Feb 16 - When Will Stock Market Bubble Burst?
February 16, 2025

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com
The US has doubled the money supply in the last ten years from roughly $16 trillion to more than $32 trillion. This is more than the accumulated US debt until 2010. It has resulted in massive inflation as well as a stock market bubble and an explosion of crypto currencies. AI stocks with huge losses have market caps in the billions.
Will the stock market bubble burst? Thomas Stone doesn't think so.
US Debt Crisis Unlikely
"But US sovereign debt is unlikely to become a crisis, according to a paper released last week by economists at the Brookings Institution, a think tank. By "crisis" they mean "a sudden, large and sustained downturn in demand for Treasury securities." The paper lays out four scenarios in which that could happen, and concludes that none of them is likely."
Thomas Stone- Government spending to accelerate as war approaches, despite what the alt-media think
"I suspect the Trump regime is receiving orders to gut the public sector and hand it over to the private hands of the synagogue-controlled bankers, who work through their private corporations.
Unfortunately, the amount of federal government spending cuts is relatively inconsequential. Moreover, there will still be spending, except it will be shifted over to the private sector and run as a profit center. Cutting a couple hundred thousand jobs from federal government payrolls is not going to solve anything. The increases in defense spending over the next few years will dwarf any DOGE headway and progress towards streamlining the Federal government's finances.
To wit, take a look at the growth in the money supply and the ballooning Federal budget deficits. Oy vey...
I don't know what the stated catalysts will be, nor do I know its exact timing, but the Federal Reserve will have to begin resorting to some sort of QE type of federal government subsidized spending once again."

Patrick J. McShay, The COVID-19 Vaccine is an Israeli Mossad Created Bioweapon to Genocide the World's Population
Mossad's plan, according to Moshe, was to disguise bioweapons as beneficial vaccines and have targets lining up and begging to be given a bioweapon."
"In his paper, Dr. Classen made the shocking claim that the Israelis had placed Mossad connected Jewish scientists in the NIH over 30years ago, led by Israeli National Zavi-Ben Sasson. Classen worked across the hall from Ben Sasson when he found that he was working for the Israeli Mossad and was using the NIH facilities to develop bio-weapons, and training US scientists to become bioweapons experts for the Mossad.... In 2009 a Jewish American Microbiologist named Joseph Moshe said the Mossad was planning on using vaccines as carriers for bioweapons. Mossad's plan, according to Moshe, was to disguise bioweapons as beneficial vaccines and have targets lining up and begging to be given a bioweapon."
Economist- Trump's Tariff Beef Against Canada Make No Sense
CIBC Economist says Canada's tariffs less than US. Trade surplus totally due to raw materials which US needs.

Macron is married to his trans father
All in the family- Macron is the illegitimate son of Lilly Rothschild and Jean Michel Trogneux (Brigitte Macron - his trans father, left). He was raised by Françoise Noguès (also trans).
Elizabeth Nickson--Deport Them All. The Immigration Consensus Collapses Across the West
A Grotesque Criminal Conspiracy Against Western Civilization.
"In every western country 50% want all the illegal immigrants deported immediately. All of them. Not one left. If the media were honest, if people knew the truth, it would be 90%, a crashing societal-wide consensus: end all immigration, legal and illegal, now."
Reader---"Henry, please watch at least part of this David Icke video: "Order out of Chaos (Problem, Reaction, Solution), starting at 24.00 mins in, where Icke exposes pastor Paula White Cain, the new white house "faith advisor":
Icke exposes the inherent danger of combining the religion of government with _any_ other religion (e.g. christianity,Judaism, masonism, deism,islam, satanism, buddhism,scientology, etc. Etc.), in this case "Christianity", however defined.
Although, as a statist, Icke still doesn't quite get it yet, his expose still works well, IMO.
And once more I must quote, for Ickes benefit (and presumably yours, Larken Rose:
"You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren't atheists. You all have the same god, and its name is 'government.' You're all members of the most evil, insane, destructive cult in history. If there ever was a devil, the state is it. And you worship it with all your heart and soul."
Vance Meets German Populist Leader in Munich, Snubs Far-Left Chancellor
Vice President J.D. Vance met with Alice Weidel, leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), on Friday in Munich, Germany, according to a source familiar with the vice president's schedule. Vance, in town for the Munich Security Conference, had earlier criticized the German establishment for attempting to shut out the AfD

US Civil Servants see writing on the wall. Reader- "Will Blackrock, et al, vacuum up the majority of the abandoned homes in D.C. ?"
US threatens to cut aid if Egypt refuses to take in Gazans, as Arab states race to find alternative to Trump plan
Rubio says US will give Arab states time to 'hopefully' have 'really good plan to present' to Trump
The Trump administration is upping the pressure on Cairo to accept the U.S. president's plan to resettle large parts of the population of Gaza on Egyptian territory.
On Thursday, the Qatari outlet Al-Araby Al-Jadeed reported that the Pentagon had reached out to warn Egyptian officials that part of the over $1.4 billion in annual military aid might be cut if Cairo won't accept President Donald Trump's plan.
David Irving Talking Frankly encore
Says history profession is Jewish monopoly

Netanyahu Plans to Attack Iran and 'Lure Trump Into War,' Israeli Media Reports
Trump last month shared a video of Professor Jeffrey Sachs saying Netanyahu is a "dark son of a bitch" who conned America into war with Iraq and is trying to con us into war with Iran. Nonetheless, Trump welcomed Netanyahu to the White House last week and even pulled out his seat for him.
The scene prompted Israeli journalist Edy Cohen to mock Trump as Netanyahu's servant in the White House
Mark Carnage: I'm an "elitist and a globalist" but "that's exactly what we need"
"I know how the world works, I know how to get things done, I'm connected and I can deliver for the country," Carney replied.
As for his weakness, he says: "People will charge me with being elitist or a globalist, to use that term, which is, well, that's exactly, it happens to be exactly what we need."
Carney continued: "my weakness as a politician is I've not been a politician. So I didn't go straight into, as you observed, the killer."

Reader--"Nothing to see here...
Just a global constellation of satellites that no country has really complained about -- even as far as to launching more -- and in spite of in 2022(g) US signing Starlink to a MIL project StarShield -- nope, nothing to notice...
Sure would be useful for a global digital ID...
This is ALL Starlink, not every satellite there is. This is Starlink ALONE and growing up to 14,000 by 2027(g) which is a deadline for phase 1
There is a SINGLE GLOBAL SATELLITE NETWORK constellation covering the globe and what, you think its about giving internet to people in RVs or on cruise ships? Who are you shilling for?
JD said (February 17, 2025):
"When Will Stock Market Bubble Burst?"
Investment Reality Fact: ( ignore it at your peril!)
Markets remain entirely anarchic, as always.
The economic future, therefore, remains unknown and unpredictable; _nobody_ can reliably, consistently predict any markets moves or direction, not Fed bureaucrats, not private economists or investment advisors or similar ( although anyone of these might get it right every once in a while).
See: Onebornfrees Financial Safety Reports: https://onebornfreesfinancialsafetyreports.blogspot.com/?m=1