Underground Bases & Nephilim are Real - Insider
May 25, 2012

"If the world feels more evil today than it did 20
or 30 years ago, you are not imagining it....We now have among us evil representatives in physical forms that do indeed look human, but are not."
[Editor's Note: We reserve judgment and present this information for discussion.]
by Carolyn Hamlett
After reading "Subterranean Secrets" by Fritz Springmeier, I want to respond to some of the comments from your readers. I know the topic about hybrids and Nephilim is pretty far out, but not so far out when explained in terms that people are accustomed to:
From my lifetime as a former multigenerational server in the organization that has been working to implement "The Plan" for the NWO, I can tell you that large underground bases do exist and that many bizarre projects such as genetic experimentation and hybridization have taken place there for many years.
In reference to "Jack's" comment, his questioning on how so many employees of such cities or underground facilities could remain quiet about them:
There are several answers to this.
1) First of all, in the military and in the organization responsible for implementing the plan for the NWO, no one is given such a responsibility unless he or she has been tested and found able to keep all activities and information secret.
2) Some military bases contract out certain projects to "civilian" companies who hire non-military personnel who are given secret clearance only after they have passed various tests, one of which is to be able to keep their work secret. My former husband worked on secret projects, yet he never divulged anything at all about the base or his work there.
3) There are people "employed" in the underground facilities who are there for life.
4) Something to keep in mind are the very real top-secret programs that existed during WWII that involved many people who were dedicated enough or fearful enough to keep it all secretive. My former father-in-law was a code breaker at a secret location known as "The Farm". The reality to all at "The Farm" was that if there was a breech of secrecy, the whole farm with all inhabitants would be blown sky high in an instant.
Another former friend of mine, a retired nuclear physicist, who also spent time at "The Farm", was also assigned to work on the "H" Bomb project at Los Alamos. He too has remained silent concerning his work.
To this very day, the details of the operations at those two places "The Farm" and Los Alamos, have remained obscure due to [enforcers who] make sure that the general public never receives the truth, and does not believe the truth if it is told.
Many people are talking about Nephilim, but are they ready to believe that the Nephilim are a reality? What if someone came forth to say that they know for a fact that the Nephilim are real, would this person be believed?
My bet is that people can talk all day long about Nephilim, but if someone came forward to say that they know from first-hand experience that the Nephilim do indeed exist today on earth, this person would not be believed.
Consider this: Just because you can't see it, just because you can't hear it, does not mean it does not exist.
Dogs are able to hear frequencies that are not audible to our human ears. The earth looks flat, but isn't. In this physical world, there are gases we do not see, but exist. There are radio waves, microwaves and other frequencies that we do not see or hear, but they do indeed exist.
Much of what we do not understand today is not because we are not intelligent enough as a species to understand, or that we are not spiritually "evolved" enough to grasp it.
The simple truth is, we lack the necessary information for proper analysis. The information does exist and can be proven and soon will be given to the world, but it will be given in a perverted form to support a particular agenda, the agenda that a physical hierarchy of power serves, an organization some call the "Illuminati".
Have you ever had this experience? You were traveling, and as you enter a large city, you can not help but sense an air of evil hanging like a blanket over that city.
You don't see it, but you can feel it. Actually, you may not have been imagining it. Just as we have mayors and government officials in the physical world, there are in the supernatural, principalities assigned to specific regions to serve the agenda of an organized governing power. Some know this power as the kingdom of darkness.
If you sense the world is not the same place it was 20 or 30 years ago, that there seems to be a heavier and more evil presence in general, you are not imagining it.
There is indeed a heavier presence here on earth. It is for the purpose of the very last stage of "The Plan". In this last stage, the supernatural is being combined with the physical which will culminate in a spiritual global world order.
Many people who don't believe in the supernatural or super humans or extraterrestrials, will soon believe. This agenda is part of "The Plan", a plan that was authored many centuries ago.
A plan that my family bloodline has served for many generations. While many purport to know God's end time plan, I have known and served the plan that is contrary to all that is of a Holy, Just and Righteous creator.
Everything I share is from my personal experience unless I state otherwise. What I will be sharing is probably different than anything you have heard. Many of you will not believe, at least at first.
The idea of "Nephilim" is the composite of hybridization, not only that of physical DNA, but that of a "spiritual" hybridization, the combining of human DNA and spirit with that of another "spirit" creation that does not appear to us to exist on this physical earth.
Just because our eyes do not see this other "spirit" creation does not mean that it does not exist, nor does it mean that it can not sometimes manifest or procreate. It is all a matter of one having the missing data for one to understand the possibility.
Someone recently asked me if I, in my lifetime have witnessed supernatural manifestations or ritual magic. My first thought was, yes, everyday from as long as I can remember, for the entire duration that I worked for the powers of darkness.
My next thought was, that I never thought the term "magic" applied to anything I ever did or experienced, that when one understands the supernatural, there is nothing magical or mysterious about it. Everything is self explanatory. So it is with the topic of what the "Nephilim" are, and whether this type of hybridization is even possible.
The topic of Nephilim is only a small part of my life experiences of serving in what I call "the organization". The project of creating physical bodies for a dark spiritual hierarchy is real. It was real enough and disturbing enough for me that I gave up my entire life, my identity, all that I and my family believed in and had worked for all of our lives.
The project of the creating these composites is literally where the supernatural evil rubber meets the physical road.
So, if the world feels more evil today than it did 20 or 30 years ago, you are not imagining it.
The presence of evil on this earth has been stepped up for the last phase of "The Plan". This presence is greater than a supernatural evil presence one may sense, but not see. We now have among us evil representatives in physical forms that do indeed look human, but are not.
They are a combination of the human and "supernatural" that are able to operate in both realms. I know that at face value it sounds like fantasy, but in time you will be shown that it is not fantasy at all.
These evil forms are all in preparation for this last phase of "The Plan", which is much more than a physical plan for global dominance over humanity.
First Comment from Tony Blizzard
Let me add that I have an ex-step son (marriage ain't what it used to be) that his mother and I put through one year of college. He met a young man around his age at that college who had been living more or less naturally (off the land) and alone in the mountains for some time. Turns out this guy was the son of one of the really high powered money people in this country and the world.
He related to my step son that he basically ran away from all those riches and eventually told him why. Said his father was grooming him to enter the business and take it over. He was invited to a business meeting that took place in the huge room of the UN building in New York where that long table sits that is often seen in pictures of the UN.
The guy swore of the following: His father seated him in the "peanut gallery" to watch the proceedings of the meeting. Those attending were some of the top world shakers and movers. David Rockefeller was seated at one end of the long table, the high movers, including the fellow's father, on each side and the chair at the other end was empty. When all were ready, these people who rule our daily lives through economics, etc., began a chant which resulted in the devil materializing in the empty chair. After which was held an actual business meeting.
My step son, of reasonable intelligence, was convinced that this young man was neither nuts nor playing him, but totally sincere.
This puts everything that goes on in a totally different perspective. Who would better know how to "screw the world" economically than Satan? What type of person would go along with it? Those that do KNOW the supernatural exists, how is it they don't know then that God will not allow the evil to win out in the end?
Frankly, my reaction would be similar to the son's - get as far away from it as possible - but obviously there are plenty of people in the world who are willing to serve Satan for temporary worldly gain such as his father. I serviced the vending machines at a California prison for some time and met there an inmate who had been a devil worshiper and in prison because he and others were caught pulling people off the street into a van, killing them and doing things like eating their hearts while still beating as a way to serve the devil. When I asked him why the hell he would do such a thing he replied: "You wouldn't believe the money, the positions, the women, whatever you wanted." But, of course, it was all short lived because here he was in prison. He agreed and claimed to now be a Christian, which is often a con conning but not always.
According to the way most learned students of biblical prophecy see our times (not the ignorant Scofieldites), now is the time when the devil is unchained and loosed upon the earth to seduce as many souls as he can. Certainly seems true the things are unfolding. Kind of rules out fence straddling, doesn't it?
If you take the trouble to go to Carolyn Hamlett's website and do a little reading you will discover that the last phase of "the plan" to take over the world is really pretty simple and directly in line with Christian prophecy. The plan is to show Lucifer in all his great and overwhelming splendor to the world as Jesus Christ (or the god of any other religion for those particular believers).
Most will believe instantly that God has finally come to rule the planet personally and will cooperate more than fully. "Christian Zionist" non-thinkers will be ecstatic and never question the possibility of fraud for a second. That goes equally for almost all Protestants and V2 Catholics (also Protestants).
When you read Hamlett's statements carefully you realize that the so-called "reptilians" are, in reality, Lucifer's band of fallen angels, now better known as demons. Very many humans are actively working with these powerful but supremely evil entities, most fooled into believing they are hastening God's return, many of them people Americans practically worship and many others actively involved in media/religious/educational/
It's a sick world getting sicker as the loosed devil is free to manipulate it. The thousand year reign of God on earth is long over (about 300AD to 1300AD. It is a form of insanity, refusal to observe prophecy and facts, to expect it).
One must be mentally tough as well as independently minded, able to willingly fall back on spiritual help and disconnected from the material world except for necessary subsistence in order to put up any opposition whatsoever against the evil permeating today's world.
How are you doing in that regard? Most all of us need to make a lot of life changes in a very short time.
Nancy S said (May 28, 2012):
Humankind is told by God to be wary of worshipping Satan, wittingly or unwittingly:
60. O Children of Adam! Did I not take this covenant from you not to worship Satan; no doubt he is your open enemy;
61. And that you keep worshipping Me alone? That is the straight path.
62. And surely he led great many of you astray, so had you not any wisdom?
Quran, Surat Yasin
As we share this earth with creatures of another dimesion (djinn. nephilim, demons, faeries - whatever you want to call them) we have been advised to remember God and say prayers which protect us from forces of darkness which we can't see. According to the Quran some of these creature believe in God but it's the followers and progeny of Satan that want to harm humans.Here is a PDF link for the Fortress of the Muslim which contains a lot of these prayers.