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Feb 28 - Demonrats Looted US Treasury

February 27, 2025


Congress critters are millionaires despite having a modest $175,000 per annum salary.
How do they do it? They give money to friends who run NGO's, who then donate 
to their "campaign funds."  The Demonrat MO is to buy "campliance."
They bought everyone.

And about the gold bars being transferred to the US. 

Do you suppose they are rushing to replace missing gold from Fort Knox?

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Trump says Aid to India Involved kickbacks 


Do you think Trump is going to end the Ukraine war? 

US Army calls Russia 'the enemy'

A manual meant to prepare the American military for fighting Russia has been released

'Catastrophic scenario' if NATO troops deploy to Ukraine - top Russian senator

The possibility mulled by the French president could be taken as a declaration of war on Moscow, Konstantin Kosachev has said


Definition of "Disingenuous"

Accusing anyone opposed to Palestinian genocide of being "antisemitic."  Do Zionists think anyone is going to fall for this tawdry Jewish sleight of hand?

Insider--"The Rothschild's have access to technology that causes the kind of freak weather currently linked to climate change, and use it to drive people out of farms and rural areas into inner cities.
Members of Congress know the Rothschild's control the weather and are behind resilient cities, but would never admit it because they feed at the DC Rothschild taxpayer money trough as the pigs in muck and the liars that they are. We the People are in Great Danger!


Epstein files 'will make you sick' - US attorney general -- RT World News

"What you're going to see, hopefully tomorrow, is a lot of flight logs, a lot of names, a lot of information. But it's pretty sick what that man did.

They plan to release the Epstein files beginning today.  All this does to me, is confuse me as to what the Trump Administration is up to as I would believe their cronies are on the list as well as Democrats.  Why would they expose themselves?  How do they twist this to gain anything?  And how does Israel come out looking good with their connection? "

Jew covid Scam (1).png
Paul Craig Roberts:  The American Health Care System Is a Collection of Profit Centers Unrelated to Health Care

"The reason for maximizing deaths by withholding effective treatment and by inflating the infection rate with the PCR test was to create panic that would line up millions of people willing to have the Covid vax, thus maximizing Big Pharma's profits.

We now know for a proven established fact that the Covid "vaccine" killed more people than the Covid virus, but whore media continues to suppress the knowledge as do corrupt medical societies supported with Big Pharma grants."


Romania's Georgescu Banned From Appearing In Media As Globalists Accuse Him Of 'Fascism, Attempted Coup'

"Prosecutors have revealed that police have raided nearly 50 addresses of people and associations connected with Romanian presidential front-runner Calin Georgescu, who has denied all wrongdoing and said state authorities are trying to block his candidacy.

Georgescu will reportedly be released from a hours-long detention by police for questioning. But emerging reports say he's been charged with 'attempted coup' and advancing 'false information'. Reuters has summarized the charges against him include forming an antisemitic organization, promoting war criminals and fascist organizations, and communicating false information."


Interview with Prof. William Happer - Climate Scare Is Based on Lies

"There is really no threat from increasing CO2 or any of the other minor greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It's all a made-up scare story."


Fed up: 2 in 5 Americans say living in U.S. no longer enjoyable

Reader---"Life in the United States of America objectively sucks. The country has only gotten progressively worse during my lifetime. Two out of three American agree and view the country as "toxic." Almost one in five American want to leave. Everything in this country is a rip off. Basic necessities like food and shelter are ridiculously expensive. The US Dollar doesn't buy shit.

There's also poisonous garbage is in the food, the cities aren't safe, taxes get wasted on wars and corrupt bullshit, marriage is discouraged because of insane no-fault divorce laws, the country has been flooded with tens of millions of foreigners and a major medical event can drive you into financial ruin."

My new collection, Illuminati 4- Genocide & War presents a template which you will find nowhere else. I show how satanist Jews and Freemasons on both sides have deliberately instigated world wars to undermine and murder non-Satanists and goyim in general.  They are preparing for a third world war. I show that Trump, Netanyahu and Putin all belong to Chabad, a Jewish supremacist cult that requires a "social catastrophe" in order to usher in the Jewish Messiah. These wars are between two branches of Jewish Freemasonry - Communism (Left) and Zionism (Right.) Trump, Netanyahu & Putin are all Freemasons. So are the leaders of Iran. This book shows how current events are orchestrated.

Trump Admin Stonewalls Epstein Doc Revelations --Why the Limited Hangout?

"We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country."
-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at