Mike Stone - Globalists are Serious about Smart Cities
January 19, 2025

AI will be used to monitor every house, building,

I'd say we're already at the point where man has lost the ability to comprehend reality and have been for at least 100 years. If billions of dumbasses donning face diapers and injecting themselves with poison isn't evidence of that, then I don't know what is.

(Woven City)
The world is going to hell in a hand basket, but that doesn't mean you have to go to hell with it. You can still save yourself and your family.
Unfortunately, what I'm seeing is an entire nation of compliant sheep. Half of them are liberal retards who will go along with whatever their handlers in the media tell them to go along with. And the other half are delusional morons who call themselves "conservative." They, too, will go along with whatever their "conservative" media tells them to go along with.
Yes, it's great that those fake conservatives all voted for Trump, but now that Trump is back in office, they seem to think that the fight is over. They are all falsely assuming that they can now sit on their fat asses, watch television, stuff their face with pizza, and jerk off to pornography. In a few short years when they find themselves marched off to the nearest Smart City, they will blame their situation on "the Left."
It would be funny if it weren't so tragic. But that's the world we live in. This first year under Trump will probably be the best, so enjoy it while you can. When he's gone in four years and everything goes back to where it was in 2020, only worse, there will be hell to pay.
Mike Stone is the author of the new book REAL or FAKE: The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt https://shorturl.at/
First Comment from Anon
Thank you for your reports. I've studied the C-40 & Smart City thing for some years along with depopulation & environmentalism. I have a different take on it. Smart Cities are but stepping stones to our extermination. Range cattle must be corralled first before they can be slaughtered. What Smart Cities are is an orderly liquidation plan. They can't get rid of everyone & everything, like mfg. & industry all at once, so they downsize us in chunks. Here are some things I've written to others about this, a bit out of context, but then fill in the pieces.
Celeste Solum - She formerly was with FEMA, but became a whistleblower. Some of her finds are herewith. She has lots of videos & 20 yrs. of study on these matters. The bar coding she revealed as well as UN designation of humans as animals for eradication. I'd no idea every living thing on the planet was being coded. DNA kept too. They expect, or plan, an extinction event.
International Bar Code of Life
Environment & Depopulation - FYI, the Green New Deal of late 2018 bothered me greatly, so I began to study all the books I could find (to catch up) on this latest insanity. I quickly found the deep, dark link between these 2 issues. I'd no idea of the level of full extermination plans. I spent 18 mos. reading all I could. Here's some snippets. The nexus between the two began in 1968 with the Rockefeller's estab. of the Club of Rome. (Cf. 2nd text in attachment from this Club.) First, the max population was to be 1bn humans on earth as of 1977, then in 1980, the optimum was said to be 500m, per the Georgia Guidestones. Others have said down to 100m humans only. Since the LA fires are exposing their destruction/kill plans, we've a chance to reshape the thinking on the climate change cult hokum. Most people would be against being exterminated.
Dr. Eric Pianka, Univ. of TX talk, 2006 - This professor most blatantly exposes the plan to use viruses to depop. It's not clear who his intl. affiliation is with, but he was a Fulbright scholar.
"War and famine would not do. Instead, disease offered the most efficient and fastest way to kill the billions that must soon die if the population crisis is to be solved. AIDS is not an efficient killer because it is too slow. My favorite candidate for eliminating 90 percent of the world's population is airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), because it is both highly lethal and it kills in days, instead of years. "We've got airborne diseases with 90 percent mortality in humans. Killing humans. Think about that. "You know, the bird flu's good, too. For everyone who survives, he will have to bury nine." -Dr. Eric Pianka, Univ. TX, Austin, 2006. (This quote is for real. Cf. link herewith. Note: the audience applauded this professor. They all need to go first, show us the way.)
Humans are Animals, an Invasive Species, UN Group Promotes 'Stamping Out' of Humans by Same Methods as Diseased or Pest Species - Veterinary Methods to be Used - So, yeah, I found that they view humans as animals to be eradicated. This is from old videos by Solum.
How Humans Became the Ultimate Invasive Species
Terrestrial Animal Health Codes - World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) - Includes Humans
Stamping Out Manual - Procedures for Disease Eradication
NASA Bombshell: 2025 Set for Massive Depopulation to Usher in Matrix Simulation
13 Nations Sign on to WEF Treaty to Destroy & Rebuild Major Cities Before 2030
JD said (January 19, 2025):
M.Stone : "When he's gone in four years and everything goes back to where it was in 2020, only worse, there will be hell to pay."
I say :
"..We never get away no matter what we do or say,there's gonna be hell to pay"
My song "Hell 2 Pay":
Regards, onebornfree