Left, If you haven't seen this video, you ought to. It is Edward Snowden's original revelation ofNSA spying in May 2013. Now age 30, Snowden explains that spying today can be used in the future to send anyone to the Gulag. In the Talmudic NWO, everyone is guilty of something.Americans
Results matching “Talmud”
Historical background on "hate speech" laws Patriot Veteran Tony Blizzard wrote this article for "The Spotlight"twenty years ago. It is just as relevant today. Because "hatred is based on love," reasoned Aquinas, "it follows that hatred is a great power for good in man's life. Hatred enables man to avoid
(left, In the movie, Clarence Darrow, played by Spencer Tracy, interrogates William Jennings Bryan, played by Frederic March.) The movie "Inherit the Wind" (1960) based on the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925, helped makeAmericans adopt the doctrine of evolution. James Perloff shows how Hollywood distorted the facts to advance the
Australian activist Brendon O'Connell, 42, was arrestedand jailed in 2009 for making "anti-Semitic" statements. He was released last January. Brendon reveals exactly what he saidand how an apology would have spared him a four-year prison term. "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed
Cabalist, Global Warming, NephilimPropaganda, With No Mention Of "God"Cabalist Jewish Hollywood brazenly continuesthe sin God punished with the Great Flood. Cabalist Judaism/ Freemasonry is a satanic cult which controls the world and uses Hollywood to spread its Satanism. by Another Voice Blogspot(Edited by henrymakow.com)"Noah" the movie is being released Friday.
"It has all been depicted, in satanic detail (including the nuke color coding, as seen in the first rainbow), in the Denver International Airport murals."A reader, Christopher, says the Illuminati have planned a nuclear war. Naturally, I hope he is wrong. "It is extremely naïve to believe that Communist Russia
Pedophilia and Bestiality are seeping into popular culture. Could the Talmud be the source? Elizabeth Dilling (1894-1966) did more than anyone to expose thetrue nature of one of Judaism's holiest books. By Elizabeth Dilling (from The Jewish Religion:Its Influence Today, pp. 22-23) St. Paul, who had been a Pharisee, often
In his book Geneva Versus Peace (1937) the Comte de Saint Aulaire, French ambassador to London from 1920-24, recalled a dinner conversation with Kuhn Loeb Director Otto Kahn, left, which took place shortly after WWI. This shocking expose is fast disappearing down the memory hole. We have already posted segments dealing
(left, Leonardo di Caprio as Jordan Belfort)Throughout history, organized Jewry subverted Christian societies and undermined Christian values. The movie,The Wolf of Wall Street, continues this tradition by glorifying and normalizing deviant, degenerate behavior."The goyim are a flock of sheep and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get
At least 386 minors were removed from harm's way, said Inspector Joanna Beaven-Desjardins, left, commander of the Toronto police sex crimes unit.Police deserve credit for taking downan international pedophile-child porn ringwith links to Jewish organized crime. Is there something in Jewish culture or religion that results in disproportionate tendency to pedophilia?