Frenchman Vents on French Women
October 21, 2012

By Darcel
French girls used to be famous for coquetterie", a behavior that made them charming and above all lovable. Needless to say it's not the case anymore. It's seems that all the good old qualities that used to make a girl desirable as a mate as well as worthy of devotion and respect, have simply disappeared.
I believe that comes mainly from education or lack of it. As the matter of fact, most of the girls of my generation (born in the eighties) re the product of divorce. Between 40-50 per cent of French marriages end in divorce.
As a female judge delivers the divorce, you know that she is condemning family to death. For where will the family then go without its natural leader? Where will her members will turn to for protection and guidance, once their husband and father has been rendered powerless?
The all-powerful mother then takes over, showing her female offspring that she was able to free herself of the male burden... But she remains ignorant to the fact that by "freeing" herself, she is in fact alienating her children, depriving them of their father's indispensable presence.

(left.scene from Truffaut's 1968 movie, "Stolen Kisses" when women were perky & interested in men.)
She plants the seeds of distrust towards male. The young girls are programmed to fail in their future relationship with a male.
Young females often perpetuate unwillingly this sort of evil paradigm. They perceive man as an oppressor and that he must therefore be kept away from any involvement or decision with family affairs.
As sad as it can be, men no longer have a say and are more and more cast away, thus unable to play their rightful role as husband and father.
The only form of authority a man is still recognized for is his earning power! How low humanity has fallen when the sole remaining measure of a man's value is equal what he can afford...

Today, there is no room for alternative opinion in France on the subject of feminism, as media, corporations and politicians alike perorate on the same rubbish.
Freedom of speech is constantly being thwarted by a pressure group (mostly Jewish in origin). Should you raise any formal objection, or dare to draw criticism on a politically incorrect subject, they will sue you for hate speech or discrimination on gender!
Once in court, you will surely loose both money and reputation.
All in all, a man is today guilty by being born a male. Recognizing and acknowledging his manhood is now regarded as a crime, a form of discrimination that needs to be fought with the two most pernicious forms of punishment, slander and racket.
That's what France, the country of so called "Human Rights", has become. We have the right to obey and abide by insane, sick and destructive motto...
If you come across French female and approach her, she will surely display haughtiness, making you understand that you're venturing on slippery ground
That's because she's been raised to think she's so special and entitled to the best of everything. She will consider you from on high. At the end, her arrogance will discourage even the bravest of fools.
A few decades of intense feminism have paved the way to this deplorable insolence.

Digging deeper, you find out that these girls truly have nothing to offer or share. They are very busy proving to themselves and the world that they don't need men to fulfill their destiny.
They will end up lonely and bitter. Time will teach them the real value of their youth, which they've so shamefully squandered.
Hence, courting French women is no longer an enjoyable experience. Their arrogance and self-absorption has rendered them despicable. Travelers you've been warned!
Adding to that, is their overwhelming presence in the market place as they are forced to provide for themselves what men gave them gave them in the past...
But would they really deserve it anyway?
There are surely exceptions to this, and I don't mean to draw a completely dark picture. But generally speaking, this is where society as a whole is heading and I don't see when it will stop...
As with everything else, hope lay in the future generation.
French women as most western females, begin to see the downside of all this. As men no longer take responsibility or accountability for anything, they must constantly strive to achieve alone what can only be accomplished by mating.
Let's hope they will soon awake and reverse to the true path of fulfillment: finding the right man and devoting her life to being his partner and raising his children in a healthy and stable environment.
For by renouncing their so called "independence", they will obtain a far more precious reward, being revered for being worthy of love.
Related - Makow Time to be Men Again
S said (October 23, 2012):
The reverse is also true. My marriage lasted for 19 years then I
brought up 3 children through the teenage years. They are now
beautiful human beings. Women want tenderness in their lives and in my experience men are primarily interested in sex. We, as humans do not seem to have worked out the ideal system yet. A lot has been lost in foregoing tribal rites of passage. Venting or taking a rigid stance doesn't help.