The Beatles -- Illuminati Mind Controllers
August 5, 2012

(The original cover of the 1966 "Yesterday and Today" album: Beatles got a good laugh from abortion.)
The Beatles were an Illuminati creation.
Their songs were written for them and
handlers scripted their actions and words.
They demonstrate that popular culture is really mind control.
By David Richards
In his book, The Committee of 300, former MI6 officer John Coleman reveals the Beatles were a psychological operation run by the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.
The Beatles were created to advance the formation of a corrupted Brave New World-style slave populace. This agenda kicked in big time during the 60s, with rock groups acting as social agitators.
Free love, drugs and rock music were promoted. To replace Christianity, the Illuminati introduced the New Age Movement: spiritual doctrines that do not require the individual to follow the Moral Law. (See this interview with John Coleman.)
The Beatles were presented as anti-establishment but received endless mainstream media attention. In 1965, they received MBEs (Members of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) from the Queen.

The occult references in the Beatles work prove they were Illuminati puppets.
A promotional photograph for the Yellow Submarine album shows John Lennon flashing the devil horns. Paul McCartney makes a '666'/EYE OF HORUS hand sign.
The front cover of the With The Beatles album shows their faces half in shadow. This is the 'One Eye of Horus' that is epidemic in the music industry today. The black/ white duality is the Masonic doctrine to balance good and evil.
A Beatles compilation was released in 1988 titled 'Past Masters'. Past Master is a Masonic term used to describe the former Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge. The album contains exactly 33 songs!
In the film, 'The Magical Mystery Tour,' the Beatles use a magic wand to cast spells on unsuspecting members of the public. Magic wands are made from holly trees (hence Holly-wood) and are the instrument of the occult magician who has his audience (the populace) in a trance. The film features several Masonic handshakes.
The songs also feature occult lyrics. The song 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' refers to Lucifer in the sky with "diamonds" (aka "stars", the Dogstar Sirius representing Lucifer).

The track 'Across The Universe' is about demon possession. John Lennon sings 'gai guru deva' (all hail to the devas). In Theosophy, a deva is a spiritual entity, i.e. demon, which exists behind the scenes manipulating and directing human behavior. Luciferians believe they are possessed by these entities when they rape, torture and kill innocent victims.
Four working class young men could not have written these songs! The Beatles were originally a hack rock 'n' roll cover band playing in the red light district in Hamburg. We are supposed to believe that only a few years later they composed songs with deep occult meanings!
The Beatles behavior was scripted by handlers who knew the agenda behind the group.
The drug agenda was pushed in the infamous interview Paul McCartney gave with the BBC in 1966, when he 'admitted' to taking acid four times.
The interview was intended to cause controversy, which it did, and encourage young people to try LSD. If the BBC were really against drug use, they wouldn't have broadcast the interview to millions of people.
Once we realize that the Beatles were supposed to turn young people against Christianity, their anti-Christian sound bites look scripted.
In 1963 Paul said, "Christianity doesn't fit in with my life." In 1966 John was more forthcoming, telling Newsweek, "Christianity will go, it will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that. I'm right and will be proved right."
In the 60s, the big record labels had total control over artists. Do we believe the Beatles could have spouted anti-Christian sentiment in opposition to their label EMI?
Their photo shoots were also clearly designed by Illuminati handlers.
A shocking example is the alternate cover to the 'Yesterday/ Today' album that pictures the Beatles covered in the body parts of dead babies. This was a sick laugh at abortion, the inevitable result of the free love agenda the Beatles were promoting.

I bought all the Beatles albums when I was a teenager. I loved the music but felt something was wrong. The songs were melodically perfect but lacked emotional resonance. Now I know why: the group was an Illuminati creation.
After learning this information about the band, I listened to the music again. Now that I can hear the malevolent agenda behind the songs; they're ruined for me.
The Beatles made the West more degraded, divided and weak.
Journalist David Noebel summarized it well in 1982, when he judged the impact John Lennon had on music.
"The present rock 'n' roll scene is one giant, multi-media portrait of degradation-a sleazy world of immorality, venereal disease, anarchy, nihilism, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, death, Satanism, perversion and orgies."
In the style of true Satanists, the Beatles sold this sickness as "Love," a reminder that the world is controlled by a satanic cult, the Illuminati, that hates God, and hates you and I.
David Richards is a 24-year-old British citizen who teaches English in Mongolia.
MAKOW COMMENT: We are unconscious of how popular music is used to control our feelings and actions. Most songs make a religion out of "love" and make us seek a non-existent ideal mate instead of God, obedience to whom is the principle of our self-development, i.e. religion.
Adorno & the Radio project
Bankers Behind the Counter Culture
Tavistock Institute - Best kept Secret in America
David Livingstone - Age of Aquarius - Sex Drugs & Rock & Roll
John Lennon's Born-Again Christian Phase
First Comment by Al Thompson:
One of the most destructive forces that was unleashed upon western civilization by the Beatles was the promotion the pagan Hindu religion. This was primarily done by the introducing of Transendental Meditation and the practice of yoga into the mainstream public. Of course, this is actually called for in the Protocols of Zion by the open worship of Vishnu.
"12. All our newspapers will be of all possible complexions - aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchical - for so long, of course, as the constitution exists .... Like the Indian idol "Vishnu" they will have a hundred hands, and every one of them will have a finger on any one of the public opinions as required. When a pulse quickens these hands will lead opinion in the direction of our aims, for an excited patient loses all power of judgment and easily yields to suggestion. Those fools who will think they are repeating the opinion of a newspaper of their own camp will be repeating our opinion or any opinion that seems desirable for us. In the vain belief that they are following the organ of their party they will, in fact, follow the flag which we hang out for them." (Protocols of Zion)
7. Our kingdom will be an apologia of the divinity Vishnu, in whom is found its personification - in our hundred hands will be, one in each, the springs of the machinery of social life. We shall see everything without the aid of official police which, in that scope of its rights which we elaborated for the use of the GOYIM, hinders governments from seeing. In our programs ONE-THIRD OF OUR SUBJECTS WILL KEEP THE REST UNDER OBSERVATION from a sense of duty, on the principle of volunteer service to the State. It will then be no disgrace to be a spy and informer, but a merit: unfounded denunciations, however, will be cruelly punished that there may be development of abuses of this right." (Protocols of Zion)
So it is obvious to me that the so-called "Jews" have promoted the pagan beliefs of Hinduism. One might ask: What does a Jew have to do with a Hindu? I'm not really sure, but it seems to me that if one is a pagan, they will use anything evil to promote their agenda. The definition of a Jew can mean almost anything just as the definition of a Christian. Here, the so-called Protocols of Zion are intrinsically Hindu in nature and of course evil is at the core of the writing.
"Later the Beatles lead the way for many Americans into pagan religion with visits to Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi." The Beatles did indeed lead the way to promoting the gurus and the Hindu religion was thrust upon western civilization through the music of the Beatles and other various groups. And of course, every time I point this out I get slammed for it. So much for religious tolerance. Today, the practice of yoga is pervasive throughout society and everyone that I know who practices it becomes completely unglued and unreasonable if I criticize it. The problem is that the practice unites a person with some kind of "divine being" which is not God the creator, but some kind of "consciousness" by which the mind is emptied. There's even so-called "Christian" churches that have yoga classes.
Music has an extraordinary way of twisting the mind. I used to listen to George Harrison's Hare Krishna song over and over again. I like the song but wondered about its meaning and intent. I now realize that it was most certainly a plan to turn the young people over to paganism. People who are critical of Zionists should be asking the question as to why Hinduism was promoted in the writing of the Protocols of Zion. What do Jews have in common with Hindus? Maybe the made up the story about Christ too. Or, the Christ represented by mainstream "Christians" is really Vishnu. There are all kinds of possibilities. If it wasn't for some early Christian writings that I read over the last years, I would have completely given up on Christianity. This is why I try to stay away from governments and religions as they are too inconsistent in their doctrines to be of any value.
As a former musician, I have observed that music has the frightening power to get people to do things they wouldn't normally do. It is almost like a drug. What is interesting is that there is no warning in any of the scriptures about any kind of music. It's probably like anything else: it's not offensive in and of itself, but it will be the content that will determine whether it is good or bad. In the case of the Beatles, it was all crap.
Imani said (September 3, 2012):
The essay by David Richards strikes me as poorly researched, biased against pop music as a threat to Christianity. I have a great deal respect for the Beatles, however, my response here isn't as a diehard fan threatened by new information. I am simply challenging the theories posited by Mr Richards.
To begin, I'd read about the 'Tavistock theory' before in John Coleman's book on THE COMMITTEE OF 300. There are a couple of problems I have with it: First of all, without wanting to get to technical, Adorno's background was apparently in 12 tone/atonal music. Music by the likes of German (Jewish) composers Schoenberg, Webern and Berg fits the bill. The Beatles music is rooted in tonality, which is the language of Western popular song, be it folk, blues, music hall and classical music - and only ever approaches the atonal sound when they got to one or two of their later period psychedelic songs. Anyone who cares to take the time to familiarise themselves with the aforementioned composers will get some idea of what I mean.
Secondly, there's the notion that the band were a Trojan horse for, amongst other things, new words to be added to the vocabulary: Taken from a site dealing with The Aquarian Conspiracy:
New words and new phrases--prepared by Tavistock-- were introduced to America along with the Beatles. Words such as "rock" in relation to music sounds, "teenager," "cool," "discovered" and "pop music" were a lexicon of disguised code words signifying the acceptance of drugs and arrived with and accompanied the Beatles wherever they went, to be "discovered" by "teenagers."
'Rock' was a word that was in common parlance in the black American community, slang for a musical descriptive term, and in other contexts, ‘rock’ meant ‘sex’ ('rock n roll')...and 'cool' also as a terminology was commonly used in the music/hipster community, especially in jazz circles. The point is, Tavistock didn't invent these terms and as I mentioned earlier, I’m doubtful about Adorno being behind the band's work.
I do say that it's highly plausible that the institute directed the 60s youth movement; I only question the actual extent of their involvement. Could it be that the Tavistock theory is just a big red herring?
Finally, the notion that Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ was some clandestine hymn and manifesto to the new world order is ridiculous. By this ‘logic’, then Bob Marley’s songs of united humanity were also doing the work of controlling elites.