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Feb 20 - Who Flipped the Narrative from Commie-Left to Zio-Right?

February 20, 2025

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Russia invaded Ukraine exactly three years ago on Feb 24, 2022. The same day, the Rothschilds took their foot off the pandemic hoax. Why? They had us on the ropes. I'm appealing to knowledgeable readers to explain why the narrative switched from plandemic to war.

Similarly corporations are falling over themselves to shed all signs of DEI BS. Why? After a national nightmare lasting four years, Trump is restoring sanity and common sense, except where Israel is involved.  Who did this? Why?

At my age (75) I have been at this game a long time. When I was 12-years-old, I was heavily involved in the Negro Civil Rights movement. Suddenly, overnight, a switch was pulled, and  Civil Rights was dead. Opposition to the Vietnam war became the hot issue. I felt as though the party had moved to another venue. I was dancing alone.

Who makes these switches and why? Why did the Illuminati switch tactics from poisoning and locking us down to murdering us in a contrived war? 

I appeal to my informed readers for an explanation.

Elon Musk casts doubt on $425 billion U.S. gold reserve at Fort Knox ahead of personal DOGE audit

Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, the state where Fort Knox is located, said in an interview with Fox News on Monday that he invited Musk to review the gold reserve after failing to gain access to the facility for a decade. 

"I think some of them may not think it needs to be audited all the time, but I think the more sunlight, the better, more transparency, the better," Paul said.
Paul Craig Roberts 

Who owns the gold in Ft. Knox? In 1933, when FDR issued his EO commanding all US citizens to surrender all of their physical gold holdings at $20.67 an ounce, the gold was surrendered to a Federal Reserve Bank in exchange for Federal Reserve notes, NOT US Treasury notes; consequently, that block of gold is owned by the Rothschild-led eight bankster-thief families that own the Federal Reserve, NOT the 'We the People' US Treasury.

My question is, "What percentage of the gold held at Ft. Knox and other gold repositories around the world is owned by the 'We the People' US Treasury?"


Trump WILL Audit The Gold At Fort Knox

For the first time since the 1970s.


Video: The Non-existent Pandemic? Worldwide Excess Mortality Attributable to the COVID-19 "Vaccine"

"My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the "deadly" COVID-19 "vaccine". This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument."

Bill Gates' grandfather responsible for vaccines that caused Spanish Flu


Erdogan condemns Israeli Genocide

but does nothing concrete about it


Elon Musk: DOGE Found Millions of People in Social Security Database Aged Between 100 and 159

In a post on X, Musk revealed that millions of people listed in a Social Security database are recorded as still living far beyond 100 years old.

He noted that when "the death field [is] set to FALSE," the database lists millions of "living" Americans between the ages of 100 and 159.

Alarmingly, the database shows one person between the ages of 360 and 369 is listed in the Social Security database.

World-Renowned Oncologist Warns of HORRENDOUS Surge in Cancers Among Covid-Vaccinated
"We must stop messenger RNA [mRNA] at all costs... it's not only mad, it's EVIL." - Dr. Angus Dalgleish

Dalgleish argues that Covid mRNA "vaccines" are the cause of skyrocketing excess deaths recorded all around the world since early 2021.

He also asserts that the injections are linked to surges in cancer, which he described as "turbo cancers."

The disease has been found to form and spread so rapidly among vaccinated people that doctors have dubbed the phenomenon "turbo cancer."

Doctors have revealed that some "turbo cancers" spread so quickly that seemingly healthy patients can die within a week of being diagnosed.


mRNA 'Vaccines' Cause Immune System to Surrender to Deadly Disease, Top Scientists Warn

Why Israelis Hate Sara Netanyahu



The following link explains Trump's new "Stargate AI" conspiracy with CIA-Oracle and Mossad-Ellison:

"The oligarchs have invested too much money in the AI Control Grid to simply walk away from it. Swamp-Foreman Trump will help them create the new AI-CDBC slavery system and make American slaves downtrodden forever.

The "tariffs" that Trump is threatening against Canada and Mexico have to do with "justifying" an AI control grid to POLICE THE SLAVES VIA AI, of course under the guise of "policing tariffs". By an "amazing" "coincidence", two-thirds of all US slaves live in the so-called "Constitution-Free Zone", which is the following 100-mile border zone:

More good videos by this Canadian channel "EYESISWATCHIN" can be found here:


USAID funded Boko Haram slaughter of Christians in Nigeria

Adamu Garba, a chieftain and politician of Nigeria's All Progressives Congress, has affirmed the allegations that the United States Agency for International Development, USAID, was funding Boko Haram, ISIS and other Islamic terrorists organizations known for murdering Christians.

First Comment from "Insider"

The script was meant to be flipped, it helps create chaos !!!!!

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Feb 20 - Who Flipped the Narrative from Commie-Left to Zio-Right? "

R said (February 21, 2025):

The owners of the system flipped it. See, they can't afford for the entire population to lose hope, so they fool them by reinforcing in them the false idea that their short and meaningless lives of slavery really matter. This is done by alternatively providing scraps to people on both sides of the aisle, which also helps in maintaining them divided, as the owners can't afford to have a population united against the system.

James C said (February 21, 2025):

Everybody, and I mean nearly everybody, seems to be laboring under the false belief that Trump is some kind of a national savior. I personally do not share that belief. IMO, we're witnessing the so-called good cop/bad cop routine; Trump's good actions must be evaluated against his extremely bad actions. For example, he hasn't spoken out against the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians. In fact, he is still arming the Zionists. No amount of good actions by Trump can undo his heinous support of the ongoing Zionist genocide in Palestine.

IMO, one of the very few individuals who hasn't been fooled by Trump's good cop/bad cop routine is Stew Peters. I thought so highly of a broadcast that he did lately that I transcribed the entire broadcast.

DP said (February 20, 2025):

The kabal always has myriad purposes and never wastes a Big Move. That being said, by February of 24, one year into the Great Poisoning, the new boogy man of WW3 and nuclear annihilation provided plenty of readily accessible opportunities for distraction as the jab injury and death
was blossoming around the planet. I could sit here for an hour listing the reasons for the Ukraine Great Reset War and how the Luciferian Kabbahalist synagogue of Satan benefited their Agenda, but what a gift of never-ending, high-quality, fear-filled distraction that the genocidal meat-
grinder (kill a Slav for Rebbe Schneerson, win a prize) did provide ! We are overlorded by certifiable monsters.

V said (February 20, 2025):

I think the basis for this has been to divide society along fault lines, vs. anything truly ideological. Crisis, chaos & destabilization the goals in creating the divides. All are perpetually whipsawed.

Re civil rights, as a white kid in the white Mid-West of the US, there weren't too many youths speaking out b/c we weren't surrounded by minorities & had no perspective. Maybe 1/3 by high school discussed the issues, but it was only from TV. The protests were mostly in the metro regions with a large percentage of minorities protesting.

I recall adult contempt for Angela Davis as a Marxist - this was the John Birch era. I also recall being sympathetic to their cause & a few friends also re "I have a dream.". Some adults spoke out, but a small percentage. A number of teachers did & some ministers. But after the riots, many went against it, esp. with "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?". So here was the split of minorities, mostly Black, from white society, plus a number of metro white youth as allies.

Re the war, this was an intended split of mostly the whites by age, youths vs. estab. adults. Whites were nearly 85% of the population back then, so they had to be split.

Re Ukraine, more on that later. But the damage had been done w/the vaxxes by 2022 with most having taken them plus boosters.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at