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Mike Stone - Trump's Revenge is Sweet!

February 15, 2025

"Consider the scope of this. Thousands of six-figure-earning, Deep State criminals, who have done nothing but bleed the country dry and make your life miserable, mocking you the entire time, are now out of a job and can't afford their house payments. (I suppose they can file for unemployment. Or learn how to code.) Those firings have led to an exodus in Washington D.C. and nearby Arlington, Virginia with over 14,825 new housing listings. It's like rats fleeing a sinking ship."

by Mike Stone

It's amazing what we're seeing with Donald Trump back in the White House, but it's not surprising. This is what "drain the swamp" looks like and the criminality is far worse than what most of us could have ever imagined. Thousands of criminals (government employees) have been sacked, with more soon to follow. 

Consider the scope of this. Thousands of six-figure-earning, Deep State criminals, who have done nothing but bleed the country dry and make your life miserable, mocking you the entire time, are now out of a job and can't afford their house payments. (I suppose they can file for unemployment. Or learn how to code.) Those firings have led to an exodus in Washington D.C. and nearby Arlington, Virginia with over 14,825 new housing listings. It's like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

Meanwhile, Google searches for "criminal defence lawyer" are three times higher in Washington, D.C. than anywhere else in the country. Other Google search terms that have exploded in Washington are "wipe hard drive" and "offshore bank."

President Trump is following up on his promise to end the Russian/Ukrainian war. Negotiations are under way and the midget Zelensky is on his way out. 

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Trump has tasked Anna Paulina Luna with declassifying the Jeffrey Epstein client list, the JFK assassination files, the government UFO files, and more. Luna (my neighbor says, "She's hot!") has already publicly stated that the Warren Commission Report on the JFK assassination is a fraud and that multiple shooters participated in the assassination.

Those of us have studied the issue have known for a long time that there were multiple shooters in Dallas that day and that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't one of them. However, to publicly state as much was grounds for termination from one's job and calls for psychiatric evaluation. Just bringing the topic up among friends would get you ostracized from polite company. That went on for decades. Remember the uproar over the film JFK?

Professional gatekeepers like Sean Hannity and Dennis Prager would ridicule, refuse to engage, and hang up on anyone who dared to suggest any type of government involvement or coverup in the assassination. To hear a government spokesperson finally admit the truth is simply astounding. Is Dennis Prager or anyone else going to apologize to the public for lying to them all these years? Don't hold your breath.

Time will tell if the American people are told the truth about Israel's involvement in the JFK assassination, or who's really on Epstein's client list, or that space aliens do not exist, but the creation of Luna's task force is a good start.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is our new Director of Health and Human Services. Did you ever think you'd see a Kennedy wielding this much political power? Kennedy has promised to get fluoride out of our water and dangerous vaccines out of our kids. Surprisingly, many are opposed to this. Their brains are so vaccine-addled and they've drunk so much fluoridated water that they've lost the ability to think rationally on any subject. They are truly mentally deranged. Speaking of which . . .

Trump has closed the door on trannyism by signing an Executive Order making it illegal to chemically and surgically mutilate children. He's made trannyism unfashionable and sent the freaks back into the closet. Naturally this has sent trannies and their virtue signaling supporters (all liberal White women) into a tizzy. They no longer have permission to sexually molest and mutilate children, or the legal right to force others into affirming their mental illness.

Granted, not all Americans are down with what Trump is accomplishing. Criminal Deep Staters, along with virtually everyone in the Democratic Party and their braindead followers, are panicking right now. 

There are also black pill doomers who won't give Trump credit no matter what he does. Doomers spend their time making themselves miserable and virtually all of them are incels. If you think that's a coincidence, I have a bridge in Baltimore I'd like to sell you.

To analyze the situation accurately, pay attention to what Trump does, not what he says. Doomers will take a statement Trump makes and fly into a spittle-flying, TDS induced rage, without ever realizing that Trump often does the exact opposite of what he says. 

It's also important to take into account the big picture. There are many credible and highly respected researchers who believe we are going to war with Iran. I don't believe that for a second. In fact, I'm willing to bet on it. I'm willing to bet a LOT on it, and don't forget, I'm the guy who told you to "bet the ranch" on Trump to win the November election when his offshore odds were +140. If you took my advice, you won a bundle.

As I type these words, there is no credible evidence that we are goibg to war with Iran. At least I haven't seen any. If we do go to war with Iran, I'll take it all back. But until we do, I'm willing to give Trump credit - a lot of credit - for what he has accomplished so far.


Makow Disclaimer-   I disagree with Mike. Trump will draw the US into a war against Iran. 


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Mike Stone - Trump's Revenge is Sweet!"

Roger said (February 16, 2025):

mike stone has finally shown his true colors.
he says we won't have a war with iran anytime soon. insanity.
he applauds and promotes trumps pick anna luna. SHE IS A
MESSIANIC CHABAD JEW. that's a fact.
i guess mike has alzheimers.

Pierre said (February 16, 2025):

It appear to me that Mike Stone is completely seduced by Donald Schtrumps magical tricks, like Eve who was seduced by the serpent at the early beginning of the times of darkness.

He only looks at the hand that Satan wants him to see.

JD said (February 16, 2025):

This just in: Trump is a fraud.

The federal government will be bigger, taxing more, spending more, warring more by the time he leaves office. And we'll all have even less freedom. Guaranteed .

If he was not a fraud, he would be shutting down agencies such as USAID strictly because it is entirely unconstitutional, as is the Federal Reserve, the IRS, the Dept. of Education, as is the FBI, the CIA, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and 1000's of other US federal agencies.

All of these agencies need to be eliminated, overnight( i.e. no gradualism).

Trump does not have a frickin' clue about the unconstitutionality of these agencies or the many (1000s !) others not listed here.

So temporarily closing the doors of USAID is nothing but smoke and mirrors and will accomplish nothing long term.

USAID and it's parasite employees will just (unconstitutionally) regroup/re-form under another name.

The same goes for any other federal agency Trump temporarily "attacks".

It's all B.S. being bandied about by naive individuals (eg Trump, Musk etc), who fancy the government as ( or can be) some sort of benign " do good" force in the world, when the truth of the matter is that it is, like all governments, just a giant criminal scam that needs to be entirely abolished, or at the very least cut down in size by about 95%.

"This governments grown to big for it's boots,
We've got to cut it back down, right down to its roots"

Song: "New Revolution":

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at