The story that G.H.W. Bush was actually George Scherf Jr.
the son of Tesla's assistant
has been floating around the Internet for decades.
I reserve judgment. What do you think?
by Ken Adachi
In 1997, a Florida man who goes by the name of Eric Orion started dating the daughter of a tall, elderly retired home builder named "Ed" in Boyton Beach, Florida. Eric never got to talk much with Ed for the first two years he was dating his daughter, because Ed didn't seem to be too interested in talking to people, except for the occasional "How ya doing?" type of greeting.
All that changed in December of 1999 when "Ed" had three profound and highly revealing conversations with Eric while Eric's girlfriend and her mother were shopping, leaving Eric and Ed alone. "Ed" told Eric that his real name was Otto Skorzeny, Adolf Hitler's personal body guard. He said he was a World War II SS commando who had rescued Mussolini from captivity in a mountain top fortress in Italy and flew him directly to Hitler, who was waiting for Il Duce on the tarmac - with newsreel cameras rolling.
However, the Mussolini rescue was merely an introduction to the truly amazing revelations relayed to Eric during the 3 days of conversations. Otto also gave Eric a showbox filled with about 100 bombshell photos that spanned 60 years of history and proved beyond all doubt that the revelations confirmed by the faces looking back at him from those photos (some of which you'll see in the articles linked further below).
Below are two important interviews with Eric Orion. One with Greg Syzmansky on January 17th, 2006 and Don Nicoloff in December of 2007 in which Eric lays out the detail of what he was told by Skorzeny in December of 1999, just a few weeks before Skorzeny's reported death on Dec. 31, 1999.
Revelations of Otto Skorzeny, Part 1 ~ Eric Orion Interview with Greg Syzmanski Jan. 17, 2006
Revelations of Otto Skorzeny, Part 2 ~ Don Nicoloff Talks with Eric Orion, Dec. 3, 2007
Eric Orion acquired the following information from Otto Skorzeny in December of 1999:
1. George Herbert Walker Bush was born in Germany. His birth name was George H. Scherff Jr. His father, George Scherff Sr., was the (illegal alien) accountant and chief assistant to Nikola Tesla who worked for and with Tesla in his New York City lab on Houston St. since 1896.

Hitler sent Skorzeny,left, as chapperone and protector of 14 year old George Jr. to live with his biological father for a time, and steal inventions and secret information from Tesla's lab that was then sent back to Hitler. Tesla commented to a Jewish couple from Europe who came to visit him at the time, that his accountant's son was forever snooping about his lab and papers and called him "Curious George." The couple went on to publish a well known series of children's books about a mischievous monkey called "Curious George."
One of Skorzeny's black and white photos from ca/1937 or 1938, shows 14 year old George Jr. standing with Skorzeny and Prescott Bush in a back yard, likely of Prescott's home. A forged birth certificate was created and covertly filed at city hall stating that George Jr. was born in Massachusetts to Prescott and Dorothy Bush. Two years later, about 1940, 16 year old George joined the US Navy with forged documents that said he was 18 years old. George trained to become a Navy pilot of an Avenger Torpedo bomber and was witnessed by another Navy flier, on September 2, 1944, bailing out of his undamaged plane while returning to his squadron's carrier in the Pacific - resulting in the deaths of his gunner and radioman who went down with the plane. The purpose of ditching his plane may have been the recovery (by a Nazi submarine) of the then top secret bombing sight used on the Avenger bomber.
Skorzeny and Adolf HItler were flown out of the Berlin bunker into Austria by SS pilot Hanna Reitsch on April 22, 1945 in a small plane painted to look like a Red Cross emergency relief plane. A double, HItler's cousin, took his place for 1 week before he was killed on April 30, 1945 with a single bullet to the center of his forehead and then buried outside the bunker in a shallow grave.
Adolf Hitler died at the age of 114 years old in a Maryland hospital on Feb. 24, 2004. He spent the last 35 year os his life living in Glacier National Park, Montana. He was known as William Coates.
Bush and Skordezy were the dominant individuals (Dulles and Wild Bill Donovan acted as front men) who set up Operation Paperclip which effectively MERGED the United States OSS with 50,000 (FIFTY THOUSAND) Third Reich SS Nazis (given fake IDs) to form the CIA in 1947.
George Bush, Otto Skorzeny, Dr Josef Mengele and Reinhard Gehlen all participated in the JFK assassination on Nov. 22, 1963. George Bush was the "Badgeman" who fired a rifle at the JFK limo from the Grassy Knoll, and whose image and smoking rifle were caught on film by Mary Moorman's Polaroid camera.
George Bush was behind the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981 by mind contol victim, John Hinkley Jr., whose father and family were well known to the Bush family.
Otto Skorzeny, Josef Mengele, Martin Bormann, Reinhard Gehlen, Alois Brunner, and Walter Rauf, all top World War II SS Nazis, routinely got together for birthdays, weddings, anniversaires, summer parties and traditional holidays for the ENTIRE SECOND HALF of the 20th Century - in America (usually at Skorzeny's house) with the complete knowledge and protection of the U.S. government.
.Josef Mengele was the never-caught "Zodiac Killer" of San Francisco notoriety. Mengele was also the "Boston Strangler" (and not Albert DeSalvo, who was later murdered in prison). Mengele also sent out the "Anthrax Letters" to Washington, DC following the 2001 Israeli/CIA high-tech controlled demolition of the New York World Trade Centers.
(Don Nicoloff's monumental April 2007 expose of Nazi spy, murderer, and traitor, "George H.W. Bush Sr." (born George H Scherff, Jr. in Germany)
Deathbed Confessions~Photos Support Claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., Was the 41st U.S. President
Revelations of Otto Skorzeny, Part 1: Martin Bormann, Reichsleiter in Exile & American Retiree (July 6, 2007)
Revelations of Otto Skorzeny, Part 2 ~ The Family that Preys Together, Stays Together (Aug. 4, 2007)
Mystery 'Person' from a September 1, 1944 Wartime Photograph (May 20, 2007)
(Eirc Orion's website is TheBushConnection.com where you can order any of his books, pdfs or DVDs,)
LP said (January 17, 2025):
Scherf w one f.
(ff is someone tried to make it even more 'german')
George pres. 41 and father Prescott Bush look absolutely genetically like each other, (but not esp. the man on that photo, but others) Trust me, I'm a woman.
would 'mother Scherf' be wife of Prescott Bush and father to (curious) George H W ? I've seen this family photo many times but never had that explained. Grandmother? (= Hostess of gathering?)
I recall having read Prescott Bush was inserted (shoehorned) into an american birth record, many 'siblings'.
i read this very long article once http://loveforlife.com.au/content/10/03/01/nikola-tesla-deathbed-confessions-photos-support-claims-george-h-scherff-jr-was-41s w lots of what you post. And a reoccuring adress E ... Broadway, NY. (The article is not retrievable though 'love for life' is, Antony Cristian.)
I have read this about Hitlers organized escape (by Bormann)
Hitler in Argentina: The Documented Truth of Hitler's Escape from Berlin Paperback – 7 Mar. 2014
by Harry Cooper
(dug into by submarine buffs, 'sharkhunters' sharkhunters.com)
Interesting videos, thank you.