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Jan 29 - Trump's False Claims to be a Christian

January 29, 2025


(Left, Rebbe Menahem Schneerson. Trump is an imposter. He belongs to Chabad, a racist Jewish supremacist doomsday cult) 

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I am grateful that Trump has overthrown the oppressive Communist woke agenda. Americans are jubilant that sanity is returning. Nevertheless, they should be mindful of who Trump really is.

Trump is an imposter, a liar and conman whose mission is to prepare the goyim for another culling. 

Throughout history, Sabbatean Frankist (Satanist) Jews have pretended to be Christians in order to take control of Christian civilization and destroy it. These are called crypto Jews. Trump, Putin and Netanyahu are crypto Jews and members of Chabad who advocate genocide of Christians.

Here DJT claims he is a Christian, and will defend Christianity!

Here is proof he is a Kabbalist  (at 6 min, he talks about studying Cabala, i.e. Jewish supremacism, racism, satanism) 

Trump launches anti-Semitism crackdown as he orders deportation of pro-Hamas students who terrorized campuses
Order comes as Trump invites Israeli Prime Minister to White House 

President Donald Trump will launch an anti-Semitism crackdown on Wednesday when he signs an executive order instructing federal agencies to find ways to deport anti-Jewish activists who violated laws, including students on college campuses. The executive order will allow the deportation of resident aliens -- including students with visas -- who broke laws as part of anti-Israel protests following the October 7th  attacks in Israel, confirmed.

Don't be fooled. Despite his defence of "Free Speech" there will be a crackdown on opposition to Israeli genocide.  


 Jewish Groups Oppose Trump's Plan for Deporting Illegals, Back Deporting Anti-Israel Protesters
 President Trump Tells Jordan and Egypt to Take in Palestinian Refugees

 "I said to him, 'I'd love you take on more,' because I'm looking at the whole Gaza Strip right now and it's a mess. It's a real mess," Trump said of his conversation with the Jordanian leader.
  "You're talking about a million and half people, and we just clean out that whole thing," Trump said. "It's literally a demolition site. Almost everything is demolished and people are dying there, so I'd rather get involved with some of the Arab nations and build housing at a different location where they can maybe live in peace for a change."
Alex Jones discovers Ozempic? 

 Biden and Trump Administrations Commit Combined Billions to mRNA Vaccine Technologies
The Biden and Trump administrations in the last week threw money and political weight behind mRNA vaccine development, sparking backlash from critics...

The Biden administration on Jan. 19 awarded $590 million to Moderna to develop mRNA flu vaccines with "pandemic potential." On Jan. 21, his second day in office, President Donald Trump announced support for Big Tech's $500 billion Stargate Initiative, focused in part on mRNA-based health solutions.

Tony Hall---America's Trump and Argentina's Milei Embrace Judaism as They Slam the World Economic Forum (WEF)
Where Does Anti-Zionism Fit in the Context of Anti-Communism and Anti-Fascism?

Prof Tony Hall and most people don't realize Trump is a crypto Jew

"It is telling that both these men who have come to power from the conservative end of the political spectrum, have flirted with converting to a particularly branch of Judaism associated with Chabad-Lubavitch. This Jewish group, Chabad-Lubavitch, has acquired great influence in Russia and well as the United States. Chabad-Lubavitch is rooted in the interpretations of the late Rabbi, Manachem Mendel Scheerson. Is there any significant larger pattern showing up in the shared preoccupation of Milei and Trump with trying to become Jewish themselves?


trump-schneerson-grave (12).jpg
Trump commemorates Netanyahu's false flag at Schneerson's grave Oct 7,2024  

Adam Green- Anti Christian Germany

Israel's Knesset passed a law criminalizing doubts about the official narrative of the October 7th Hamas attack, with penalties of up to five years in prison.

If the truth about October 7th and the government's handling of the attack ever comes to light, it could spell the end of Netanyahu's political career--and potentially his freedom. For now, the new law ensures that such revelations remain buried, at least within Israel's borders.

Carolyn Kennedy calls RFK Jr a "predator"

(Putin with his handler, Berel Lazar, Chabad Chief Rabbi of Russia)

Reader-"NOW Thats What I Call Rabbi Clips! Greatest Hits Vol. IV

Ho, ho, ho.....They should have kept their lunacy secret in the synagogues.
But their "sages" told them that just before Moschiach comes, they must reveal everything.  EZEKIEL 14:9


Toronto declares food insecurity emergency, with more than 10% relying on food banks

One in four of those who frequent food banks are children under the age of 18. Toronto joins Kingston, ON, which earlier in January announced the same emergency, and Mississauga, ON, which declared a food insecurity emergency in November. 


Elon Musk states it perfectly on Joe Rogan Experience regarding bioweapons research: "Gain-of-Function is a propaganda word for Death Maximization"

The Way of The Superior Man AUDIOBOOK FULL by David Deida

The Ultimate Spiritual Guide for Men. What is your true purpose in life? What do women really want? What makes a good lover? If you're a man reading this, you've undoubtedly asked yourself these questions - but you may not have had much luck answering them. Until now. 

Female reader- "This book should be handed out to every young man the day they turn 18 and should be read multiple times a year. This work and information like this saves lives.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Jan 29 - Trump's False Claims to be a Christian "

JC said (January 30, 2025):

Adam, the first man, was pussywhipped by Eve; he followed Eve's example of disobedience even though he was not deceived (1 Timothy 2:14). The question is why.

Likewise, I thought that the comedian Tim Hawkins made an absolutely brilliant and insightful observation in one of his YouTube videos. In referring to Satan's attack on Job, Hawkins says that Satan, in his attempt to bring as much misery on Job as possible, and that is the key point, murdered all of Job's family members, kill his livestock and servants, and took away his health, yet refrained from murdering Job's foolish wife. And for good reason; she later told Job to "curse God and die" (Job 2:9). Not being pussywhipped, Job refused to do so.

IMO, I think that our primary problem is that, as a nation, we are pussywhipped: "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them" (Isa. 3:12). We are a youth worshiping and pussywhipped nation. Satan has always used sex against God's people (Rev. 2:14, 20).

JC said (January 30, 2025):

Adam, the first man, was pussywhipped by Eve; he followed Eve's example of disobedience even though he was not deceived (1 Timothy 2:14). The question is why.

Likewise, I thought that the comedian Tim Hawkins made an absolutely brilliant and insightful observation in one of his YouTube videos. In referring to Satan's attack on Job, Hawkins says that Satan, in his attempt to bring as much misery on Job as possible, and that is the key point, murdered all of Job's family members, kill his livestock and servants, and took away his health, yet refrained from murdering Job's foolish wife. And for good reason; she later told Job to "curse God and die" (Job 2:9). Not being pussywhipped, Job refused to do so.

IMO, I think that our primary problem is that, as a nation, we are pussywhipped: "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them" (Isa. 3:12). We are a youth worshiping and pussywhipped nation. Satan has always used sex against God's people (Rev. 2:14, 20).

RH said (January 29, 2025):

Reader-"NOW Thats What I Call Rabbi Clips! Greatest Hits Vol. IV


I can say with confidence that most Americans have no idea of the content of this video and have been led to believe it's strictly the Muslims who are the enemy.

We wouldn't know the bad guys even if we had a scorecard.

rh said (January 29, 2025):

Reader-"NOW Thats What I Call Rabbi Clips! Greatest Hits Vol. IV


I can say with confidence that most Americans have no idea of the content of this video and have been led to believe it's strictly the Muslims who are the enemy.

We wouldn't know the bad guys even if we had a scorecard.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at