Mike Stone - MN GOP Classify Trumphobia as Mental Illness
March 15, 2025

It's time we recognized
that Demonrats are mentally ill.
Makow Disclaimer- As you know,
I do not share Mike's infatuation with the Trumperor. He is pitting the whole world against the US, Israel & Argentina. He has ignited a patriotic uproar in Canada, a feat I thought impossible.
by Mike Stone
Have you heard? Republican lawmakers in the state of Minnesota have introduced legislation to officially classify Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) as mental illness under state law. (S.F. No. 2589)
This is one of the greatest acts of proposed legislation I've ever seen. And it's been introduced by Senate Republicans in Minnesota of all places. Minnesota is the state that first legalized black crime.
As you recall, when George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest for committing a felony, lawmakers in Minnesota called for defunding the police and declared that no black person should ever be arrested for any crime ever again. Floyd's bloated corpse was given god-like status and his followers, almost all of them liberal White women, declared war on White men. That was Minnesota then. Minnesota today is introducing a bill to officially label such behavior as mental illness.
Now, just to be clear, disagreeing with Trump's policies or with the man himself is not TDS. I disagree with some of Trump's policies and tactics myself. (The military strike on Yemen is a good example.) What constitutes true Trump Derangement Syndrome is the unmitigated hate that so many millions of people have toward the man himself, irregardless of his policies. Just the mention of Trump's name will send such people into spastic, spittle-flying rage.
You've probably seen people like that yourself, or at least heard about them. They are impossible to reason with or engage in any type of conversation. It's as if they are possessed by demons, which they probably are.

There's no known cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome. Now I've written before about how there's no such thing as an "incurable" disease. All disease can be cured and usually quite easily. But those are physical illnesses - cancer, arthritis, etc. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a form of mental illness for which no one has ever been cured.
Actually, I take that back. There is a cure for TDS, a very simple cure, but no one suffering from TDS is ever going to apply it, so it might as well be called incurable. That cure consists of praying the Rosary. Unfortunately, TDS sufferers will recoil in horror if you so much as mention that to them.
I actually wrote about TDS in a novel that I penned way back in 2016 called "A New America." At that time, no one had even heard of TDS and the term had not yet been invented. But I saw it coming like a freight train. By the way, everything pertaining to the future that I wrote about in that book - a work of fiction almost ten years old - has since come true.
The bill that Senate Republicans in Minnesota have introduced calls TDS "psychic pathology." Pretty strong stuff. I'm wondering if the bill passes whether Minnesotans will call the police on their neighbors and report them for signs of psychic pathology and mental illness. If so, will it then lead to an increase in the population of the state's mental institutions? I'm not sure whether most rational people would disagree with such an increase if it helps takes mentally deranged individuals off the streets.

ust look at what Trump has accomplished over the last eight weeks. He's uncovered massive fraud and corruption across every level of government, he's taken great strides to end the Russia/Ukrainian war, and he's appointed Robert F. Kennedy to go after poisonous food manufacturers and drug companies. And yet millions of people are against those things. The rank and file of the Democrat Party cannot differentiate themselves from Trump the man and his policies. Neither can the upper echelon of the party, as we've seen with so many corrupt judges and other officials now exposing themselves as traitors and TDS sufferers.
Remember, too, that these are the same people who wanted to forcibly inject you during the phony pandemic. They wanted dissenters and Covid truth tellers locked away in internment camps. For years now, they've wanted to molest your children; to castrate your son and cut the breasts off your daughter and turn them into trannies. They've worked for decades to legalize everything that's sick and twisted in society today. If such people end up in straight jackets and psych wards, would you be upset?
Mike Stone is the author of the new book REAL or FAKE: The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt and Teen Boy's Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man.