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Results matching “Talmud”


Saluting Three Anti-NWO Pioneers

Tony Blizzard, 82, recalls three patriots,all born in the 1880's. The first is Myron Fagan, an anti-Communist Jewwho was the first to expose the Council on Foreign Relations. The second is Paquita de Shishmareff, a White Russian aristocratwho edited a popular edition of The Protocols of Zion under the pen name "L Fry." Supplying

"Rape Culture" Hysteria Criminalizes Heterosexuality

As the clenched fist shows, the rape culture claim is part of the Masonic Jewish (Satanic Communist) program to pathologize heterosexuality and make homosexuality the healthy norm. (Ultimately the family will become obsolete; the State will take over reproduction and socialization.)"Affirmative consent" legislation criminalizes heterosexual intercourse. (You can bet that gay rapes

Arthur Topham Responds to "Hate Crime" Conviction

(left, Topham with wife Shasta)"I will share the email I sent to Monika who also expressed dismay in the verdict. It may help explain the verdict in context.So many other sites are now picking up on the story as well.Crown could ask for  jail time but as you'll see in

Judaism: Black Magic, Sorcery, Pedophilia & Genocide

Left. The 'humane' transfer of ones sins to a chicken by swinging it overhead and then sacrificing it in a deal with Satan. Today, two items that confirm that Judaism is occult in nature.1. A description of the "Kapporot" chicken ritual which clearly is sorcery.2. A shocking transcript of a talk

Talmud Cited By Defence at Topham Hate Crime Trial

"All the while [my lawyer] was reading [excerpts from Talmud], the Crown Counsel sat there squirming and playing with her pen and the Justice and the witness were daunted by the whole episode. Earlier on, [hate crime cop] Wilson had been lauding the Talmud as one of the Jews

Eloquent New Voice Sounds Alarm

Irene Caesar, 52, is a brilliant Russian philosopher and artist who has no illusions about the Cabalist Jewish and Masonic agenda, and is not afraid to state it. "Wake up or Perish" is her message. She is interviewed by Bolivia-based truther Alex Gottwald , the editor of the German translation of Illuminati, who deserves thanks for

Jews Bask in Gentile Praise

Although a non-Jew, Stephen Pease presents a view of Jews they find very flattering. He also reflects their self deceptionabout the true satanic nature of the Talmud, "social change" and the Jewish enterprise in general.Jews love praise because anti Semitism has given them aninferiority complex. They are disliked for reasons they cannotfathom nor wish to consider.   by

Why are Christians So Naive about Judaism?

"Judeo Christian" is an Oxymoron Anyone with a genuine Christian faith would recognize that Judaism defined by Cabala and Talmud, is not only the antithesis of Christianity, but also its mortal enemy.Whence comes the imaginary camaraderie between Christianity and Judaism? And why are Christians so ignorant - or timid?by The Liberty Bell(abridged by

Prostitution - The Shameful Jewish Legacy

A 1982 book by a Jewish scholar documents the outsized role Jews historically played in prostitution. It confirms my view that Judaism,defined by Cabala and Talmud, is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion and explains why prostitution has been accepted as "sex trade." At the same time, Bristow documents valiant effortsby many Jews

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