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Our Sex Drive is Our Stupidest Instinct

December 25, 2024

Men want to have intercourse with every attractive woman they see. They're obsessed with planting the seed 
but care little about what happens when the seed becomes a human being. 
Nature is wise. If men did consider the consequences, they would never have sex.

Revised from June 29, 2017, and Jan 19, 2019
by Henry Makow Ph.D. 

Considering that our most powerful instinct is also our stupidest, the Illuminati promoted sex addiction to conquer us. 

Sexual attraction is all about procreation. Men are attracted to nice breasts because they feed babies. But a baby is usually the last thing on their minds. 

Women on the other hand are looking for a place to hatch their maggots. (For many women, men are just a meal ticket.) 

It's a good thing women are like this. We are the maggots. 
The act of procreation is sacred. We are simulating the Act of Creation even if we practice contraception. 

We are surrogates of God. Ideally, a man plants his seed and regards the child as his natural extension. He sustains both mother and child and prepares the child to take his place in the world. This sacrifice makes him a man.

Sexual intercourse is the most intimate physical act. It is degrading and dehumanizing if it is not an expression of love and affection. 

Sexual intercourse is an act of possession. If a man takes possession of a woman and then tosses her away like a Kleenex, the psychological effect on the woman is devastating.  

Yet most men (and women) are more than willing to let the Illuminati degrade this sacred act to the level of titillation. 


There were 50 million abortions in the US  since 1970. Twenty million worldwide this year alone. 

But do these possibilities even enter a man's mind? 

No. Seed planted. Job over. Goodbye. Talk about stupid. 

What could be dumber than using another human being for selfish sensual gratification when a towel would do?



Under the Christian dispensation, the culture recognized that sexual attraction is really about procreation. Men generally are not attracted to women who are not fertile.  The culture sensibly linked sex to procreation by insisting on marriage. If a man wanted the milk, he had to buy the cow. This way, if sex had its intended consequence, there would be a structure to care for it. 

"Love and marriage...go together like a horse and carriage" was a popular song at the time.

Sex was a sacrament, the symbol of a sacred bond between man and woman. Men and women "made love." They expressed their feelings by giving pleasure. It wasn't masturbation with a stranger. 

Thinking of sex in these terms meant other women become off-limits. Men could overcome their sex addiction and focus on more fulfilling things. When a couple establishes a spiritual bond, it doesn't matter that sex appeal fades over time.

But upon entering the Satanist (Masonic) dispensation, things have gone off the rails. The act of procreation was transformed from a sacrament of marriage into sensual indulgence, a carnival ride. Sex has become a lifelong sexual addiction, an end in itself, and the more the better. 


Hence, the stupidity of mindless sexual attraction is on full display.  

Let me count the ways.

1. Love is blind. By love, I mean lust.  We are sexually attracted to people who otherwise we often cannot stand. Because sex has been detached from marriage and procreation, we do not consider a woman's personality and fitness as a wife and mother.  
These considerations go out the window: character, personality, intelligence, skills, and talent. Men are not looking for a wife, but for momentary diversion and release. 

(At sea for weeks at a time, mostly male Canadian navy crews are encouraged to embrace sodomy.) 

2. The Illuminati use sexual attraction to create chaos and control us. They prefer that we obsess about sex rather than on their credit monopoly and permanent wars.  Heterosexual society is the victim of a massive behavior modification program. We are taught to behave like homosexuals who generally indulge in sex for its own sake in their thankless quest for a facsimile of intimacy. Homosexuals generally don't bond and don't want to marry. 

Homosexuality is caused by gender confusion due to an overbearing mother, absent father or same-sex molestation. The Illuminati are reengineering healthy heterosexuals to question our gender identity and behave like homosexuals.

Normalizing pedophilia is next. They are sexualizing children in public schools. After that, incest and bestiality. There is no depravity our Satanist masters won't indulge because they indulge in them all. Necrophilia for example. Some people are in love with inanimate objects. 

3. "Free love" is disastrous for women who get nothing in exchange. How is giving away their most important asset empowering?  After 35, their sex appeal is in steep decline. Women want the lifelong love and dedication of one man, their husband. They need to marry when they are young and attractive. For their own sake, they need to reserve sex for courtship, love, and marriage. 

4.  Men and women seem incapable of governing sexual attraction. It wasn't until I arrived at a ripe old age that I was able to appreciate that appearance (sex attraction) bears no relationship to character, personality, and intelligence. Women especially have been objectified. Hollywood has put them on a pedestal. But women are very complex creations, not sperm receptacles.  

5. Dare we admit it? This thing we are conditioned to obsess about, anonymous sex, is not that great. Sex without love is a sad exercise. They've convinced us we want sex when we're really looking for much more.

6. Women were able to convince men to shoulder the burden of fatherhood by loving them. Love is a woman's stock in trade. But feminism (Communism) has convinced them that men who protected and provided their families for centuries were oppressing them. Being a homemaker was oppression. Women can't love men and must rely on sex to attract them.


Joseph Daniel (J.D.) Unwin was an Oxford University social anthropologist whose research on 80 primitive tribes and six civilizations demonstrated that societies that practised heterosexual monogamy were far more successful. Let's face it. Society needs to replace itself and
nature has deemed that the heterosexual family is the most effective way to do this. 

(Only two genders. Nuclear family. Good for nature but not for Satanists who overrule God and nature)

Satanists know this. That's why they promote "sexual liberation" (promiscuity, porn) and gender confusion. 

We need to re-establish the bond between sex and marriage/procreation.  The sexual attraction is a primitive program geared to procreation. By harnessing the sex drive to marriage and family, Christian Western culture has humanized it. This is for the benefit of men, women, children, and society as a whole. For our own sake, we need to return to our cultural roots. 

Makow- How Society Became a Sex Cult 
----------Sexual Depravity is the Hallmark of Satanic Possession
--------   Gay Marriage is About Incremental Totalitarianism 

--------- Personhood Law would have made Sex Act of Procreation Again (It was Defeated)

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Our Sex Drive is Our Stupidest Instinct"

James said (August 10, 2023):

Sex would have been perfect if we had been given a way to "turn off" the sex drive. Origen castrated himself, but that seems a little excessive.

The heart has a mind of its own, but so do the endocrines. IMO, the vast majority of people should never reproduce. Primarily because they're idiots.

I wish to God that my parents had never reproduced. IMO, humanity should have stayed on the land, kept its numbers small, and cared for the soil as though our lives depended on it. Because they do. Unfortunately, humanity has chosen to do the exact opposite and is now paying the price.

RH said (August 9, 2023):

I like this statement. Without marriage, there is that sex drive and the energy to fulfill that sex drive can be distracting, expensive and time wasting.

When we marry, we at least believe we have found someone who accepts us for who we are. We are more at peace, then.

I would think this is true for both sexes.

So, instead of pursuing new sex partners, marriage allows one to focus on business, career, home building, raising children, and community activities that build a bigger life.

One may even learn that sex is not the only thing, but just one thing of many things in our lives.

Maybe it brings us maturity.

Keep up the great work.

Charlie said (January 16, 2019):

Glad to be back visiting your wonderful website..what a breath of fresh air! Just wanted to offer you a word of encouragement--your latest piece on "Sexual Attraction is our Stupidest Instinct" is outstanding, completely agree. However, I would say that "lust" is our stupidest instinct, not sexual attraction itself. Uncontrolled lust.

I believe our "sexual attraction" to the opposite sex is by design. It gets us going with the end game being love and marriage and children, a little "chemistry" can help in the beginning, middle and end of one's monogamous journey. Sometimes I wonder how common chemistry really is. "Hooking up" seems so unromantic and unscientific to boot!

When I was in my early 20s, I'm 53 now, "Is there any chemistry" was what my mom would say after dates. I remember one very embarrassing time when she actually said to my friend and me, "Well I guess there isn't any chemistry here." It was true. There wasn't any "chemistry" but we had a nice friendship and it was nice.

Anyway, I love this topic Henry--been married 21 years now and we have a 21-year-old daughter.
I look forward to catching up on your ideas..I'm printing your articles off and reading them one by one

Christine said (January 15, 2019):

Seems those who choose to engage in careless, callous sex don’t realize they have simply reduced themselves to an orgasm.

Al Thompson said (January 15, 2019):

As I look back, I never got anything good out of fornicating. There's always a payback with a bad result. I wrote an article about sex before marriage and all of the results do not work out. In fact, anything that does not have good moral standards is going to be a disaster. If it ever is going to be fixed, there should be more of an emphasis in teaching basic morality to the children at an early age.

Jeremy C said (June 30, 2017):

Great article Henry. A whole lot of people do not realize that there is a very dark side of the studies and research into human psychology. Understanding human sexual desire and motivations and biological responses is a key towards learning how to manipulate and control the masses.

Kinsey and other dark scientists have conducted research and experiments involving just about every sexual act or stimulation possible. There has also been research into fetish and submission/domination, rape, sexualizing violence as they have worked very diligently to map out the human brain and biology in response to every kind of stimuli.

They have realized that we human beings can be conditioned towards sexual attraction to things that are very bad for us. They have realized that a permissive atmosphere and encouragement towards perceived sexual pleasure will influence the sexual behaviour in a vulnerable part of the population.

Grooming young people to be vulnerable and more easily manipulated by sex is accomplished by weakening the loving bond between the child and their parents. This is done by the public school system removing kids from their parents for approximately half of the waking hours of the year and television and media programming and sexualizing and conditioning a Pavlovian response to different sexual stimuli. The kids that are really vulnerable are the children of divorce and separated homes. Likewise, even fully grown adults are far more vulnerable to toxic sexual impulses post divorce. Divorce is traumatic and has an effect on a community that witnesses divorce. It strongly attacks the marriage bond and causes people to lose faith in monogamy.

Addiction is a sign of a starving person seeking pleasure in something toxic. One addiction often leads to others and so if you can be conditioned to become a shopaholic and buy things to try to give yourself pleasure (as advertising does) then this addiction can be associated with sexual pleasure in advertising and also conditions people to grow their sexual desires too. Leading people to become addicted to forbidden and dirty sex (like adultery) is done incrementally throughout their lives and it seems to have a cumulative effect to the point where it destroys marriages and family relationships.
The illuminati know this and they are confident and doubling down hard that the powerful toxic drives they have created will salt the earth and keep humanity under their thumb like a crack dealer keeps his crack addicted customers in line because he has a well tested lever that he can pull anytime the crack addict thinks about dealing with their addiction.

Currently they are turning kids into Satanic ritual sex addicts involving homosexuality, orgies, and pretty much any kind of depravity. If it feels "bad" do it. Niceness, softness, sweetness are inverted to be seen as boring and plain and not stimulating. Pornography is programming and it exposes and conditions the viewer to desire the kinds of things the illuminati want to lead us towards to destroy love and hurt our Father in Heaven as he watches His children being led to destructive depravity by the Devil.

Articles like this one are very important because it wakes people up and they can realize that they are addicted and conditioned.

Bruce said (June 30, 2017):

Z states below the New Testament is silent on polygamy. On the basis of what? Who made the christian scriptures silent? Early Christians were polygamous? When, where, why?

Here are a few scriptures from the NT on what it has to say about monogamy:

1 Timothy 3:2-12: A bishop must be then blameless, THE HUSBAND OF ONE WIFE, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach.

Matthew 19:4-6:
And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, 5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? 6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Notice Jesus said a man shall cleave to his wife (singular, not plural). God took two people and united them together as one in an exclusive relationship. Commitment within marriage, like commitment to God, is exclusive. God cannot have a rival for his love. he requires all of our heart to be for Him alone. Marriage is designed to reflect the exclusive relationship between God and his people and polygamy cannot reflect that.

A man is mothered by is wife? That may be in some instances, but I'm not mothered by my wife nor was my father. Plus I never sought my mother's appraisals. And the picture of a women adjusting her husband's tie? What's that prove? Nothing.

In conclusion, your article is spot on regarding need for a monogamous relationship.

Tony B said (June 29, 2017):

This one more example of all the hassle concerning sex as our means of reproduction has a funny side when considering the RELIGION of the THEORY of evolution which makes the ridiculous claim that everything gets better as it "evolves."

When it comes to reproduction, what could be better than dividing cells, creating two out of one? Seems to be the perfect, seamless, simple, painless, emotionless, no problem method - highly superior to sex.

But its restricted to the lowest forms of life. Gee, how could God be so dumb?

Z said (June 29, 2017):

Monogamy is in fact the root of all evil and the reason number one why we’ve been living in this highly feminized civilization.

Monogamy was created in order to motivate more men to become wage slaves and be able "to support a family".
It's a conspiracy in its own way.

Women hate it when the man is exclusively devoted to them. They instinctively start to question his sexual worth. Because they know deep inside that a man can love more than one woman but it does not work in reverse.

Early Christians were polygamous. The New Testament is largely silent on the issue.

The polygamous instinct is not stupid - monogamy is stupid. When a man is with one woman only he gets “mothered” by her sooner or later. As he is usually addicted to his mother’s appraisals and he needs another woman to replace his mother.
This can not happen in a polygamous marriage as the Mother is just one.

Robert K said (June 29, 2017):

Every time you write about sex and love you seem to take your readers a step farther in the direction of sanity. It's a delight to follow, and benefit from, the evolution of your thinking in this area, which probably has more potential to upset the globalist's apple cart than any other ideas out there. This is because sanity gets a mighty grip on people once they figure it out and personal ethics are a hard obstacle to overcome.

In Czarist Russia people, including serfs, were consistently referred to as "souls"--a potent reminder that, contrary to the communists' contention that there is nothing in the universe more significant than molecules in motion, humanity has a precious spiritual essence.

Unfortunately, the Czarist regime, like others, was unable to successfully resist the power of international finance with its assumptions that men are just "fodder" for wage slavery, war and lustful indulgence. The top bankers must live in mortal fear that a higher vision of human purpose might once more take hold among the masses.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at