Jan 7 - Americans Pin Their Hopes on Blackmailed Mossad Agent
January 7, 2025

Trump reiterates: 'If the hostages aren't released by the time I take office, there will be hell'
Trump added: "I am Israel's best friend. I moved the embassy to Jerusalem--everything was good, including the Abraham Accords, and every major positive event in Israel recently was because of me."
Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com
ZOG - Zionist Occupation Government
It's absurd that the world must endure another bloodletting for Greater Israel.
How much worse can Trump's "hell" be than the one today?
Trump is a Jewish supremacist. Gaza is Trump's vision for the whole world.
Trump is a Blackmailed Mossad Agent
Report: Military Action Against Iran Will Be a 'Real Possibility' Under Trump
According to Axios, Israeli officials believe Trump may back an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities or order a US strike
SATAN IS BORN. Christopher Jon Bjerknes.
"He states that satan is about to be born in about 2 weeks in the form of Donald J. Trump being inaugurated. He will be crowned and assume the throne of hell, the earth, as the antichrist, and Elon Musk is the anti-(John the) Baptist who awakens the world to the arrival the AC. He believes we are going through the same cycle as we did 2000 years ago and quotes a lot of the O,T. Scripture as the "script" they are using to bring about the Jewish Messiah and the destruction of most of humanity. Putin, Trump and Netanyahu are the three main actors."
Elon Musk changes his name to Kekius Maximus on X
NOTE:" Kek (also spelled as Kuk or Keku) is the ancient Egyptian deity of night and darkness. As a concept, Kek was viewed as having male and female qualities."
He also called himself "dark MAGA" and wore a black MAGA hat.
Jim Stone thinks Elon has had his chain yanked
Thomas Stone-- Rising Interest rates are the next prepackaged global catastrophe
"The bottom line, while the owners of the Federal Reserve are working feverishly to consolidate all of the global wealth and power, they are using their central banks to establish the process to set the world up for a global catastrophic war.
I've been telling my reader's all along; the next manufactured catastrophe won't be from a new and novel bio weapon. It won't be from open borders. It won't be because of a presidential assassination. It won't be from civil unrest. That is so last year.
The next catastrophe will be caused by a slow grinding process, which will be the ramifications of the unrelenting escalating sovereign debt bond yields around the world. That will be the cause of the next pre-packaged manufactured catastrophe...
Imagine the untold misery and heartache that will come in the wake of a regime of rising sovereign bond yields... I can't think of a more demoralizing outcome. It will be brutal for so many people. It will make covid look like a picnic."
rh said (January 7, 2025):
I think the next catastrophe is here already. As I grow older and see what is happening in the economy, it looks like generational warfare…since WW2, the preceding generations sell everything to the younger generations at inflated prices. Housing is the easiest example to observe this economic policy.
On top of that, wages are pitifully behind in buying power. Immigration (legal or otherwise) ensures low wages for the elite owners of manufacturing and retail. The young can not afford children.
Our government taxes the working class into perpetual poverty and has to borrow even after that. I do not believe the rich pay a net tax so they do not care. This is a slow creep toward communism IMHO.
The rich think there are too many people populating the earth; I am thinking there are too many rich people ruling us.