What a Good "Reset" Would Look Like
January 11, 2025

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January 11, 2025
HK said (February 27, 2023):
We see with the iteration of stakeholder corporatism, that capitalism and communism are two sides of the same coin. Looks like Douglas was onto something big: enumerating the inherent flaws of the current system and a populist solution in Douglas Social Credit.
So not only is the financial system broken, but there is an elegant option in a monetary system designed to reflect reality. Real wealth is a product of the capacity of natural resources, know-how and labour. No thanks, bankers, you don't rightly own the power to make money out of thin air even though you've obfuscated the whole operation to suit your ends. Society needs to take back the sovereign role of issuing credit.
RM said (February 26, 2023):
ou are absolutely right that they are on the run.
But it's because their utter bullshit isn't working.
Climate change, Pandemics, Financialisation of the global economy.
You can see this when you view the unhinged maniacal rantings of Al 'ManBearPig' Gore, John 'Ketchup Lurch' Kerry at the WEF meeting this year.
When Satan retreats, he does it knowing that his dupes and stooges will take the fall and he has their souls. Sweet deal!!
Doug P said (February 25, 2023):
We are rudderless and without a philosophy. People for the most part are filled with hubris and will not have the humility to understand Christ. There are two authors to seek on this, Kant and Pfendorf. Even CS Lewis and Chesterton lack the expositions of doctrine. Christ was all about the doctrine.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss - unless we learn the key doctrines. Restoring the Trinity in our courts and governments would be step one in getting sanity back. Only the Trinity keeps us from going mad.
RRR said (November 10, 2022):
A good “Reset” is what Russia and its allies are doing. I heard they have Mach 10 or better nuclear missiles. They can definitely reset us. Unfortunately we may not survive it.
However, I also heard Jesus will return and will kill the false Messiah - The Anti-Christ with his eyesight. So, he will have a speed of light weapon - Mach 882 000. Now, that’s a reset!
MA said (November 10, 2022):
The Satanists must be purged first before Makow Reset can happen. The purging will be by Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him and this is God’s plan.
I just finished a small book dealing with this purge. It is entitled, An End-times study: Prophesied events between 2023 and 2032 based on Islamic sources.
The softcopy is available at my newly setup website Mahadzir End-times Blog - Islamic Eschatology. But have attached it here. Please at least browse the content and visit my site for more details and a bigger picture.
Tony B said (September 11, 2021):
In honest government there exists NO REASON WHATSOEVER to have secretive organizations such as the CIA, NSA, FBI and dozens of others, every one of which is part of the criminal takeover of the government. Those organizations should not be reworked, they should be simply destroyed, with a constitutional amendment that THERE CAN NEVER AGAIN BE A SECRETIVE GOVERNMENT AGENCY. Proper government should be open to the whole world, there is no legitimate reason for it to ever be secretive. Not even in wartime as no proper government should ever be in any war other than national defense of the homeland.
Doug P said (September 11, 2021):
I believe that if currency was brought back under control of sovereign governments and the press was made free - ie censorship made illegal, porn and drugs were eliminated, society would fix itself - very very fast. Above all, it would be easy. There would be no need to lock anyone up. A basic minimum income would have to be implemented because there just would not be enough work if the military industrial complex was closed down. We would continue to learn a truth, parts of which even the most enthusiastic and well educated conspiracy theorist could not even imagine.
The turn around and recovery would be so great and so fast it would make our heads spin., Imagine nothing but good news for six months!. Forgiveness would have to be a big part of it all, the people in the cabal have been brainwashed into working against their own interests. Many are likely very damaged people themselves. We would learn how these people become corrupted.
Psychopaths would find their own ways to the prisons.
I have thought about what a society would look like. I think our culture would be based on sport, learning and creativity. By the time most people reached 50, they would have degrees in math, philosophy, physics, business AND others, and have a sport for which they are competent. Education and learning would be a huge part of culture and common people would make educated people of today look like morons, and they would be multi-disciplinary. The age of the tunnel-visioned specialist would be in our past.
John S said (March 31, 2021):
Thank you, Henry, for sharing an optimistic message. The doom and gloom becomes a little oppressive sometimes.
But no to reeducation camps. If we do that, then we're no better than them.
Call them universities then. That's what universities are today.
Doug P said (March 31, 2021):
Only point 1 would have to be implemented. Everything else would happen organically. Freemasons would be running back to their masters in Israel before they could be caught and Israel wouldn't want them. They would be hunted down like war criminals around the globe
Imran said (March 31, 2021):
Depends on the country. The Reset will exist in some form. Some nations will resist thanks to the Populist movement. Others will not. For America it does not bode well. Biden and Co. have set forth another stimulus package designed to bankrupt the nation further. This on top of a trillion+$stimulus.
I believe that if Christ is coming back in two decades time (based on the two thousand theory from the time of the Ascension from the Mount of Olives 2030-2033) then The Reset will morph into something else suitable for the prophecies to come to pass. However, this will be in the Mediterranean region. Nations like America and Canada might possibly avert it somehow.
Oh course, prophecy teachers only believe that The Reset will further bring the End Times kingdom mentioned by John and Daniel. Nothing might happen for a few centuries even. But this Reset is likely a big thing towards it.
God bless. And keep watch. This early decade might be the time for the Tribulation to come to pass.
Tony B said (March 30, 2021):
Love your ten points, all normal, natural, sane concepts once known by a major majority as ordinary common sense.
I have one problem with it however. Today, when I speak one of these simple truths to a young person - say under 40 - the response is, too often, a blank stare, proof that the listener cannot comprehend the most simple concept. The schools have been supremely effective the last 100 years at producing a population which, more so each generation, cannot think for itself, having been reduced to reacting "properly," (meaning "politically correct" which in turn means INCORRECT FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES) to "liberal"/satanic buzz words and phrases.
For this reason alone, the only effective turn around must involve a true and massive return to the truths of the Lord God, only bonafide basis of all right understanding, knowledge and wisdom.
Al Thompson said (March 30, 2021):
One of the best ways to overcome the government’s corruption is to refuse the immorality. All moral issues are settled with just some effort of discovering right from wrong; good from evil. Discovering these things requires right reason and common sense. Few of us were taught how to do it but when I stop long enough to think about my own actions, I always make better choices by abiding within the natural law or order the way the real God created it. I can keep myself separated from the “new world order†by working with what is already there: the natural law.
The nice part about the natural law is that if something is evil in one part of the world, it is also evil in another part. Morality is not dependent on location or type of government.
The perception of what is moral or not is going to be different from one group of people to another. However, the actual truth of the matter is always the same. If I don’t understand something, then I put it aside until I do. It’s upsetting to learn all this at a late age in my life. Better late than never.
David C said (March 30, 2021):
What's happening now is inevitable, and while not being a defeatist, I understand saving myself and others can only happen by the Gospel of Christ, not by fighting against the "powers that shouldn't be" physically. Using worldly strategy and tactics, which is futile at best, because this is a spiritual war. Exposing the evil is important, so I read websites like this to keep informed about how the world is morphing into what was predicted in Revelation, Daniel, and other biblical books, including Enoch. Enoch was removed from the biblical canon by the Jesuits, likely because they don't want us to know about the return of Christ (Son of man) happening during the "end times". These two discussions helped me understand the world better, and it might help others here. The first video is "Are secret societies real, and influencing global events today?". The second is: "Who is behind the New World Order". This is spiritual warfare - not physical, and there is only one way to be saved, or to save others, because this world isn't going to last much longer. The good news is we can all be saved spiritually!
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
James C said (January 12, 2025):
If I were healthy enough, I would make a list of the incredible correspondence between the biblical curses for apostasy and the current state of our nation. Now I never could do math, but I strongly suspect that the mathematical odds against such an incredible correspondence are infinite. However, two such curses are painfully obvious: being under the Money Power (Deut. 28:43-44); and being ruled over by those hate us (Lev. 26:17). IMO, we will never experience a "good reset" until the literal kingdom of God is established on earth. Your meme "The Good Reset" is an exact picture of the coming kingdom of God on earth.