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Making the World Safe....for Bankers

July 19, 2008


The planet has been hijacked. Our leaders are dupes, opportunists, traitors or all three. Almost everything we know about modern history is a hoax. A stench of moral compromise hangs over our public and cultural life. Anything promoted by the media, education, or government is suspect. This is what happens when we deny Moral Order i.e. God.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

(From August, 2002, Revised July 18, 2008)

"It is absurd to say our country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the people."  --Thomas Edison

International bankers live in fear.

Not of starvation, disease or war. These are the concerns of children in the Third World.

Bankers are terrified we might object to paying them billions each year in interest for money they create out of nothing, guaranteed by our taxes. (The Federal Reserve Board, a private cartel of mostly foreign banks, finagled this monopoly in 1913.)

The bankers are frightened that, like the homeless man's dog, we might say, "I can do this myself."

They are scared the government might go even further and "default" on trillions of make-believe "debt."

They are frightened of losing "control." They toss and turn at night.

In order to sleep more soundly, the bankers have taken "steps."

These precautions help us to understand the world we live in, why it is becoming safer for bankers but less safe and more bizarre for everyone else.

First, people who own money machines tend to have a lot of friends. The bankers helped their friends establish monopolies in oil, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, transportation, media,etc. and took a healthy stake. As you can imagine, these people are thick as thieves. Lawyers, journalists and intellectuals all vie for a piece of the action. (Servicing this cartel of cartels is what passes for "success" these days.)

The bankers' first precaution is to buy all the politicians. The second is to buy the major media outlets in order to promote the illusion politicians make decisions and represent our interests. The third precaution is to take control of the education system, ensuring that people stop thinking at an early age.

Then the bankers use the government and media to convince us that religion, nationalism and nuclear family are unfashionable, and we want what they want.

We "want" world government ("globalization"). The bankers need to eliminate nation states, freedom and democracy in order to streamline their business and consolidate their power. The UN, the IMF and World Bank, -- glorified loan sharks and collectors -- will make the laws.

We "want" secularism and the separation of church and state. Even though we were fine with Christianity and Christian values for centuries, the bankers don't want any authority to challenge their satanic decree.

We "want" diversity. Countries are not allowed to maintain their national identities or traditions. Last Christmas, my provincial Premier tried to rename the Christmas tree at the legislature a "multicultural tree." Diversity is respecting every culture but our own. Every nation must be heterogeneous as a box of Smarties -- no one in a position to challenge the bankers.

Or take "feminism." Masquerading as equal rights for women, this ideology is designed to spread lesbian dysfunction. If women focus on careers, it means they give less importance to husband and children. They have fewer or no children who will be raised in state day cares.

Under the guise of "womens" and  "gay" rights we are being re engineered to behave like homosexuals, easier to control. Psychological and biological differences between men and women are not "stereotypes." But signatories to the latest UN "CEDAW" Convention ( passed by the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee) will be required to "take all appropriate measures to modify all social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women." (Article 5)

This kind of Communist-inspired social engineering is simply persecution of heterosexuals. It is intended to arrest our natural development: the birth rate has halved while the divorce rate has doubled. An army of highly paid lawyers, social workers and bureaucrats treat the casualties. These self-serving do-gooders are the bankers' biggest constituency.

People --stunted, love-starved, sex-obsessed -- without family, religious or national identity, are easy to control. (They'll join anything; they're looking for a family.) But in case of resistance, the bankers have created a bogeyman, "terrorism" to justify a huge security apparatus.

The Office of Homeland Security is designed to control us -- the domestic population. Why would this be necessary? We're "in debt" trillions of dollars and the bankers intend that we pay. One day they will take away our toys. In case that's a problem, an Orwellian police state will be in place. But first,the Muslims must be subjugated and robbed.

Talking about the United States as if it were an independent country is silly. American politicians pawned U.S. sovereignty in 1913. Ever since, U.S. soldiers have been bullyboys for international bankers, and nothing else.


The American taxpayer and soldier made the First World War possible. It started just six months after the establishment of the "Fed". Its purpose was to increase debt, cripple the great European nation states, slaughter a generation, and establish two of the bankers' pet projects: Communism (Russia) and Zionism (Palestine.) After the war ended, banker world government -- The League of Nations (a.k.a., "The League to Enforce Peace") was established.

The US didn't enter the Second World War in Dec. 1941 to save Western Civilization. England had stood alone against Germany for more than two years. The U.S. entered the war just six months after Hitler attacked Russia. The purpose was to save Communism! [I am indebted to A.K. Chesterton ("The New Unhappy Lords," 1969) for this insight] For the same reason, the USSR got $5 billion in U.S. lend-lease after the war ended.

After the smoke cleared, Communists instead of Nazis tyrannized Eastern Europe. Soviet agents/ US diplomats Alger Hiss and Harry Hopkins established the United Nations on land donated by John D. Rockefeller. One of the UN's first acts was to create the State of Israel.

Ben Hecht (in A Child of the Century) wrote "the Twentieth Century was cut off at its knees by World War One." Before committing suicide in 1942, Stefan Zweig (The World of Yesterday) spoke in the same tones about the demise of Western Civilization.

The planet has been hijacked. Our leaders are dupes, opportunists, traitors or all three. Almost everything we know about modern history is a hoax. A stench of moral compromise hangs over our public and cultural life. Anything promoted by the media, education, or government is suspect. This is what happens when we deny Moral Order i.e. God.

This is what our children will inherit, a world that is safe ... for international bankers.


Related: "Louis McFadden, An American Hero"  by Richard Cook

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Making the World Safe....for Bankers"

Tony said (July 22, 2008):

You have mastered the banking racket. Very clearly stated.

As I keep telling anyone who will listen: Forget all the other issues and concentrate on learning the money creation racket. When these criminals are taken out - and only honest money is allowed (Not precious metals money, HONEST money. The difference between the two is gigantic), then practically all the other issues, the injustices of which so move people emotionally into dead ends, will dry up and disappear into thin air.

Private money loaned into existence with uncreated (and therefore unpayable) interest due, it's volume constantly changed at the whim of private bankers, is the fuel behind almost every fire (issue) on earth.

Those who demand precious metal money do NOT understand money creation. They aim their forces at a false issue, one the bankers love. It was their "gold standard" which allowed those bankers to buy up the earth for pennies on the dollar. "Gold bugs" usually also think that unbridled "market forces," including private money, would solve everything, not realizing that is exactly what we have, the root of all our economic problems.

Government "regulation" today is only what the money men want. It regulates the "lesser ones" into perpetual want under the thumb of the banking elite and their corporate prostitutes. "The market" truly does reign supreme. That is the problem, how could it ever be the solution?

The creation, and proper distribution, of permanent, honest money is the FIRST responsibility of any government.

Tony said (July 22, 2008):

You have mastered the banking racket. Very clearly stated.

As I keep telling anyone who will listen: Forget all the other issues and concentrate on learning the money creation racket. When these criminals are taken out - and only honest money is allowed (Not precious metals money, HONEST money. The difference between the two is gigantic), then practically all the other issues, the injustices of which so move people emotionally into dead ends, will dry up and disappear into thin air.

Private money loaned into existence with uncreated (and therefore unpayable) interest due, it's volume constantly changed at the whim of private bankers, is the fuel behind almost every fire (issue) on earth.

Those who demand precious metal money do NOT understand money creation. They aim their forces at a false issue, one the bankers love. It was their "gold standard" which allowed those bankers to buy up the earth for pennies on the dollar. "Gold bugs" usually also think that unbridled "market forces," including private money, would solve everything, not realizing that is exactly what we have, the root of all our economic problems.

Government "regulation" today is only what the money men want. It regulates the "lesser ones" into perpetual want under the thumb of the banking elite and their corporate prostitutes. "The market" truly does rein supreme. That is the problem, how could it ever be the solution?

The creation, and proper distribution, of permanent, honest money is the FIRST responsibility of any government.

Matt said (July 20, 2008):

This article sums it up nicely. I think the important thing for people to remember is that these people do not care about money. They own the printing presses that print the money out of nothing, and they are able to manipulate the value of this fiat funny money to their liking. They own most of the land and resources, and most of all they own all the big militaries and all the big guns.

These people are psychopathic and want absolute control over every man, woman and child on the face of this earth that is not part of their deviant inner circle. Their paper money scam is simply a means to their end, and we are seeing this right now as the economy crumbles and a Soviet-style police state is ushered in. This was all planned a very long time ago. They are ushering in a new age of Aquarius, and this goes along with their plan to eliminate Christianity, while they promote earth worship, promiscuity, homosexuality, and every other form of deviancy you can think of. It's all about changing people's idea of what "normal" is, because under their New World Order of moral relativism you will be made to accept whatever the state forces upon you. Should you decide to speak out and have an opinion of your own, you will be deemed a bigot or "anti-government" (a term which derives from the Soviet system) and either jailed or killed.

The secular humanists believe that the only absolute truth is that there is no absolute truths. This can be best summed up by what occultist Aleistair Crowley said when he stated "do as thou wilt."

As the dollar becomes more and more worthless, the prices continue to rise and people have less and less money to do what they want. When people can no longer afford to feed their families or pay for electricity, they turn to their oppressors for help -- the same ones responsible for creating the situation they're in to begin with. Few people are able to make the connection and realize that this is all deliberate.

While most people would say that the bankers are "capitalists," they really hate competition and seek to eliminate it. They are monopoly capitalists, and socialism and communism is nothing more than monopoly capitalism for the rich. These folks want the world to themselves. They want nothing more than to create a world socialistic welfare state where they have it all, with just the crumbs doled out to the peasants who will become their servants on the global plantation -- that is if they are among the 10-20% "fortunate" enough to live.

Andrew said (July 19, 2008):

According to Kitco

when you wrote your 2002 article about the Bankers, gold was trading for about $300/troy oz.

Today it is trading for more than 3 times $300.

The price of silver in 2002 was about $4.70/troy oz. and today it is trading for $18.

In the last 6 years the gold to silver value ratio has gone from 1:65 to 1:48. In times of crisis the gold to silver ration is 1:20 to even 1:16.

Take a look:

The best estimate are that for every one oz of gold there are five oz of silver on this earth which is a ratio of 1:5.

I think it is interesting that since you wrote your Bankers articlein 2002, the US Dollar has lost 1/2 of its 2002 value.

A good way to protect yourself and fight the Bankers is simply buying gold and silver.

Patrick said (July 19, 2008):

Well Henry...

That pretty fairly sums it up. The real corker is the bankers, when they're together, probably say to themselves, "My god, I can't believe these people are stupid enough to swallow this!"

Richard said (July 19, 2008):

Best synopsis to date of all you have written so far with the "safe for bankers article". These people lock us into a credit system so we pay a 100 times more for a place to live than it is worth. fill what good sensible women that are left with painkillers and tranquilizers so they can live with the stressed out man who is paying the bills and trying to make a good life for them... I have to make $200 US a day just to live in a mediocre house in a mediocre neighborhood. I hope in the next world war the soldiers are smart enough to turn their weapons on their masters. It better happen soon because I have seen the morons they are putting out of American public schools. I have a 12 year old living with me that "tests very high" and could not tell me what 9x3 equalled after three tries! Hell that’s 3rd grade math and he is going into seventh grade! If this universe is just, maybe a gamma ray burst will hit earth and save whatever intelligence is out there from ever having to deal with us.


Richard, They want us to turn inward and hate ourselves. We are being sabotaged. Turn your anger and disgust against the central bankers and their lackeys in media, education and government. -H

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at