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Results matching “cabala”


Jewish Congress Menaces Homeless Newspaper Over My Articles

by Henry Makow Ph.D.The Canadian Jewish Congress wants to close down  The Toronto Street News over its policy of running  articles from my web site. The end of the Street News would deprive 50 impoverished  people of about $300 a month which they earn by selling it, says Editor and

Independent Historian Unveils Cabalist Conspiracy

  By Henry Makow Ph.D. David Livingstone, 41, author of "Terrorism and the Illuminati- A Three Thousand Year History" (2007) says Cabalists determined to be God have hijacked mankind. "The Cabala states that God created man to know Himself," says Livingstone. "Cabalists take this to mean they can usurp the

Henry, Thanks so much for

Henry, Thanks so much for linking to my report. The hits have been streaming in. I know you receive a great deal of email, but hopefully you have the time to read this brief update on the direction I am headed. Perhaps you know that the Kabbalah is at the

Hi Henry, In my

Hi Henry, In my article on the Kabbalah I explain the true nature of the spiritual battle being waged right now for humanity and for the earth. At a certain point in antiquity God willingly handed the authority to rule the nations of the earth over to a group

"Passion" Should Highlight Christian Jewish Difference

Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ (opening Feb 25) has the potential to become a major cultural turning point by focusing attention on the fundamental difference between Christianity and Judaism. Since the Holocaust, Christians have blurred their beliefs for fear of seeming anti-Semitic. But Jesus and the Pharisees had

Dear Henry Great site and

Dear Henry Great site and great articles. re. "Is the Conspiracy Jewish ?," two quick points : 1) "British aristocracy" is a misnomer. The authentic British aristocracy that survived the battle of Hastings was deliberately goaded into hopeless rebellion (and annihilated on this pretext) or into exile by William the

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