Trump Revealed Business Philosophy in 2007 Book
December 13, 2024
" * I love to crush the other side and take the benefits. Why? Because there is nothing greater. For me it is even better than sex, and I love sex."
In 2007, New York real estate developer Donald Trump
wrote a book called 'Trump. Think Big and Kick Ass'.
Today he's President of the United States of America Donald Trump.
And the line of people with sore asses includes Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the entire Democratic Party, the Republican Party establishment, and pretty much most of the news media. They should have read his book.
We did.
To help you understand Donald Trump past, present and future, we've culled thirty-three Trump tips to attain the top:
* In a great deal you win---not the other side. You crush your opponent and come away with something better for yourself. In negotiations I go for the complete win.
* I have learned that it is important to focus on the solution, not the problem. If you put all your energy into the problem, how much passion do you have left for finding a solution?
* ...learning from someone else's mistakes is faster and easier than making them yourself.
* ...if you want to be successful in business and in life, never, ever give up. Never quit. You can never be successful if you give up.
* Handle pressure by learning not to dwell on negative thoughts and opinions of others.
* You will have your biggest successes when you go against the tide.
* Andy Grove, the former CEO of Intel, once said,"Dive deep into the data, then trust your gut." I think this best describes my approach to decision making.
* ...go with your gut, but do not bet the ranch on it...Get all the facts, because there is a reason why everyone else is going the other way.
* Acting uncertain often makes my opponents push their arguments for the deal more strongly, playing right into my hands. It also gives me time to sit back and come up with creative options that help me close a better deal than I could if I just plunged right in. I could negotiate peace in the Middle East---very few other people could.
* When luck is on your side it is not the time to be modest or timid. It is the time to go for the biggest success you can possible achieve. This is the true meaning of thinking big.
* Every time a negative thought comes to you, zap it. Replace it with a positive thought...the result will be stamina, positive stamina, a necessary ingredient for success.
* Positive thinking is not merely wishful thinking. It is all about incorporating a sense of optimism into everything you do while also acknowledging the negative...Learn how to be optimistic even in the face of large and intimidating challenges and it will revolutionize your life.
* Do not give in to anger...Sure, you have to be tough, but out-of-control anger is not toughness, it is weakness.
* You cannot expect to be successful 100 percent of the time...There are always circumstances beyond your control. The only way to guard against having your confidence shattered is to come to grips with the stark reality that negative things can and do happen...Do not let it shake your self-confidence one iota.
* When somebody takes a cheap shot at you do not be afraid to fire back...Go for the jugular. Attack them back in spades.
* Always get even. When somebody screws you, screw them back in spades... This is not your typical advice...but this is real-life advice. If you don't get even, you are just a schmuck! I really mean it, too.
* When you are wronged, go after those people because it is a good feeling and because other people wil see you doing it...When other people see that you don't take crap and see you are really going after somebody for wronging you, they will respect you.
* You should never sell out your friends.
* ...nobody is more dishonest than the press.
* I could give you the names of ten to twenty of the greatest deal-makers in the world who live in this country. These great negotiators could go up against China or Iran and work out a fabulous deal for the United States.
* I try to hire people who are honest and loyal...I value loyalty above everything else---more than brains, more than drive, and more than energy.
* Always keep fighting! You never know when there is another chance or another great opportunity waiting right around the corner...My motto is: "never give up!"
* have to maintain your focus and keep building your momentum at all times. Your problems can be temporary if you keep you momentum moving forward.
* Do not be afraid of mistakes and setbacks, because they are your best teachers.
* I pride mystelf on being obstinate, stubborn and tough. I think those are important qualities found in successful people.
* Worry destroys focus... He or she who focuses the longest wins.
* Do not look for approval from others. This is a sure sign of weakness.
* Doubt saps your will to succeed and signals to everyone involved that you are going to fail.
* A failure or setback is not a defeat... You are defeated only when you accept defeat and assume the hopeless mind-set of a defeated person...Never let a setback defeat you emotionally to the point that you draw negative self-deprecating conclusions like, "I'll never make it. I'm a loser. I might as well give up. All my critics were right."
* Do not spend too much time planning or trying to anticipate and solve problems before they happen...Until you start, you won't know where the problems will occur. You won't have the experience to solve them. Instead, get into action, and solve the problems as they arise.
* Give your goals values that are not monetary.
* Take great joy in doing a great job. "