Boy Scouts' Collapse Mirrors Masonic Collapse of Society
February 19, 2020

The Boy Scouts of America was rare among major institutions in banning homosexuals, atheists and agnostics as leaders. In a decadent age, the BSA is unique in upholding God, country and traditional values.
With 1.6 million members & 470,000 leaders in 50,000 packs, it appeared to be an incredible force for good. But how many genuine forces for good are there in this world?
Like most major institutions, the Boy Scouts has been subverted by Freemasonry, which has a hidden agenda of promoting homosexuality and denying God.
(Freemasonry is empowered by cabalist central banking families who wish to redefine reality and hijack mankind. Evidence of their power is the modern discomfort with using the term "God" which denotes the natural and moral order, truth and ultimate reality.)
Scouting's national honor society "recognizing Boy Scouts who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives" is a Masonic secret society called the "Order of the Arrow." It has more than 180,000 members in "lodges" affiliated with more than 300 BSA local councils.
The Boy Scouts must ensure that their commendable work does not provide cover & recruits for the Masonic agenda.
First, let's look at the commendable goals. The BSA web site proclaims: "That Boy Scouts also has traditional values, like requiring youth to do their "duty to God" and be "morally straight" is nothing to be ashamed of and should not be controversial. No court case has ever held that Boy Scouts discriminate unlawfully, and it is unfortunate here that anyone would characterize Boy Scouts' constitutionally protected right to hold traditional values as 'discriminatory.' That is just name-calling."
The "Scout Law" teaches youths to be "trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent."
It defines God as "the ruling and leading power in the universe" to whom we are grateful for "favors and blessings." It maintains that "Boy Scouts believe that homosexual conduct is not compatible with the aims and purposes of Scouting and that a known or avowed homosexual does not present a desirable role model for the youth in the Scouting program."
These are brave words for an organization that was probably founded by a homosexual to "scout" fresh talent for the British Empire's pedophile elite.

Although married with three children, he was probably a homosexual. His father died when he was three-years-old. Subsequently, Robert was raised by his mother, "a strong woman who was determined that her children would succeed." Baden-Powell would say of her in 1933 "The whole secret of my getting on, lay with my mother."
Although some Freemasons deny he was a member, lodges as far away as South Africa, Australia and New Zealand are named in his honor. He rose to the rank of Lieutenant General and fought with distinction in Britain's colonial wars subduing Zulus and Boers. His cohorts, from Lord Kitchener to King Edward VII were homosexuals, Freemasons and debauchees.
His gravestone bears a circle with a dot in the center, which is the trail sign for "Going home", or "I have gone home." This is also a symbol of the Illuminati, representing penis and vagina.
Lucifer recruits mankind using a combination of deception and seduction. Freemasonry is the Church of Lucifer, which is the real "religion" of (post-Enlightenment) Western "civilization." It operates under many banners: Liberalism, Socialism, Zionism, Communism, Fascism, Feminism and "gay rights."
Like all of the above, Freemasonry is a secret society, i.e. the membership is deceived as to the true agenda. The lower three "Blue Degrees" are fed platitudes about charity and making good men better. But, in reality, only the corruptible advance. Our whole society is based on this model which explains why our leaders, both political and cultural, have abandoned us.
Thus, it is quite likely that the Boy Scouts of America represent the innocent Blue Degrees. It is possible that "The Order of the Arrow" represents a recruitment pool for Freemasonry and ultimately other things.
John Salza is a former 32 degree Freemason and the author of the book "Freemasonry Unmasked." He has written an essay about the OA entitled "Freemasonry has Infiltrated the Boy Scouts." The OA was founded in 1915 by two 32 degree Freemasons and its rituals are patterned on Masonic rituals. Both have three degrees; both are organized into lodges, both rituals seek esoteric spiritual knowledge and illumination. Candidates are conducted around the lodge while bound by a rope.
Salza writes:"These rituals--which include a blood covenant are being conferred upon innocent boy scouts...and are harming their souls. [This information] comes from a scout who has experienced demonic spiritual manifestations after his initiation into OA."
America's youths are being inducted into an occult secret society by stealth means. Scouts and Masons will deny there is anything wrong but this only proves their gullibility and venality. The BSA is doing the exact opposite of what it claims.
Mankind is satanically possessed, and is being inducted into a satanic cult through sex, violence, money, drugs, secret societies or media-induced panic or psychosis. Movies today are mostly mindless killing and mayhem, apocalyptic catastrophe and pornographic sadism.
The Illuminati (the highest rung of Cabalistic Freemasonry) intends to degrade mankind and deliver us to Lucifer as Tribute. This is what they mean by "change." They spit in the face of God and much of mankind seems only too willing to go along.
Letter from a mother:
Rae said (February 19, 2020):
I was an Eagle and OA-inducted, and was once proud enough to put it on my resume. That was more than 50 years ago. Wife and I did not allow our children to participate, thankfully. Evil bastards - one big grooming operation now. I suspect it always was.
On another note, in my first swimming class at the YMCA in the late 50's (age 5-6), the class swam naked, only putting on suits for the parents on graduation day. This crap has been going on forever.