Thomas Stone - Bitcoin Has Replaced Gold as Store of Value
January 4, 2025
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January 4, 2025
Don said (January 5, 2025):
People have forgotten that in 1933 FDR signed an executive order forbidding the hoarding of gold. This was punishable by 10 years in jail or $10,000 fine or both. Those were heavy and harsh punishments.
What happened to the gold isn't clear. I remember reading that Europe needed a stable currency after WW1 and the US had the most gold. FDR followed orders and signed EO 6102.
Today people can see many infomercials about gold being the only "safe" way to protect your money. This is BS and Bitcoin is even more risky. Both look like people are being setup for a future bail in for the banker elite.
I also see that TV has far more programs about wars than usual. I think we are being prepped for a major war.
A said (January 5, 2025):
Good article. You have to laugh at a truth movement now beholden to the price fluctuations of a Wall Street stock. The ‘B’ on its icon (get it?) might as well be the official emblem of false opposition. I suspect crypto currency is also a crypto UBI for the proles (i.e. one with built-in volatility to keep them razzle dazzled).
I don’t know why it’s all so complicated: exchange value depends on a social infrastructure, which is now mediated by technology e.g. the internet. The latter has no actual seat of control (despite the trope) although it should now definitely be viewed as politics by other means.
Bitcoin, if anything, has created a useful 'fork' in the truth movement: one half is now free of the 'neutrality of technology' spell cast by libertarians, and can begin again.
RV said (January 4, 2025):
The writer is correct that the west is losing interest in gold.
However the east is stock piling gold.
The proper name for BTC(Bitcoin )
is DVT Digital Virtual Token
An electronic imprint stored in a server.
My prediction is when the power goes out' then comes back on, watch out.
When Peter Schiff and Michael Saylor debate ,Peter makes more sense.
Someone knows you have intelligent listeners therefore they are trying to spook them.
CK said (January 4, 2025):
Bitcoin has no virtue.
It was created out of nothing by the people who spy for the Central Bank (NSA).
It consumes sinful amounts of electricity, as much as the entire country of Finland, to process a handful of transactions, compared to credit cards.
It's a Ponzi scheme from the start and a useful part of the money laundry.
Beware, there is an OFF switch. They put one inside everything. They can take it down in minutes at any time and its the ultimate control. Secured with publicly available encryption. Would the people in control ever let you have any real encryption? You'd be outside their Panopticon. Not allowed.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Robert said (January 5, 2025):
Just when I thought Biden couldn't get worse he does.
He awarded the Medal of Freedom to George Soros. A man who openly states his hatred for the US and a life's ambition to destroy the US!
I read your article about money value.
In the original articles of the US Constitution it states that only the US congress can make money and determine its value. Unfortunately congress can't do its job. They can't even keep us out of war, which is a basic duty of the US Congress.
In fact according to the original articles of the US Constitution banks, crypto currencies are counterfeiting. One of the few crimes described in the constitution.