikes us as criminally insane and dangerous.In foreign policy, we witness the belligerence against Russia and threat of world war, the destruction of Iraq and Libya, and the support of ISIS in Syria.  Domestically, we have the attack on heterosexuality (gender), racial and cultural cohesion (migrants)

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