July 25, 2009

The time is long past for criticism of our contemporary economic and political systems.
The corruption of the entrenched
power structure is so fundamental that to attempt redress through legislative
or symbolic initiatives is pointless. Similarly, any attempt at quasi-military
action is doomed to failure; we are simply outgunned.
There is a way, however, for
us to suffocate the parasite of corporate governance effectively and
efficiently. Real, decisive action is necessary - today - if we intend
to salvage our freedom and self-determination.
The current power structure
exists only through our economic participation. By making careful and
strategic decisions in our daily lives, we demonstrate our economic
(total) power over our own Reality.
It starts with Divestment - pulling your economic support out from under corrupt entities. For example, the successful boycott of Israeli products begun after Operation Cast Lead killed over 1400 Palestinians, more than half of whom were women and children. All products are marked with a code on the UPC that indicates country of manufacture; Israel's is 729. That means that anyone with the inclination can, when shopping, simply take a moment to check the UPC too see which nation they will be supporting by making that purchase.
Once you start doing the research,
you will be overwhelmed by the true cost of nearly all manufactured
products we consume on a daily basis. Practically all multinational
corporations are involved in one way or another in war crimes, murder,
child slavery, human trafficking and prostitution, narcotics sales,
war profiteering, and massive environmental damage, just to name a few.
This may seem exaggerated to you, but if we employ the same investigative
and prosecutorial logic to corporate and government actions that we
do to small-time drug peddlers, it is one hundred percent true.
The web of deceit and corruption
is so all-encompassing in modern society that one literally has to become
Primitive to assert one's sovereignty. It means no McDonald's, no Subway,
no Ford, no Motorola. No Prada, no IBM, no Seagram. No Boeing and no
Start getting your checks as
paper, no more direct deposit. Close your bank account, use a check-cashing
service instead. Their flat fees (around 3 percent) often end up being
far less than the service fees that accumulate with a standard bank
account - fees charged to you for the privilege of accessing your
own money. How we ever even let them get this far, I don't know.
Find out where your local community
farmer's markets are. Fresh produce, often grown organically, can be
purchased for much cheaper than produce at the supermarket. By supporting
local food production you also strengthen your community and contribute
to the well-being and abundance of your fellow man.
Globalists will tell you that
localized economies destroy jobs and increase protectionism, which is
completely untrue. Globalism is a swindle. It doesn't make sense to
pay triple for a fruit that's been trucked up from Mexico when we grow
that fruit right here at home. All that gas used to truck the fruit
has to be ripped from the ground, and then turns to exhaust fumes -
pollution. The truck driver, attempting to survive on the wages of a
third-world country, will work 80 hour weeks for pocket change because
the Company needs to stay profitable, when he could be living at home
and harvesting his own sustainable crop. And when the fruit finally
gets here, soaked in pesticides, we pay triple what the local version
costs. It's absolute nonsense and it does nothing but fuel the fires
of oppression and injustice everywhere.
Support independent business.
Boycott WalMart, who had to be taken to court before they would pay
employees for their lawful break-times. Boycott Nike for having children
stitch our shoes in deplorable conditions, halfway around the world.
Boycott KFC, Burger King, and the rest of the fast-food chains, and
their suppliers, for disgusting mistreatment of both animals and the
humans they feed the sick, suffering animals to.
Sell any shares and actively
campaign for the dissolution of the weapons divisions of companies like
Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, and GE.
Organize the local community. The people you share your life with are the ones you should be working with, not corporate straw men or bureaucrats. Keep in close touch with your family, friends and neighbors. Support each other and plan sustaining initiatives like community farms, education, and medical care. The elite pay thousands for personalized visits with a good doctor; you can likely see one in your neighborhood, perhaps even for a barter exchange of goods and services.
Obviously, it is impossible
to completely sever all ties with the culture of death overnight, and
it would be virtual suicide to try. Nor would I advocate feeling guilt
for trying to survive in the system to which we were born. We all have
the right to eat, to live comfortably and to support our families and
enjoy life. But with some concrete effort, and a real desire for change,
we have the opportunity to root out the systemic corruption that has
infected our system and replace it with systemic integrity and resolution.