December 25, 2011

Anti-Putin leader Boris Akunin has ties with Soros' foundations.
by Branden Moore
It appears that Global financial oligarchs, obsessed with erasing national sovereignty world wide, like George Soros and others are instigating another revolution in Russia under the veil of "free and fair democracy".
On December 24, 2011 a second opposition rally was held in Moscow, with an estimated 28 to 120 thousand protesters, over the alleged "vote-rigging" that occurred on the December 4th election, won by Putin's United Russia party.
As reported by Reuters, the Russian novelist Boris Akunin asked protesters from a large stage. "Do you want Putin to return to the presidency?" Whistling and jeering, protesters chanted: "No!" [1]
Boris Akunin is the pen name of Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili, a writer, essayist and literary translator. As of now he is the most commercially successful writer in Russia, selling around 15 million books in Russia and more than 1 million abroad. [2]
He also happens to be the former chairman of the board for a Soros fund, called the Pushkin Library, where he helped compile a 100-volume edition of the best works of Russian Literature of all time. [3]
Marianna Tax Choldin, chair of the Soros Foundation's Network Library Program was quoted in an article back in August of 2000, after being awarded the Pushkin medal by the Russian government. "Through the Soros program, we've helped dozens of libraries in many areas of library development, including automation, collection development, preservation, Internet access and training," [4]
Interestingly enough, Soros himself had received the same award previously. The medal recognizes extraordinary contributions to Russian culture and education [5]
Many other highly publicized Russian individuals attended the Moscow rally in favor of the movement on December 24th. [6]
Even while simultaneously citing rally organizers and cultural leaders, the Wallstreet/London media giants have a habit of pretending as though the Arab spring, OWS and now the Russian rallies are all part of a global leaderless, grassroots movement...