Mike Stone - Israel Assassinated JFK
March 19, 2025

Thanks to Michael Collins Piper, we didn't have to wait for the JFK files. We knew
Israel had the CIA murder JFK because he opposed their getting nuclear weapons,
and because he threatened to disband the CIA.
Given the Trump admin is a Tel Aviv subsidiary, we cannot expect to get the truth.
by Mike Stone
It's early still, but the initial release of the John F. Kennedy assassination files have confirmed what serious researchers have known for decades - that Israel was directly involved in both the assassination and the coverup.
The opening salvo of files released yesterday have confirmed that James Angleton, chief of the counterintelligence department of the Central Intelligence Agency from 1954 to 1975, and himself a Jew, was directly involved with the Mossad and Israeli Intelligence Service. There are also files in which Angleton's CIA specifically requests that any mention of Israel's involvement in the assassination be removed.
And we have files about Homer Echevarria, an anti-Castro Cuban activist, bragging to an informant the day before the assassination that "we now have plenty of money - our new backers are Jews - as soon as we or they take care of Kennedy."
Nothing earth-shattering here, but interesting nonetheless. By the time the entire 80,000 pages are combed through, we should have some other interesting revelations.
However, we're never going to know who the actual shooters were (they were likely eliminated years ago). And the release of these files was never intended to change anyone's mind. Libtards will continue not to care and cuckservatives will continue to parrot the official "Oswald did it" party line, no matter how much evidence to the contrary they are presented with.

(CIA-Mossad agent JJ Angleton)
The Gateway Pundit, a "conservative" news source in an article called "the Biggest Bombshells Uncovered by Internet Sleuths in the Newly Released JFK Files" makes no mention of Israel at all. Nor will they ever. They know who's buttering their bread.
Don't expect any "conservative" commentator, news source, or other type of influencer to mention Israel's involvement in the assassination either. They ALL know who's buttering their bread.
So are these files a big nothing burger? Maybe, maybe not. It's important to remember that many people are hearing about this for the very first time. So what's old news to you is new news to them. And anything that reminds the general public of how corrupt and compromised their government and their media continue to be is good news.
We also have Anna Paulina Luna confirming that multiple shooters took part in the JFK assassination, something that no one in the government or the entirety of mainstream media has ever admitted. That would have been unheard of as little as five years ago.
Breaking: As I type these words, we have news that an armed gunman has been reported at CIA headquarters, apparently distraught over the release of the JFK files. Sounds a lot like that fake Pizzagate gunman. https://infostormer.com/armed-gunman-reported-at-cia-hq-after-jfk-files-release/
Mike Stone is the author of the new book REAL or FAKE: The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt and Teen Boy's Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man
rt said (March 20, 2025):
The vast majority of the public have been and still are more or less disengaged from political matters of significant concern except perhaps for voting enthusiasms .
Sheeple and especially christianized sheeple have three salient traits :
1) they are normally politicly naive
2) they are normally politicly gullible
3) they are normally politicly cowardly
Most people are sheeple and thus are content with enslavements of themselves by their satanic jewish masters whose criminal activities normally are of little or no concern to sheeple all of whom have been politicly and religiously programmed to obey their jewish masters and more or less ignore their predations .