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March 18 - Zionists Fan WW3 Fever

March 18, 2025

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"He's not Jewish anymore. He's a Palestinian."

"With these words, US President Donald Trump did not merely insult Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer - he exposed something far more insidious. In Trump's world, Palestinian is not just a nationality. It is an accusation, a sentence of exile, a mark of delegitimisation."

Makow - Essentially anyone -- Jewish or Gentile -- that refuses to worship Cabalist Jews as God will be guillotined according to the Noahide Laws. Trump and Schumer represent the Zionist and Communist routes to enslavement and death.  Trump is a crypto Jew, imposter and traitor tasked with leading the US into WW3. Expect to see Chinese soldiers in US streets.

"Even Jewishness is no longer protection. Your identity has become conditional, your history disposable. You can be declared a traitor, an enemy within, someone who has forfeited their place. The moment you question Israel, you become Palestinian - not by birth, but by decree. Because in this world, a Palestinian has no rights, nor does anyone who defends them.

A new McCarthyism is taking hold in America, and this time, it is not communists in its crosshairs. It is anyone who refuses to fall in line with Israel's agenda.
Trump and his allies have built their brand on railing against political correctness. They claim to be defenders of free speech, warriors against censorship. Just a few weeks ago, Trump's vice president, JD Vance, stood at the Munich Security Conference and scolded European leaders for restricting expression. He lamented the West's supposed retreat from free debate.

And yet, in the US under Trump and those who champion his ideology, free speech does not apply if the topic is Israel. Pro-Palestinian students are arrested, expelled and stripped of their degrees. Professors who challenge Israeli policies are pushed out. Journalists who report on Israeli war crimes are blacklisted, harassed and silenced. Films documenting Palestinian suffering are cancelled. Human rights organisations are smeared as terrorist sympathizers."

Seventy-Seven Retired Generals and Admirals Call for Supporting Israeli Attack on Iran

"There is also the possibility that the American military would take part with Israel in attacking Iranian targets, including nuclear facilities, ballistic missiles, and economic targets -- oil fields, oil storage tanks, oil refineries, and oil terminals at the port of Bandar Abbas.

The letter should have a salutary effect on the Trump team, and on the war-planners now in the Pentagon. Bunker-buster bombs, B-2 bombers to deliver them, and whatever else Israel would need to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities should be provided posthaste. And in Iran, the ruling mullahs and military men who read this letter will be in a state of terminal alarm and confusion, or as Confucius famously said, they will "no longer know where to put their hands and feet."


Stupid works.png
Human Intelligence Sharply Declining

"No, it's not just you -- people really are less smart than they used to be.

As the Financial Times reports, assessments show that people across age groups are having trouble concentrating and losing reasoning, problem-solving, and information-processing skills -- all facets of the hard-to-pin-down metric that "intelligence" is supposed to measure.

These results, the FT reports, are gleaned from benchmarking tests that track cognitive skills in teens and young adults. From the University of Michigan's Monitoring the Future study documenting concentration difficulties of 18-year-old Americans to the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) that measures the learning skills of 15-year-olds around the world, years of research suggest that young people are struggling with reduced attention spans and weakening critical thinking skills.

JFK Files will be available here Tuesday PM

Entire families wiped out as Israel bombs Gaza's residential areas

'Now go and attack Amalek and totally destroy all that belongs to them...Do not spare them, but put to death the men and women, the children and suckling infants, as well as their cattle, sheep, camels and donkeys.' 1 Samuel 15:3

Palestinians in Gaza were jolted awake by Israel unleashing a new wave of attacks on Gaza which killed at least 404 people and wounded 562.

The attacks on Tuesday not only shattered a period of relative calm in Gaza during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan but also the fragile ceasefire deal that the Trump administration negotiated between Israel with Hamas.


Request for information-  Can anyone send insight into why the WEF gave up on the COVID pandemic hoax?   They had us on the ropes!

G-"Well, not all of us were on the ropes; many kept throwin' punches.  But I believe the shift happened because the plight of the 'vaccine' injured kept escalating.  More and more doctors came out to expose that which was hardly tested and then administered, resulting in great suffering, and/or premature death.  Some doctors actually named it a 'bio-weapon.'

But not to worry, there's always war and starvation.  They'll come after us one way or another.  Let all free people with thinking minds speak their minds like never before.  We are the good and we can't let evil win."
Brian -- "A way bigger, badder pandemic is in the works by the WEF evildoer crowd of Globalists Elites.  It will be like the Black Death in the 13th Century, but way worse worlwide!!!  The Lord showed me a plague coming and 350 million people would perish


Karen M- My two cents worth of insight as to why the Covid hoax has been abandoned:  they have us where they want us; We are still on the ropes. Folks are  shellshocked , depressed, worried, confused, sick and yearning for what they thought they had, grieving for the dead, broke, angry and ready for the one who they think will fix it all and that's what the Zionists/ WEF are counting on as they prepare the way for their Messiah Antichrist. Those without Faith in Christ and discernment will be all in and then it will be.....?  So I am on a constant alert like the watchman on the wall taking nothing for granted, head on swivel.  I offer my compliments  to you and your website. My day is not complete until I check in. Thanks!

Dr. Vernon Coleman: The End of Medicine
"Doctors are now being told (and paid) to let patients die rather than to keep them alive."

The medical establishment has arbitrarily decided that to protect the world from imaginary global warming, doctors must dramatically change the way they work. As a result, doctors are abandoning patients, tradition, established practices and their responsibilities. The carefully calculated, planned result will be that countless millions of patients will die.

Trump Starts New War in Middle East by Bombing Yemen Women and Children

Chabad gangster threatens that hell will rain down on Yemen unless they concede

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at