March 22 - Israelis Say Netanyahu Allowed Hamas Attack
March 22, 2025

CONFIRMED: Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to STAND DOWN for 7 HOURS to justify Genocide.
"I sat down with Jewish Charity leader, Cecily Routman, who received intel directly from her Israeli Rabbi and other top level government sources. While I do not agree with equating the Palestinians to "rabid dogs", I understand why Israel wanted Gaza completely wiped from the face of the earth- they only needed a reason to do so, or else the UN would have intervened due to the war crimes and genocide.
It wouldn't be the first time a nation's leaders sacrificed their own citizens to start a war.
Maybe it really is Israel's 9/11."
Shin Bet Chief fired because he insisted on an investigation of the Oct 7 False Flag
Mark Glenn--"Now, exactly WHY Bar supports this 'state commission of inquiry' is a bit murky. Doubtless that he as head of Shin Bet ran the various cells of Mistaarvim spies embedded in Gaza that not only provided Israel with 'eyes only' intelligence concerning the impending attacks, but as well, engaged in various acts of terrorism that day that have become part of the 'lyric and lore' of what is said to have happened that day viz rapes, beheaded babies, children thrown into ovens, etc, etc, etc, and as such, has plenty of blood on his hands as well.
The one possible explanation as to why he would turn against Netanyahu and support the 'state commission of inquiry' that Netanyahu cites as his reason for dismissing Bar is that Bar has 'cut a deal' to provide state's evidence AGAINST NETANYAHU in return for immunity."
Never forget: March 18, 2025, the day 183 children in Gaza were massacred by Israel
Reader---"Jew Satanists at work. This is what they want to do to ALL Gentiles, so they can rule the world, as their Insane, Satanic religion orders them to do.
How sickening it is to see this going on, with the approval of all the Rothschild-owned western nations, especially Britain. If Rothschild wasn't Israel's Daddy, Jewry would be nothing. They'd be powerless. Let's hope Israel's time comes to an end soon, like Henry Kissinger predicted. Rothschild, et al, may be approaching an expiration date, which would free the world."

Died Suddenly: George Foreman passes away at age 76.
"It's notable that he was a prominent promoter of the c0vid vaxxx jab. Even doing paid commercials.
They sold people like Foreman to take the experimental injections in the name of protecting other people, but of course it was all a lie."
British Press Call for World War III?
Russia blamed for Heathrow Fire

Canadian PM Mark Carney Accused of Raping Children on Epstein's Island - Media Silent
Lufthansa pilot sues Airline for forcing him to dump chemtrails on Europeans
Israel Prepares for Historic Red Heifer Sacrifice--A Sign of the End Times?
The Temple Mount--where the new temple would need to be built--is already occupied by the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock. Any move to reclaim the site could lead to massive regional unrest, as tensions between Israelis and Palestinians have already reached boiling points.
Palestinian groups have taken sharp notice of the red heifer preparations. Hamas, in a recent speech, explicitly referenced the arrival of the red heifers as part of a larger Jewish plan to reshape Jerusalem.

Read an excerpt from Ripper: The Making of Pierre Poilievre
Kevin MacDonald in Denmark
"MacDonald describes Judaism as an "evolutionary group strategy", which he claims increases the Jews' ability to outcompete non-Jews in the struggle for resources. With a pronounced degree of Jewish ethnocentrism, he argues that Judaism fosters a number of distinctive genetic traits in Jews, including an above-average verbal intelligence and a strong tendency towards collectivist behavior that ensures optimal management of their group interests, a significant part of which has been the dissolution and degradation of Western ethnic and cultural self-awareness. This is expressed, among other things, in a number of influential intellectual movements that have been a necessary prerequisite for breaking down the ethnic and cultural cohesion of the West. MacDonald recognizes, of course, that not all Jews exhibit the traits he identifies. These are general patterns of behavior."
Encore- Dr. John Coleman - The Club of Rome, Chatham House, and The Committee of 300
"Tens of Thousands of [Foreign Climate Change] jobs" gone Because of President Trump

Bob Dylan was born Robert Allen Zimmerman (his Hebrew name is Shabtai Zisl ben Avraham)[1][13][14] in St. Mary's Hospital on May 24, 1941, in Duluth, Minnesota. Named after Sabbatean Frankist founder?
Bob Dylan's Messianic Kingdom. (Along with his connection to Chabad)
Reader--"A must listen. 15 minutes. Don't miss the last few minutes.
Love and Theft (Bob Dylan album) - Wikipedia
The first song (Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum) is about nine eleven and the twin towers. He knew before it happened.
1. "Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum" Recorded May 8, 2001 4:46
Anthem of Christian Nationalism
DC said (March 23, 2025):
My comment is about Bob Dylan, and his messianic craze that apparently came from Chabad. I once "met" (was too star-struck to talk) in my mothers antique store in Venice during the early 1970s, back when I idolized him. He was there for about two hours, buying many antique gold rings for a "birthday present" (to himself?). That was when he lived in the Malibu colony, and was driving an old station wagon.
While I used to feel bad about not talking with Dylan, not anymore! Right after his "born again Christian" period he got into Chabad and their messianic plan - the opposite of what Christianity stands for, and they want to exterminate Christians. If you haven't seen this video by the "conspiracy music guru"?