November 2, 2012

Street Evangelism Report -- Minneapolis, Minnesota
November 1, 2012
Dear Real Jew News Family.
My first day out on the Streets of downtown Minneapolis got off to a very disturbing if not horrifying start.
I began my Street Evangelism at 3:45 PM on a median strip just beyond an Exit of the Interstate into the city.
After about 10 minutes holding high the Holy Cross of Christ a State Trooper who looked like a "Marine Clone" (white) pulled up to me with flashing lights and barked at me saying: "You're Gone! Leave Now!"
I answered, "I'm not 'gone' and I'm not leaving. I have every right to be here."
The State Trooper answered, "Don't you dare defy my orders."
I said, "You're violating my legal right to be here."
The Trooper answered, "You have no rights."
I felt like I was some "terrorist" that the cop was using the NDAA on, ready to haul me off to GITMO -- WITHOUT TRIAL or LEGAL RECOURSE.
He then gets on his radio and within 5 minutes I'm surrounded by 3 State Trooper Cruisers and 3 cops (all white.)
The first State Trooper then gets out of his cruiser and GRABS my Cross and YANKS it out of my hand saying, "You're wielding a deadly weapon!" And then he laid the Cross FACE DOWN on his DIRTY Cruiser hood.
I said to him, "Don't you DARE PUT THE HOLY CROSS OF MY SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST FACE DOWN on your car hood!"
He replied, "It's a WOODEN STICK that you're using as a WEAPON and it stays where I put it!"
Then the 2nd State Trooper gets out of his cruiser and he looked LIKE A JEW. His name on his badge was "Berkowitz" (a Jew surname) and he ORDERED ME TO *SIT DOWN* ON THE MEDIAN STRIP.
I said, "No, I'm NOT sitting down. You're VIOLATING MY LEGAL RIGHTS and I'm NOT sitting down."
Berkowitz then grabbed my Cross that I have wrapped around my belt and the EVIL JEW ripped it off of my belt and laid it face down on the hood.
This whole thing was now getting scarier and scarier. I thought to myself, "Better be careful or they'll taser you." But, my indignation and outrage overruled caution.
Berkowitz again ordered me to sit down on the cement median strip and threatened to ARREST ME if I didn't.
I said to the JEW, "I'm NOT sitting down."
Then he said, "You're under 'detainment' PENDING arrest" and the three of them grabbed me and forced me into the back seat of the cruiser and locked the door.
They had already frisked me and took my ID. The first cop spent 15 minutes on the Computer and then after 15 minutes got out and started laughing with the other 2 cops.
I was STUCK inside the cruiser for 30 minutes total "under detainment" which is NOT a legal process.
Then they finally opened the door and told me that I better not come back on the Median Strip or they would call a paddy wagon and haul me off to jail.
I left, waited a half hour, and WENT RIGHT BACK TO THE MEDIAN STRIP.
Then, (as I did last year in Minneapolis), went from Median Strip to Median Strip and thankfully the "city" police totally-NOT STATE TROOPERS-left me alone.
Soon a caravan of busload after busload of teenagers drove by me and the teens got VERY EXCITED to see me.
One disturbing thing that I noticed was that many that passed me by in their cars had a "dark" grim look about them.
Also, the whites who looked somewhat brighter looked rather afraid to acknowledge me and would hesitatingly nod or put their thumbs up as if it was not "politically correct" to give assent to what I was doing. Basically, they have been cowed into submission to not interact with someone who was doing something "human."
The only ones that showed any enthusiasm were teenagers (not yet conditioned) and blacks (not yet submitted to "whitey's agenda.")
You see: I EXPERIENCE this POLICE STATE in my OWN PERSON continually.
But....I'LL be BACK on the Streets Tomorrow.
AND Please Consider Supporting My Ministry!
To Donate Via PayPal CLICK:
By Mail:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO; 80443.
+Brother Nathanael
Real Jew News @
November 1, 2012
Dear Real Jew News Family.
My first day out on the Streets of downtown Minneapolis got off to a very disturbing if not horrifying start.
I began my Street Evangelism at 3:45 PM on a median strip just beyond an Exit of the Interstate into the city.
After about 10 minutes holding high the Holy Cross of Christ a State Trooper who looked like a "Marine Clone" (white) pulled up to me with flashing lights and barked at me saying: "You're Gone! Leave Now!"
I answered, "I'm not 'gone' and I'm not leaving. I have every right to be here."
The State Trooper answered, "Don't you dare defy my orders."
I said, "You're violating my legal right to be here."
The Trooper answered, "You have no rights."
I felt like I was some "terrorist" that the cop was using the NDAA on, ready to haul me off to GITMO -- WITHOUT TRIAL or LEGAL RECOURSE.
He then gets on his radio and within 5 minutes I'm surrounded by 3 State Trooper Cruisers and 3 cops (all white.)
The first State Trooper then gets out of his cruiser and GRABS my Cross and YANKS it out of my hand saying, "You're wielding a deadly weapon!" And then he laid the Cross FACE DOWN on his DIRTY Cruiser hood.
I said to him, "Don't you DARE PUT THE HOLY CROSS OF MY SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST FACE DOWN on your car hood!"
He replied, "It's a WOODEN STICK that you're using as a WEAPON and it stays where I put it!"
Then the 2nd State Trooper gets out of his cruiser and he looked LIKE A JEW. His name on his badge was "Berkowitz" (a Jew surname) and he ORDERED ME TO *SIT DOWN* ON THE MEDIAN STRIP.
I said, "No, I'm NOT sitting down. You're VIOLATING MY LEGAL RIGHTS and I'm NOT sitting down."
Berkowitz then grabbed my Cross that I have wrapped around my belt and the EVIL JEW ripped it off of my belt and laid it face down on the hood.
This whole thing was now getting scarier and scarier. I thought to myself, "Better be careful or they'll taser you." But, my indignation and outrage overruled caution.
Berkowitz again ordered me to sit down on the cement median strip and threatened to ARREST ME if I didn't.
I said to the JEW, "I'm NOT sitting down."
Then he said, "You're under 'detainment' PENDING arrest" and the three of them grabbed me and forced me into the back seat of the cruiser and locked the door.

I was STUCK inside the cruiser for 30 minutes total "under detainment" which is NOT a legal process.
Then they finally opened the door and told me that I better not come back on the Median Strip or they would call a paddy wagon and haul me off to jail.
I left, waited a half hour, and WENT RIGHT BACK TO THE MEDIAN STRIP.
Then, (as I did last year in Minneapolis), went from Median Strip to Median Strip and thankfully the "city" police totally-NOT STATE TROOPERS-left me alone.
Soon a caravan of busload after busload of teenagers drove by me and the teens got VERY EXCITED to see me.
One disturbing thing that I noticed was that many that passed me by in their cars had a "dark" grim look about them.
Also, the whites who looked somewhat brighter looked rather afraid to acknowledge me and would hesitatingly nod or put their thumbs up as if it was not "politically correct" to give assent to what I was doing. Basically, they have been cowed into submission to not interact with someone who was doing something "human."
The only ones that showed any enthusiasm were teenagers (not yet conditioned) and blacks (not yet submitted to "whitey's agenda.")
You see: I EXPERIENCE this POLICE STATE in my OWN PERSON continually.
But....I'LL be BACK on the Streets Tomorrow.
AND Please Consider Supporting My Ministry!
To Donate Via PayPal CLICK:
By Mail:
The Brother Nathanael Foundation; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO; 80443.
+Brother Nathanael
Real Jew News @