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John Coleman - Globalists Want You Dead

March 23, 2025

"The many tragic and explosive events of the 20th century 
did not just happen by themselves; 
but were planned according to a well laid out blueprint 
based upon the occult. 
Those who believe that devil worship, demons and witchcraft 
have vanished from modern society, are misinformed." 

In his 1992 lecture,  MI-6 whistleblower John Coleman says Free Trade is akin to globalism (i.e. Communism.) It destroys domestic production. This explains Trump's nationalistic (Zionist) policy. Communism destroys the goyim through subversion (i.e. plandemics, gender dysphoria, woke BS.) Zionism destroys the goyim through war. Coleman also claims AIDS, like COVID, was a deliberate depopulation program caused by "vaccines." 

By Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea
(Abridged by

It emerged very clearly from Club of Rome meetings that its main purpose and objective was to: retard industrial development;
 hold back scientific research; 
depopulate cities, especially the formerly industrialized cities of North America; 
move population to rural areas; 
cull the population of the world by at least 2 billion people; 
prevent reorganization of political forces who oppose COR plans; 
destabilize the United States through massive layoffs and loss of jobs and class and racial wars; 
and, destroy capital incentive through high interest rates and high capital gains taxes.

(Mark Carnage is Maurice Strong resuscitated)

With the destruction of industry, would come the destruction of all of our basic morals, our basic beliefs in God and country, our Christian-based culture, which will lead swiftly to the return to the world of an occult theocracy of the new dark ages. COR high-priest Harmon said: ". . . nineteen images of man dominate various epochs, and from each he extracts such features he believes useful for replacing the industrial technological image, programs the COR and the Committee hope to emulate and which will turn the people of the world -- those that are left as mindless slaves after the culling of Global 2000 has occurred, in a New Dark Age -- the so-called New World Order." [pg.44]

The COR laid out a scenario that is in direct contradiction with God's law, which says that we must be fruitful, and multiply and subdue the Earth, not for the benefit of the COR and the Committee of 300, but for the freedom of our people in the United States and others who choose to respect their national identities.

The Luciferians, members of the Cult of Dyonisus, the "Olympians" - they say, "No, we were placed here to rule the Earth and we alone shall enjoy its benefits." 

"We must change the industrial technological image of man fast. Our analyses of the nature of contemporary society problems leads to the conclusion that the images of many that dominated the last two centuries will he inadequate for the post-industrial era. The image of man appropriate to that new world (not new - the concept, a Satanic one, is four thousand years old) must be sought, synthesized and then wired into mankind's brains." [Emphasis our own] [pg.43]

 In his video presentation at 40 minutes, Coleman discussed that Robert Strange McNamara had a conference with the world's leading bankers and stated: "The biggest menace facing the world today is the American middle class and overpopulation." He further discusses the genocidal plan to get rid of the "unwashed." 

What he discusses is applicable today, 50 years later: "That is why we had the sudden appearance of AIDS. There were chemical and bacteriological warfare experiments ongoing in Sierra Leone, Africa. They used Lassa fever virus for biological warfare purposes to get rid of millions of people in the world.

They took the viruses back to the CDC. The same experiments were going on at Harvard. The Government gave millions of dollars to Fort Detrick where they did all the laboratory work on AIDS. They inserted AIDS into the small pox vaccine and vaccinated people in Africa and Brazil, hence starting the AIDS epidemic.

Lives were in jeopardy from scores of man-made viruses like HIV and Ebola Fever.

(Left, Satanists start wars and pandemics to disguise their genocidal objective. They want to exterminate all non-Satanists, i.e. goyim.)

The elites protect themselves with herbal compounds mixed with sugar and the protection of low frequency radiation. Using the technology developed by the virologist Gurtjev who proved that every living thing has a vibratory cycle. He was able to measure the vibratory cycle of deadly viruses. By vibrating them double their cycle you would kill them instantly. That is one of the defensive weapons they got that will kill the plague if they ever get it. The same technique will kill cancer cells. The medical profession run by the Rockefellers and pharmaceutical companies did not want you to know this.

Know Thy Enemy.

Dr. John Coleman 21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300, Educate Yourself or 21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300 (pdf)

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "John Coleman - Globalists Want You Dead "

Tony said (March 25, 2025):

First of all Coleman is a fraud. He works for the enemy. No M16 whistlerblower would be allowed to live.

You can't worship Satan and demons. You can't worship whom doesn't exist. It's all BS.

Same as viruses. They have never been scientifically proven to exist. Yet this guy continues promoting the bullshit about viruses. All fear porn for the gullible masses.

RH said (March 24, 2025):

Re: The Luciferians, members of the Cult of Dyonisus, the "Olympians" - they say, "No, we were placed here to rule the Earth and we alone shall enjoy its benefits."

So, these "high-ranking" people, "Olympians", can attend these kinds of meetings with their political officials' blessings and never suffer any consequences for entertaining diabolical plans against their own people. It's not just one country at stake. What is for them to fear for this is all known and nothing happens to counter it (globally).

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at