(In Memoriam, Raffi, 2003-2013)
When I wrote this in 2012, I considered it a paranoid fantasy.
I had no idea that just ten years later, Canada would be freezing
"Bad Dog"
by Henry Makow PhD
The Human Rights Tribunal of the 17th District of the Feminist Soviet of Canada is set to begin. Ms. Rutherford- Armstrong is the Prosecutor. The Judge is Madam Chegundi Tsunami. The Defendant is Henry Makow of Winnipeg, white male.
Rutherford-Armstrong: "Mr. Makow, at 10.25 a.m. on July 20, 2021 at the corner of Main and Higgins, you were overheard to utter the words, "bad dog" to your pet. How do you plead?"
Makow: "Guilty with an explanation, Madame. "
Rutherford: "What is your explanation?"
Makow: "I'm teaching him not to chase cats. He has pulled me off my bike and broken many retractable leashes."
Rutherford: "The witness, a Ms. Termagant, reported that there was a hint of impatience in your voice.
This was confirmed by a nearby CCTV. Is this true?"
Makow: "Yes, it's possible."
Rutherford: "Do you realize how damaging the words "bad dog" are to his self esteem? Demonizing him? Withdrawing affection?"
Makow: "I was just trying to train him. I wasn't angry. I still loved him."
Rutherford: "Mr. Makow, do you have any professional credentials in the field of dog training? Have you read any feminist theorists?"
Makow: "No."
Rutherford (left): "Then, you wouldn't know how to train a dog, would you?"
Makow: "Well, I can figure it out. I do praise him when he obeys."
Rutherford: (shaking her head in disgust) "Your Honor, please note Makow's arrogance, typical of White Male Privilege. What makes you think the dog should obey you?"
Makow: "Well, he belongs to me."
Rutherford: "How can you 'own' another living creature? Aren't you being patriarchal? Doesn't he have a right to seek fulfillment in his own cultural terms?"
Makow: (speechless) "He's dependent on me."
Rutherford: "Neighbours report that Makow often summons his dog by saying, "C'mon, you miserable mutt." That is psychological abuse."
Makow: "I was just kidding. It was a term of endearment."
Judge Chegundi-Tsunami (left) - "The dog can't tell if you're kidding or not, Mr. Makow.
It's psychological abuse!"
Rutherford: "Your Honor, we've had other reports of Makow leaving his dog outside a supermarket. The dog jumps up on him when he emerges but Makow scolds him. This causes stress and confusion in the animal."
Makow: "He has sharp nails. I know he's happy to see me; I fend him off as gently as possible."
Rutherford: "But you are rejecting him, nonetheless."

Makow: "Don't men have any rights? 'When a white male is cut, does he not bleed?'"
Judge Chegundi-Tsunami: "That's enough facetiousness. I won't warn you again. You'll be held in contempt."
Rutherford: "Your Honor, Makow is exhibiting the abusive nature inherent in all white males. The pattern of white male-dog inequality is the template for oppression worldwide. By making an example of Makow, we can end injustice forever."
Judge Chegundi-Tsunami: "I'm in agreement. Makow is interfering with the dog's natural instincts. The tendency of white men to oppress the weak is responsible for war, homophobia, sexism, antisemitism, racism, transphobia, climate change, meat-eating and child spanking.
Mr. Makow, you'll ponder your misdeeds in jail. Thankfully, patriarchy is dead and you're just a hoary vestige. Your kind will be dead soon and mankind can embark on a very very very long period of peace and harmony.
I sentence you to 30-days in jail and fine you $500 for animal abuse. Also, you must complete a six-month Anger Management Course. I hope you'll think twice before saying "bad dog" again. Your dog will be raised by professionals. Mr. Makow, do you have anything to say?"
Makow: "This isn't about protecting dogs is it? It's about training white males."
Chegundi Tsunami: "Be careful what you say, Mr. Makow. I'm warning you! "Bad man! Bad man!"
First Comment from Ken Adachi-
Nothing could better underscore the reality of this feminist Marxist hysteria than a Dec. 19 2019 news story of a 30 year Hispanic man named Adolfo Martinez who was sentenced to SIXTEEN YEARS in prison for the despicable and heinous "hate crime" of first removing a cloth LGTBQ banner mounted above the entrance of a church in Ames, Iowa and then later setting it on fire with lighter fluid in front of men's club some blocks away. He willingly admitted to TV media news reporters that he did it because he didn't approve of the homosexual lifestyle being praised, embraced and approved of in such an overt manner by a Christian church.
In the old days, when some semblance of sanity and judicial temperance reigned in America, the man would have been convicted of the actual misdeed he committed, which is called vandalism and destruction of stolen property. He might have gotten 10 or 15 days and a fine to pay for the banner and perhaps court costs. But the 'old days' are long gone.
Naturally, the prosecutor was a feminist PC zealot named Jessica Reynolds who wanted to make an example of Martinez. Of course, his 'public defender' was another female attorney who did a bang up job in defending him and convincing the jury that in America we try to fit the punishment to the crime - and not the other way around. Whether the female public defender actually said anything at his trial to defend Martinez was not mentioned in the article, but it probably didn't matter since the judge and the jury were all up on crucifying this guy to the Nth degree because, well, he committed a "HATE CRIME" after all, against the LGBTQCPIEYAXDE community and we can't have that, can we?
Long Live Comrade Lenin
rh said (September 7, 2024):
Good satire…if written today, you would also need to defend using male pronouns for the Dog. What does the Dog identify as? Did you ask the Dog? If not, that might add 30 days to your sentence.