I Can't Get a Job in UK Because I'm Not Gay
February 8, 2025

"I walked into the room and was met by a woman and man, both wearing lanyards with the LGBTQ+ colours. The first question the woman asked me was "What are your preferred pronouns?". My answer was simple, "him!". I am a muscular 6 feet tall masculine looking man. I clearly don't have a vagina, yet I was asked about my gender for the opening interview question; not a good start in my opinion. I knew right then I was not going to get hired."
"Had I skipped into the interview room and put on a camp voice, died my hair rainbow colours, and said my husband is named Steve and I enjoy hobbies such as meeting men in public toilets and supporting abortion 'rights', I'd have been offered the job as company CEO with double the salary."
by ML
Great British Railways pays a very attractive salary, with a good pension and benefits. However, they are now promoting their company as 'diverse' and 'inclusive', in other words, if you are a white Christian male, married to a woman and obviously straight, you have no chance.
All privately owned UK rail companies will begin a 'transition' to government this year. Even the way they plan to do this sounds LGBTQ, 'transition'. They have to put a certain amount of 'straight' people through the recruitment process so it's seen as opportunities for all (this is not the case). The new website is full of images where fat middle-aged unattractive women (many are lesbians), Asians and other races, along with feminine looking 'men' are at the forefront of the company.
The limited number of photographs showing what could be straight looking men are out of focus in the images, and mostly stood behind the women; they are outnumbered by the non-UK races and transgender and gay crowds on every page of the website. Her's a link https://jobs.gbrtt.co.uk/pages/recruitment-process
What is happening here is clear: Satanic cults want to deprive talented and experienced straight people of a good career, replacing them with often less talented and inexperienced ones who posses the skill of enjoying the unnatural act of a same sex relationship, or confused mentally ill people who are convinced they are the wrong gender, in the wrong body. The feminists have also taken over these companies, making the woman as the better and more productive worker, having power and influence over the male. During my interview the woman completely dominated the male when questions were being asked, he was so weak he let her interrupt and talk over him most of the time.
Sure enough, as I told my wife (she had some hope I'd get the job), the phone call was a rejection. I can't tell you how annoyed I am to be rejected after providing them with a CV and application form that ticks all the right boxes for the job. The problem is that I don't tick one box for their perverted recruitment drive.

I am clearly too white, Christian, and too heterosexual for their agenda, and it simply does not fit their new image. Had I skipped into the interview room and put on a camp voice, died my hair rainbow colours, and said my husband is named Steve and I enjoy hobbies such as meeting men in public toilets and supporting abortion 'rights', I'd have been offered the job as company CEO with double the salary. I'm not bitter, and in fact now I know this is going to get worse I am relieved to not be employed by them (it will be a nightmare constantly being careful what you say, and who you offend by not saying anything wrong). I won't be applying again. Without sounding like I am bragging, they have lost the chance of hiring a male who is honest, hard working, and would have given the company a great return on their investment.
This, believe it or not, was my fifth application for the same job in what has taken two and a half years (you have to wait six months each time you are rejected, before you can reapply). Each time I have applied, I have almost got to the point of being given a start date, and then fallen down on the final hurdle. It is not my skills or interview attitude that have failed me, it's their agenda.
Feedback provided from previous failed attempts to join this circus have been watered down lame excuses about not understanding the direction of where the company wants to go. I understand it fine, and don't like it. Maybe it's outwardly more obvious than I feel, but they pick up on anyone with too much testosterone in a room full of estrogen filled males and men hating women.
I dress extremely smart, speak clearly, answer all the questions with confidence, and have the skills and experience they advertise for. I know of others on forums who have written what they did and said at the same interviews for the exact same positions, and it's clear they got the job because of their being a sexual deviant, LGBTQ, or some other form of anti Christian white male hating Satan supporting freak. Train drivers are now going to be mostly female, because they want a male-dominated industry to have more drivers who will get pregnant and take leave (many lesbians get pregnant using sperm donors), have a go to prove a point attitude because they don't have a penis, and good for us women because for too long men have driven trains. I am all for giving women a good job, but when it becomes a case of giving women jobs to prove a point and cut out talented males, I have a problem.
I'm genuinely sick of this disgusting campaign to drive away the straight male talent, for diversity and equal opportunities nonsense. Satan has control of this world, 1st John 5:19 confirms this. He wants everyone to become sick, twisted, and perverts those who, if are straight, will cheat on their partners. This world is a mess, and those who side with the darkness are in control right now. Years ago a company would not have looked twice at an application form that read gay, LGBTQ, trans, or some pronoun garbage request. Now it's turned completely the other way, and if you lick or suck what's not normal in the eyes of God, then you're going to be locked out of any decent employment opportunities.
What a screwed up world we live in; with everything inverted and perverted. Sick is now healthy, and bad is now good. The Bible has always been right, and at the moment it seems we're racing towards destruction of society, giving rights to a minority that are better placed than 'normal' people. That Black Hawk crash in Washington, skilled ATC or hired for their 'skills'? Whatever the industry, if its large and wealthy, you can guarantee you won't get a chance if you're not one of the alphabet people.
Related- Pride Train Staffed by LGBT+ Crew