March 11 - Drumpf's Zio-Fascist, Chabad-Gangster Tendencies
March 11, 2025

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First, I love Trump's domestic policies. I just wish they weren't designed to make Israel Strong Again.
Trump is a crypto Jew, a traitor and an imposter. His instincts are those of a gangster. His tariffs bully and strong arm America's neighbours. He has unilaterally ripped up treaties upon which billions in investments were based. He is destroying millions of jobs. His Gaza redevelopment plan is the wet dream of a corrupt NYC Jewish developer. He is cutting funding to universities that don't stop protests against Gaza genocide. He was s-elected by the Deep State to lead the US into a suicidal World War Three designed to kill millions of non-Satanists.
Drumpf pardoned fellow Chabad Gangster in 2017, but not Julian Assange or Edward Snowden
He has vowed to "primary" Thomas Massie a popular MAGA Congressman for not bowing down to Israel.
MAGA Slaps Back at Trump After He Attacks Their House Hero
Massie's more-MAGA-than-Trump stance earned the backing of many on the right who are, more often than not, in the president's corner.
"Trump can be wrong about things," said conservative commentator Matt Walsh, in a social media post. "He's wrong about Massie. It's okay to say that."
He added, in a follow-up: "You can disagree with Massie about [Johnson's continuing resolution bill]. That's fine. But the idea that he needs to be ousted from congress is just asinine."
Conservative talk radio show host Jesse Kelly wrote, in a social media post, that Massie and Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), another fiscal hawk who has clashed with GOP leadership, would not lose primaries "because they do what they promised their voters they would do."
He then suggested Republicans in Washington could either have principles or be Trump lapdogs: "There are two routes to GOP job security: 1. Do what you promised or 2. Follow Trump around washing his golf balls."

Judge Napolitano interview with Alexandr Dugin
Topics discussed include Christian Orthodoxy in Russia. Part 1:
Napolitano's two hour meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavarov, which was the purpose of his travel to Moscow, will most likely be posted tomorrow:
US plays its part in draining the global swamp - cancels 5,200 of 6,200 USAID contracts - takes the remaining 1,000 contracts under State Department control
Israeli sniper admits he stopped counting after killing 200 Palestinians in Gaza
According to the Israeli soldier, there were snipers in Gaza who killed even more than 400 people.
"I know someone from a moshav near Sderot... he stopped counting after 400 kills."

America has never controlled her banks
British debt slavery was hardwired into American banking from 1781
Hamilton's opium-human trafficking co-conspiracy has been blacked out of American banking history; they include: Cruger, Church, Carter, Schuyler, Manning, Vaughan, Baring, Bevan, Barclays, King's College (Columbia), Johnson, the Inner Temple (London), Rothschilds and Laurens
At this same time M.A. Rothschild was funding Hessian mercenaries, the Illuminati and Sabbatian Frankism. Hamilton copied the Bank of England charter in the First Bank of the United States (1791)
Study Shows 86% Increase in Sexual Violence on French Public Transport
Since 2016, after which France experienced a surge in mass migration, the figure is up by a whopping 86 per cent.
44 per cent of victims were located in the Paris region, with women being the victims on 91 per cent of occasions, with 75 per cent of victims being under the age of 30 and 36 per cent of those being minors.

Epstein victim says he and Maxwell were Jewish Supremists
"So let me get this straight... Jeffrey Epstein never got a college degree, but was hired as a teacher by William Barr's father, then abruptly became a Wall Street banker, making billions off a single client, Lex Wexner, owner of Victoria Secret and co-founder of the Mega Group, a network of Jewish "philanthropists" along with the Bronfmans, another Jewish billionaire family associated with bizarre sex-slavery mind-controlled celebrities, who also gifted him the most expensive house in New York. His girlfriend is the beloved daughter of a notorious Israeli superspy triple-agent publishing magnate whose company controls textbook publishing and was murdered on a yacht named after Ghislaine who is also an accomplished submarine pilot and one of the most prolific Reddit super-users.
Together they groomed and abducted underage children and rubbed elbows with high-society elites, politicians, and prominent scientists who they would take to a private island featuring satanic temples of human sacrifice where they would engaged in forced sex acts with underage kidnap victims while being recorded by an enormous array of cameras. They did this so often, his private jet became known as the "Lolita express" and Epstein became close friends with the likes of Bill Gates and Bill Clinton, who is mentioned in his papers more than anyone else, and who once introduced Epstein to one of his future victims as the "king of America." Meanwhile on his ranch in New Mexico, Epstein conducted experiments in transhumanism and DNA research, telling scientists he wanted to seed the human race with his DNA.
The fbi was photographed seizing truckloads of documents, videos, hard drives, and dvds from both Epstein's main residences. Since then, the
evidence has basically disappeared, with only a small amount of heavily redacted case files released despite repeated demands by various authorities in the federal government for the FBI to hand them over.

Kevin Annett--Governing Ourselves: A Handbook on Personal, Political, and Spiritual Sovereignty
Drawing on many years of experience in courtrooms and front-line battles for justice, the authors explore the theory and practice of self-governance and how it is manifesting today in a global movement to establish sovereign Republics and their common law courts.
The 'Mass Graves' Hoax Is Officially Dead, And No One Will Be Held Accountable
This has been an all-out, all-encompassing narrative in Canada.
GW said (March 11, 2025):
The final 2 items on your website today Mar 11th, come off as an oxymoron
around about 1998 ? Pastor Kevin Annett was the originator + main engine of the fable that
"the government of Canada murdered 50,000 children in the Indian Residential Schools" direct quote which he merchandised relentlessly.
the book Grave Error put that non-sense to rest ; URL here
it would be worth while for folks who are fans of Kevin Annette to view the documentary which was compiled by people who had formerly been his supporters
long, but worth the time as far as I'm concerned mainly because Mr Annett is still at it ... dishing balderdash