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Results matching “chabad”


Eloquent New Voice Sounds Alarm

Irene Caesar, 52, is a brilliant Russian philosopher and artist who has no illusions about the Cabalist Jewish and Masonic agenda, and is not afraid to state it. "Wake up or Perish" is her message. She is interviewed by Bolivia-based truther Alex Gottwald , the editor of the German translation of Illuminati, who deserves thanks for

Refugees Are Political Pawns

(left, Jews in 1930's England fomenting war) This short excerpt from William Joyce's Twilight over England is a reminderthat refugees have long been used for non violent invasions.In the past, these refugees were often Jews. Just as the pogroms inRussia in the 1880's spurred emigration to the US, so did Nazi

Jews Bask in Gentile Praise

Although a non-Jew, Stephen Pease presents a view of Jews they find very flattering. He also reflects their self deceptionabout the true satanic nature of the Talmud, "social change" and the Jewish enterprise in general.Jews love praise because anti Semitism has given them aninferiority complex. They are disliked for reasons they cannotfathom nor wish to consider.   by

Israel Dedicated to World Conquest

"Greater Israel as a slogan doesn't stand for the conquest of a country from Egyptto Mesopotamia, it stands for world control."(Disclaimer: Francis claims to be a Voodoo adept. He has written provocativearticles for this site before- see links below. I agree that Cabalist Judaism isessentially about world domination but I think

The Third Temple and Plans for "Greater Israel"

Left, A large full-sized Menorah candelabra, designed to burn olive oil - weighing half a tonne, covered in 92 Lbs of pure gold, and worth $2 million sits in a glass case overlooking the Western Wall. It awaits placement in the Third Temple to be built onthe site of the

Hitler Had Jewish DNA

This information adds weight to the view that Hitler was a Sabbatean Frankist (Illuminati) Jewwhom the bankers put in power to destroy Germany and sacrifice other Jews to provide a rationale for the State of Israel. by David Livingstone(from his upcoming book, Black Terror, White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the

Putin is Jewish Pawn, says Russian Patriot

 "Put'in on the Ritz"Vladimir Putin is held in high regard among dissidents in the West. Russian patriots like Tamara contrast the general poverty and discontent with rumors that Putin has $40 billion stashed away. Tamara: "The photo at bottom left shows Opposition to Putin saying Putin is 100% a Jew

Jews are a "Racial Vehicle" for Illuminati

The debate rages: Are Jews a nation, race, religion or a secret society?  Linda, a grandmother from Australia, believes the racial view cannot be dismissed. She wrote in response to Henry Makow's "Jews Defined by Occult Ideology, Not Nation/Race" in which he compared Judaism to Freemasonry, a multiracial cult

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