'The problem is, Jews and Blacks work together, in tandem (I call it the "gangster nightclub model") wherein Jews act as the brains/organizers/money power, while their Blacks operate as the "bouncers"or the "muscle."'by RS(henrymakow.com)I applaud your courageous stands, day after day, hour after hour on Twitter and other platforms,
Results matching “Talmud”
Laurent Guyenot "... a tiny Jewish elite,... has hijacked the idea of God and turned it to their own aggrandizement ... (and) terrorized its own people to enforce their sense of separateness ... garnering wealth and power in the process."The real question is, are Jews terrorized, brainwashed or willing
Author of some 15 books on the Masonic Jewish Conspiracy, Texe Marrs did more than anyone to alert Americans to their true state of servitude.Thousands of Supporters Mourn the Passing of Texe MarrsBy Mark Anderson(henrymakow.com) It's always a solemn event when someone from the patriot community passes on to what one might call
The Illuminati are Kabbalists (i.e.Satanists)Reader asks Michael Hoffman:Is the word "Satan" actually used? Can't find any translation online. Send me the Hebrew word.Hoffman: Evangelical Christians "worship their would-be executioners. This is diabolic disorientation....the ancient Zohar insinuates a certain urgency to the sacrifice of goyim that Israel must make to Satan..."by Michael Hoffman(henrymakow.com) The
In an article, Are There Any "Good Jews?" I suggested that the silent majorityof American Jews are opposed to organized Jewry and put the US beforeIsrael. My ex-friend Mark Glenn replied that he could not post a link because Jewish resistance is negligible. Below is his reply as well as his Nov. 2006 article, Judaism:
Ukraine's new President Volodomyr Zelensky, left, is Jewish.So is its Prime Minister. (Less than one percent of Ukraine's population is Jewish.)Has the Chabad plot outlined below and in Part One, succeeded?Pay attention. This plan is taking place throughout the West."We will give the cattle our view of history, where we show that all
Another warning from our resident Satanist, Aloysius Fozdyke, that the Chinese Communist Party already controls Australia.This is his third warning in a year.(See also, Australia Has Been Gifted to China (1) )I find this hard to believe since Australia has recently banned Huawei. I look to my readers for an explanation,In 2016