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Mike Stone - Demonrats Choose 2 Losers to Lead Party

February 5, 2025

The DEMONrats recently picked Ken Martin of Minnesota to lead the Democrat Party National Committee. Look at this guy. Are you telling me he's going to stop Trump from completely obliterating the Democratic Party?

by Mike Stone

But wait, it gets worse. The DEMONrats doubled down on their stupidity by picking David Hogg to be Vice Chairman.

You remember David Hogg. He was a major player in the Parkland, Florida fake school shooting. Other students attending school at the time said that Hogg was 25-years-old, not 17-years-old, as he claimed, and an undercover cop.

There was also compelling evidence that Hogg had been arrested in South Carolina for possession of meth before the fake Parkland shooting. His arrest record says he was 26-years-old at the time.

Despite surveillance cameras in every hallway and classroom, and despite hundreds of students, each with their own cell phone, there is no live footage of the "shooting," only a brief clip of an apparent mannequin lying in a pool of fake blood. There's also footage of armed cops (the actual shooters) exiting the school.

The Parkland "shooting" took place on February 14, 2018 at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School. The following day, February 15, 2018, some fake survivors of that fake shooting formed a group called Never Again MSD. The MSD stands for Marjorie Stoneman Douglas. 

The purpose of the group was to demand confiscation of all guns in order to prevent future (fake) school shootings. Never Again MSD then held a march in Washington, D.C. and in other cities across the country. There's only one problem with that narrative. Never Again MSD applied for their permit to march months before the fake shooting occurred at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School, and months before the group was even formed. 

In other words, they knew in advance that a (fake) shooting were going to occur. So they made up a fake front group and applied for permits to March in Washington, D.C.

Here is Hogg's Classmates(dot)com page in which he proudly states that he graduated from Redondo Shores High School in California in 2015, three years before the fake Parkland shooting. That would make him at least 21-years-old at the time he claimed to be 17.


It's fitting that the Democrats chose Hogg as Vice Chairman, because he's the poster boy for pencil-neck geeks, and the only men who voted Democrat in the last election are geeks, pajama boys, homosexuals, child molesters, food stamp parasites, and wannabe pickup artists. The only women who voted Democrat are welfare mothers, illegal aliens, and unhinged liberal White women. That's it. Literally everyone else in America voted for Trump. 

Hogg promised in the past to help abolish ICE, defund the police, strip the citizenry of all guns, and declare the NRA a terrorist organization. So that's pretty much where you can expect his energy to go during his time as Vice Chairman. In other words, he's going to pursue policies that everyone in America, outside of the groups mentioned above, hate and despise.

This is today's Democratic Party. They ran an impostor claiming to be Joe Biden in 2020, and stole the election; they ran a drunk, washed-up old whore in 2024, and lost in a landslide; and now they're looking to sweep the pencil-neck geek vote. The DEMONrats are finished. No normal person will ever vote for them again.

This is where your hard-earned tax dollars were going before Commander Trump restored dignity, intelligence, and common sense back to the White House:

This is what your children's school was like before Commander Trump came back to town:


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at