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Zionists Sent Assimilated Jews to Gas Chamber

March 5, 2025

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Judenpolezei served the Nazis

The Rothschilds by J. Volker, published about 2015, supports the view that
satanist Jews (Freemasons) were on both sides of WW2 and deliberately
sacrificed assimilated Jews in the Holocaust in order to justify the 
establishment of the State of Israel. My latest collection, Illuminati 4, 
demonstrates that Satanists start world wars as an excuse to exterminate non-Satanists, 
especially Christians and assimilated Jews. They're planning WW3 for this purpose.
Excerpts pp. 56-62

"In the infamous Ghettos of Warsaw, Vilna, etc., the racially-classified "Jews" were kept under control by actual religiously practicing Jews through the Judenpolezei (Jewish-Police). These policemen bore the Zionist flag Herzl had created (the prototype of today's flag of Israel) on their armbands, and placed the gold Star of David on the shirts of their countrymen. They assisted in rounding up and beating the assimilated Jews of the occupied countries in preparation for the Holocaust. 

In the course of the war, Jewish collaborators were employed through the Judenraaten (Jewish-Council). In Palestine, the Jewish terrorist group Lehi kept close contact with the Nazi government and the Italian Fascists as well. 

The German Admiral Ralf von der Marwitz filed the "Ankara Report" stating Lehi would "actively take part in the war on Germany's side" in return for Germany's recognition of a "historic Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich". 

When the Holocaust commenced, the camp guards appointed unassimilated Jews to the Funktionshäftling (prisonerfunctionary), the "Kapos", to assist in managing forced labor and so forth. And most importantly, as if echoing Herzl's directions verbatim, it was written in the "Final Solution" devised by the Nazi official Reinhard Heydrich: The essential point is the expulsion of the Jews from the living space of the German people. In carrying out these efforts, an increased and planned acceleration of the emigration of the Jews from Reich territory was started, as the only possible present solution. The Jews themselves, or their Jewish political organizations, financed the emigration. (59) 

What follows? Exactly as Herzl said: only four years after the end of the war, with the narrative of the slaughter of the "Jews" fresh in people's minds, the State of Israel was proclaimed. The four men who played a major role in this declaration and subsequent United Nations recognition were: 

Harry Truman, the President of the United States. He was also a Shriner Freemason, a member of the Belton Masonic Lodge. He founded the Grandview Masonic Lodge, where he served as Master, and while serving as a Senator, he was appointed Grandmaster of the Missouri Grand Lodge. In 1945, just four years prior to helping found Israel, he was appointed Sovereign Grand Inspector of the Masonic Supreme Council Southern Jurisdiction in Washington D.C. All of this information comes from the US Congress itself. (60) 

Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He was also a member of the Studholme Masonic Lodge, according to Business Insider. (61) 

Chaim Weizmann, the First President of Israel. As we have already said, Weizmann was given a testimonial dinner by 150 Master Masons, according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency. (31) 

Israel Brodie, the Chief Rabbi of Britain who was appointed through the United Synagogue that had been created by Nathan Mayer a century prior. Brodie was a Grand Chaplain of the Masonic United Grand Lodge of England (62). 

For what it's worth, the World War itself was Masons against Masons: not only were Churchill and Truman Masons, but Franklin Roosevelt as well - he was a member of Architect Lodge, No. 519 (as were his sons), and he was a Grand Master in the Order of DeMolay (a Masonic youth group) (64). (Makow- Stalin was also a Freemason.)

Meanwhile, the Italian Fascists were no different - Gabriele d'Annunzio (the founder of the Fascist ideology), Achille Starace (the Secretary of the Fascist Party), and Francesco Giunta (Starace's successor), among many others, were Masons, and in the case of the Nazis, the National Socialist Party itself was created out of a merger of various organizations, most prominently the Thule Society, a Masonic organization created by the Freemason and aristocrat Rudolf von Sebottendorf (63). 

The "Aryanism" of the Nazis, too, was based on the "Theozoology" of von Sebottendorf's ally, George von Liebenfels, who derived his ideology from Helen Blavatsky's Masonic (among other things) "Theosophy". 

We will not get into those ties in detail here, but I have done so in Freemasonry: The World-Historic Cartel, if the reader is curious.
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Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at